6,876 research outputs found

    Experimental studies on the formation of lunar surface features by gas emission - A preliminary report

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    Experimental data on lunar surface features caused by gas emissio

    Update on the Measurement of alpha_S with a 500 GeV Linear Collider

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    An update on the prospects for the precise measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha_S at a high energy Linear Collider via the three-jet rate is presented. In particular, the issue of the distribution of center-of-mass energies of the identified q-qbar event sample, which can affect the determination of \alpha_S at the scale Q^2=(500 GeV)^2$, is addressed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTex, requires epsfig and aipproc macro

    Splitting and merging an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature

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    We analyze coherence effects during the splitting of a quasi one-dimensional condensate into two spatially separated ones and their subsequent merging into a single condensate. Our analysis takes into account finite-temperature effects, where phase fluctuations play an important role. We show that, at zero-temperature, the two split condensates can be merged into a single one with a negligible phase difference. By increasing temperature to a finite value below the critical point for condensation (TcT_c), i.e., 0≤T/Tc<10 \le T/T_c < 1, a considerable enhancement of phase and density fluctuations appears during the process of splitting and merging. Our results show that if the process of splitting and merging is sufficiently adiabatic, the whole process is quite insensitive to phase fluctuations and even at high temperatures, a single condensate can be produced.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Two-point density correlations of quasicondensates in free expansion

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    We measure the two-point density correlation function of freely expanding quasicondensates in the weakly interacting quasi-one-dimensional (1D) regime. While initially suppressed in the trap, density fluctuations emerge gradually during expansion as a result of initial phase fluctuations present in the trapped quasicondensate. Asymptotically, they are governed by the thermal coherence length of the system. Our measurements take place in an intermediate regime where density correlations are related to near-field diffraction effects and anomalous correlations play an important role. Comparison with a recent theoretical approach described by Imambekov et al. yields good agreement with our experimental results and shows that density correlations can be used for thermometry of quasicondensates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    Dual-species quantum degeneracy of potassium-40 and rubidium-87 on an atom chip

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    In this article we review our recent experiments with a 40K-87Rb mixture. We demonstrate rapid sympathetic cooling of a 40K-87Rb mixture to dual quantum degeneracy on an atom chip. We also provide details on efficient BEC production, species-selective magnetic confinement, and progress toward integration of an optical lattice with an atom chip. The efficiency of our evaporation allows us to reach dual degeneracy after just 6 s of evaporation - more rapidly than in conventional magnetic traps. When optimizing evaporative cooling for efficient evaporation of 87Rb alone we achieve BEC after just 4 s of evaporation and an 8 s total cycle time.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To be published in the Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 2006 (Innsbruck, Austria

    Modeling meander morphodynamics over self-formed heterogeneous floodplains

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    This work addresses the signatures embedded in the planform geometry of meandering rivers consequent to the formation of floodplain heterogeneities as the river bends migrate. Two geomorphic features are specifically considered: scroll bars produced by lateral accretion of point bars at convex banks and oxbow lake fills consequent to neck cutoffs. The sedimentary architecture of these geomorphic units depends on the type and amount of sediment, and controls bank erodibility as the river impinges on them, favoring or contrasting the river migration. The geometry of numerically generated planforms obtained for different scenarios of floodplain heterogeneity is compared to that of natural meandering paths. Half meander metrics and spatial distribution of channel curvatures are used to disclose the complexity embedded in meandering geometry. Fourier Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Singular Spectrum Analysis and Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis are used to emphasize the subtle but crucial differences which may emerge between apparently similar configurations. A closer similarity between observed and simulated planforms is attained when fully coupling flow and sediment dynamics (fully-coupled models) and when considering self-formed heterogeneities that are less erodible than the surrounding floodplain

    Prospects for measuring the 229Th isomer energy using a metallic magnetic microcalorimeter

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    The Thorium-229 isotope features a nuclear isomer state with an extremely low energy. The currently most accepted energy value, 7.8 +- 0.5 eV, was obtained from an indirect measurement using a NASA x-ray microcalorimeter with an instrumental resolution 26 eV. We study, how state-of-the-art magnetic metallic microcalorimeters with an energy resolution down to a few eV can be used to measure the isomer energy. In particular, resolving the 29.18 keV doublet in the \gamma-spectrum following the \alpha-decay of Uranium-233, corresponding to the decay into the ground and isomer state, allows to measure the isomer transition energy without additional theoretical input parameters, and increase the energy accuracy. We study the possibility of resolving the 29.18 keV line as a doublet and the dependence of the attainable precision of the energy measurement on the signal and background count rates and the instrumental resolution.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, eq. (3) correcte

    Calibration of a single atom detector for atomic micro chips

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    We experimentally investigate a scheme for detecting single atoms magnetically trapped on an atom chip. The detector is based on the photoionization of atoms and the subsequent detection of the generated ions. We describe the characterization of the ion detector with emphasis on its calibration via the correlation of ions with simultaneously generated electrons. A detection efficiency of 47.8% (+-2.6%) is measured, which is useful for single atom detection, and close to the limit allowing atom counting with sub-Poissonian uncertainty

    Noise Thermometry with Two Weakly Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Here we report on the experimental investigation of thermally induced fluctuations of the relative phase between two Bose-Einstein condensates which are coupled via tunneling. The experimental control over the coupling strength and the temperature of the thermal background allows for the quantitative analysis of the phase fluctuations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of these measurements for thermometry in a regime where standard methods fail. With this we confirm that the heat capacity of an ideal Bose gas deviates from that of a classical gas as predicted by the third law of thermodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single-particle-sensitive imaging of freely propagating ultracold atoms

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    We present a novel imaging system for ultracold quantum gases in expansion. After release from a confining potential, atoms fall through a sheet of resonant excitation laser light and the emitted fluorescence photons are imaged onto an amplified CCD camera using a high numerical aperture optical system. The imaging system reaches an extraordinary dynamic range, not attainable with conventional absorption imaging. We demonstrate single-atom detection for dilute atomic clouds with high efficiency where at the same time dense Bose-Einstein condensates can be imaged without saturation or distortion. The spatial resolution can reach the sampling limit as given by the 8 \mu m pixel size in object space. Pulsed operation of the detector allows for slice images, a first step toward a 3D tomography of the measured object. The scheme can easily be implemented for any atomic species and all optical components are situated outside the vacuum system. As a first application we perform thermometry on rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates created on an atom chip.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. v2: as publishe
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