8 research outputs found

    Emerging Insights into Keratin 16 Expression during Metastatic Progression of Breast Cancer.

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    Keratins are the main identification markers of circulating tumor cells (CTCs); however, whether their deregulation is associated with the metastatic process is largely unknown. Previously we have shown by in silico analysis that keratin 16 (KRT16) mRNA upregulation might be associated with more aggressive cancer. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the biological role and the clinical relevance of K16 in metastatic breast cancer. By performing RT-qPCR, western blot, and immunocytochemistry, we investigated the expression patterns of K16 in metastatic breast cancer cell lines and evaluated the clinical relevance of K16 expression in CTCs of 20 metastatic breast cancer patients. High K16 protein expression was associated with an intermediate mesenchymal phenotype. Functional studies showed that K16 has a regulatory effect on EMT and overexpression of K16 significantly enhanced cell motility (p < 0.001). In metastatic breast cancer patients, 64.7% of the detected CTCs expressed K16, which was associated with shorter relapse-free survival (p = 0.0042). Our findings imply that K16 is a metastasis-associated protein that promotes EMT and acts as a positive regulator of cellular motility. Furthermore, determining K16 status in CTCs provides prognostic information that helps to identify patients whose tumors are more prone to metastasize

    Tipología del productor de aguacate en el Estado de México

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    The State of Mexico is the third largest avocado producer nationwide, and has a planted area of 3611 hectares in 21 municipalities, representing a production of more than 23 000 tonnes per year, an amount that was reached in 2013, and generated about 281 million pesos. The objective of this research was to determine the typology of avocado producers and was performed based on producers of two municipalities Temascaltepec and Coatepec de Harinas, in the State of Mexico in 2010. A simple random sampling method was used and applied a questionnaire with closed and open questions to 50 producers selected from ejidos and small property. In Temascaltepec average yields of 24.9 t ha-1 were obtained. For Coatepec de Harinas, the average yield was 28.56 t ha-1. When compared with state and national average, was observed that the amounts duplicate, since state yield is 13.01 t ha-1 and 13.39 t ha-1nationally. Producers count with irrigation and technical assistance in a high percentage (32.2%) compared to nationwide , which was 0.95%; despite the high yields, producers mentioned, problems with the technology as it presents a delay, especially in pruning, fertilization, irrigation, harvest schedule, plus the lack of pest control. In terms of profit, benefit-cost ratio for 2010 indicates that 0.38 units of profit are earned for each product unit sold. One problem facing avocado producers is the fall of real prices from 1980 to 2010; these decreased at an average annual rate of -1.24%, which implies a loss in profitability of producers.El Estado de México es el tercer productor de aguacate a nivel nacional, y cuenta con una superficie plantada de 3 611 hectáreas en 21 municipios, lo que representa una producción de más de 23 000 toneladas anuales, cifra que se alcanzó en 2013, y que generó cerca de 281 millones de pesos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la tipología de los productores de aguacate, se realizó con base en los productores de dos municipios Temascaltepec, y Coatepec de Harinas, en el Estado de México en 2010. Se utilizó el método de muestreo simple aleatorio y se aplicó un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas y abiertas a los 50 productores seleccionados, tanto ejidales, como de pequeña propiedad. En Temascaltepec se obtuvieron rendimientos promedio de 24.9 t ha-1. En el caso de Coatepec de Harinas, el rendimiento promedio fue de 28.56 t ha-1. Al compararlo con el promedio estatal y nacional, se observa que estás cifras se duplican, ya que el rendimiento estatal es de 13.01 t ha-1 y a nivel nacional 13.39 t ha-1. Los productores cuentan con riego y asistencia técnica en un alto porcentaje (32.2%) en relación al total nacional, que fue de 0.95%; a pesar de los altos rendimientos, los productores manifestaron, problemas en la tecnología empleada, ya que presenta un atraso sobre todo en poda, fertilización, riego, programación de cosecha, además de la falta de control de plagas. Por el lado de la ganancia, la razón beneficio-costo para 2010 indica que se obtienen 0.38 unidades de ganancia por cada unidad vendida de producto. Un problema que enfrentan los productores de aguacate es la caída de los precios reales, entre 1980 a 2010, éstos decrecieron a una tasa media anual de -1.24%, lo que conlleva a pérdida en la rentabilidad de los productores

    Spray-drying of passion fruit juice using lactose-maltodextrin blends as the support material

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    The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the blends with different levels of lactose-maltodextrin (8:5, 10:5, and 12:5 % w/v) during the spray-drying of the passion fruit juice. The drying was carried out in a laboratory spray dryer (Pulvis GB 22 model) at two inlet air temperatures (180 and 190 ºC), and two air pressures (0.10 and 0.20 MPa). The moisture content, hygroscopicity and vitamin C retention were evaluated in the powder obtained. Response surface plots (p<0.05) showed that the lowest values of the moisture content and hygroscopicity were reached in the temperature range of 188-190 ºC and at 12:5 % (w/v) concentration of lactose-maltodextrin; the best vitamin C retention level occurred at 180 ºC and 0.2 MPa.<br>O objectivo deste estudo foi a avaliação da efectividade das misturas en diferentes níveis de lactose-maltodextrina (8:5, 10:5, 12:5 % w/v) durante a pulverização do sumo de maracujá. A secagem foi feita em um atomizador de laboratório de pulverização (modelo Pulvis GB 22) com 2 entradas de temperatura de ar (180 e 190 ºC), e 2 compressores de pressão de ar (0.10 e 0.20 MPa). O índice da mistura, higroscopicidade e retenção de vitamina C foram avaliados no pó obtido. As curvas de superfície de resposta (p<0.05) mostram que os valores mais baixos do índice da mistura e higroscopicidade foram alcançados no intervalo de temperatura de 188-190 ºC e com uma concentração de 12:5 % w/v de lactosemaltodextrina; o melhor nível de retenção de vitamina C ocorreu a 180 ºC e 0.2 MPa

    Building the local food movement in Chiapas, Mexico: rationales, benefits, and limitations

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    Alternative food networks (AFNs) have become a common response to the socioecological injustices generated by the industrialized food system. Using a political ecology framework, this paper evaluates the emergence of an AFN in Chiapas, Mexico. While the Mexican context presents a particular set of challenges, the case study also reveals the strength the alternative food movement derives from a diverse network of actors committed to building a “community economy” that reasserts the multifunctional values of organic agriculture and local commodity chains. Nonetheless, just as the AFN functions as an important livelihood strategy for otherwise disenfranchised producers it simultaneously encounters similar limitations as those observed in other market-driven approaches to sustainable food governance.Tinker Foundation; SBSRI Pre-Doc Graduate Research Grant Program; AAG Latin America Specialty Group; Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Summer Fellowship12 month embargo; Published online 18 May 2016.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]