3 research outputs found

    Primordial fluctuations and cosmological inflation after WMAP 1.0

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    The observational constraints on the primordial power spectrum have tightened considerably with the release of the first year analysis of the WMAP observations, especially when combined with the results from other CMB experiments and galaxy redshift surveys. These observations allow us to constrain the physics of cosmological inflation: (i) The data show that the Hubble distance is almost constant during inflation. While observable modes cross the Hubble scale, it changes by less than 3% during one e-folding: d(d_H)/dt < 0.032 at 2 sigma. The distance scale of inflation itself remains poorly constrained: 1.2 x 10^{-28} cm < d_H < 1 cm. (ii) We present a new classification of single-field inflationary scenarios (including scenarios beyond slow-roll inflation), based on physical criteria, namely the behaviour of the kinetic and total energy densities of the inflaton field. The current data show no preference for any of the scenarios. (iii) For the first time the slow-roll assumption could be dropped from the data analysis and replaced by the more general assumption that the Hubble scale is (almost) constant during the observable part of inflation. We present simple analytic expressions for the scalar and tensor power spectra for this very general class of inflation models and test their accuracy.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; section on the classification of models in the plane of tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio added, references adde

    Second Order General Slow-Roll Power Spectrum

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    Recent combined results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) provide a remarkable set of data which requires more accurate and general investigation. Here we derive formulae for the power spectrum P(k) of the density perturbations produced during inflation in the general slow-roll approximation with second order corrections. Also, using the result, we derive the power spectrum in the standard slow-roll picture with previously unknown third order corrections.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure ; A typo in Eq. (38) is fixed ; References expanded and a note adde

    Brany Liouville Inflation

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    We present a specific model for cosmological inflation driven by the Liouville field in a non-critical supersymmetric string framework, in which the departure from criticality is due to open strings stretched between the two moving Type-II 5-branes. We use WMAP and other data on fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background to fix parameters of the model, such as the relative separation and velocity of the 5-branes, respecting also the constraints imposed by data on light propagation from distant gamma-ray bursters. The model also suggests a small, relaxing component in the present vacuum energy that may accommodate the breaking of supersymmetry.Comment: 23 pages LATEX, two eps figures incorporated; version accepted for publication in NJ