275 research outputs found

    Self energies of the pion and the delta isobar from the ^3He(e,e'pi^+)^3H reaction

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    In a kinematically complete experiment at the Mainz microtron MAMI, pion angular distributions of the 3^3He(e,e'π+)3\pi^+)^3H reaction have been measured in the excitation region of the Δ\Delta resonance to determine the longitudinal (LL), transverse (TT), and the LTLT interference part of the differential cross section. The data are described only after introducing self-energy modifications of the pion and Δ\Delta-isobar propagators. Using Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) to extrapolate the pion self energy as inferred from the measurement on the mass shell, we deduce a reduction of the π+\pi^+ mass of Δmπ+=(1.72.1+1.7)\Delta m_{\pi^+} = (-1.7^{+ 1.7}_{- 2.1}) MeV/c2^2 in the neutron-rich nuclear medium at a density of ρ=(0.0570.057+0.085)\rho = (0.057^{+ 0.085}_{- 0.057}) fm3^{-3}. Our data are consistent with the Δ\Delta self energy determined from measurements of π0\pi^0 photoproduction from 4^4He and heavier nuclei.Comment: Elsart, 12 pages and 4 figures, Correspondent: Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Achim Richter, [email protected], submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Transition to turbulence in Taylor-Couette ferrofluidic flow

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    Y.D. was supported by Basic Science Research Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology under Grant No. NRF-2013R1A1A2010067. Y.C.L. was supported by AFOSR under Grant No. FA9550-12-1-0095.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fully QED/relativistic theory of light pressure on free electrons by isotropic radiation

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    A relativistic/QED theory of light pressure on electrons by an isotropic, in particular blackbody radiation predicts thermalization rates of free electrons over entire span of energies available in the lab and the nature. The calculations based on the QED Klein-Nishina theory of electron-photon scattering and relativistic Fokker-Planck equation, show that the transition from classical (Thompson) to QED (Compton) thermalization determined by the product of electron energy and radiation temperature, is reachable under conditions for controlled nuclear fusion, and predicts large acceleration of electron thermalization in the Compton domain and strong damping of plasma oscillations at the temperatures near plasma nuclear fusion.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.695

    A supply and demand model of bilateral trade in a multicountry framework

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    This study develops a practical supply and demand model of bilateral trade flows. The model is constructed in two tiers. First, aggregate import demand and aggregate export supply are determined from aggregate economic relations that contain real income (output) and relative prices. Second, bilateral import demand and bilateral export supply are determined from theory-based allocation relations. By differentiating import prices from export prices, the analysis incorporates international transportation costs and tariffs. The result is a simultaneous system that determines bilateral trade flows and bilateral prices given country incomes, domestic price levels and international transmission factors. The model in dynamic form is estimated from a panel of bilateral trade flows for five major OECD countries (United States, Japan, France, West Germany, United Kingdom) for the years 1958-1971. The model has many applications, e.g. in the analyses of the impacts on trade flows of differential economic growth rates and tariff policies. These policy aspects figure prominently in the current discussions among the major OECD countries.

    A Method for Modeling Decoherence on a Quantum Information Processor

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    We develop and implement a method for modeling decoherence processes on an N-dimensional quantum system that requires only an N2N^2-dimensional quantum environment and random classical fields. This model offers the advantage that it may be implemented on small quantum information processors in order to explore the intermediate regime between semiclassical and fully quantum models. We consider in particular σzσz\sigma_z\sigma_z system-environment couplings which induce coherence (phase) damping, though the model is directly extendable to other coupling Hamiltonians. Effective, irreversible phase-damping of the system is obtained by applying an additional stochastic Hamiltonian on the environment alone, periodically redressing it and thereby irreversibliy randomizing the system phase information that has leaked into the environment as a result of the coupling. This model is exactly solvable in the case of phase-damping, and we use this solution to describe the model's behavior in some limiting cases. In the limit of small stochastic phase kicks the system's coherence decays exponentially at a rate which increases linearly with the kick frequency. In the case of strong kicks we observe an effective decoupling of the system from the environment. We present a detailed implementation of the method on an nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    the Egyptian, April 17, 1956

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    Konsensusprotokoll zur Standardisierung von Entnahme und Biobanking des Liquor cerebrospinalis

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    Die Erforschung von Biomarkern in Körperflüssigkeiten bei neurodegenerativen und neuroinflammatorischen Erkrankungen blickt auf eine langjährige Geschichte zurück. Dennoch werden nur wenige Liquor cerebrospinalis (Liquor)-Biomarker in der klinischen Praxis verwendet. Einer der problematischen Faktoren in der Liquorbiomarker-Forschung ist die eingeschränkte Aussagekraft von Studien aufgrund einer nicht ausreichend großer Anzahl von Proben, die in Studien von einzelnen Zentren akquiriert werden können. Deshalb ist die Kooperation zwischen mehreren Zentren erforderlich, um große Biobanken von definierten Proben zu etablieren. Standardisierte Protokolle für Biobanking sind unumgänglich, um die durch die größere Anzahl von Liquorproben gewonnene statistische Aussagekraft sicherzustellen und nicht durch mangelhafte Präanalytik einzuschränken. Hier wird ein Konsensusbericht über Leitlinien zu Liquorentnahme und Biobanking durch das BioMS-eu Netzwerk für Liquorbiomarker-Forschung in Multipler Sklerose präsentiert. Schwerpunkte des Berichts sind Liquorentnahme, präanalytische Faktoren und klinische sowie sonstige Informationen. Biobanking-Protokolle sind für Liquor-Biobanken im Rahmen der Erforschung jeder neurologischen Krankheit anwendba

    Tabelas De Volume Para A Floresta De Terra Firme Da Estação Experimental De Silvicultura Tropical

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    The authors present, based on data from 235 trees, volume tables (with and without bark) for some tree species of economic value that occur at the Tropical Silviculture Experiment Station (EEST - at INPA). Three volumetric equations were tested. Schumacher's equation (V = a Db Hc) was found to give best statistical fit and was utilized to generate the tables.", 'enSão apresentadas as tabelas de volume para algumas espécies madeireiras que ocorrem na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, com base em dados coletados de 235 árvores. Foram testadas três equações volumétricas. A equação de Schumacher (V = a Db HC) foi a que apresentou os melhores resultados estatísticos, sendo portanto o modelo gerador das tabelas