223 research outputs found

    Electrical Stimulation of the Human Cerebral Cortex by Extracranial Muscle Activity: Effect Quantification With Intracranial EEG and FEM Simulations

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    Objective: Electric fields (EF) of approx. 0.2 V/m have been shown to be sufficiently strong to both modulate neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex and have measurable effects on cognitive performance. We hypothesized that the EF caused by the electrical activity of extracranial muscles during natural chewing may reach similar strength in the cerebral cortex and hence might act as an endogenous modality of brain stimulation. Here, we present first steps toward validating this hypothesis. Methods: Using a realistic volume conductor head model of an epilepsy patient having undergone intracranial electrode placement and utilizing simultaneous intracranial and extracranial electrical recordings during chewing, we derive predictions about the chewing-related cortical EF strength to be expected in healthy individuals. Results: We find that in the region of the temporal poles, the expected EF strength may reach amplitudes in the order of 0.1-1 V/m. Conclusion: The cortical EF caused by natural chewing could be large enough to modulate ongoing neural activity in the cerebral cortex and influence cognitive performance. Significance: The present study lends first support for the assumption that extracranial muscle activity might represent an endogenous source of electrical brain stimulation. This offers a new potential explanation for the puzzling effects of gum chewing on cognition, which have been repeatedly reported in the literature

    Ripple-locked coactivity of stimulus-specific neurons and human associative memory

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    Associative memory enables the encoding and retrieval of relations between different stimuli. To better understand its neural basis, we investigated whether associative memory involves temporally correlated spiking of medial temporal lobe (MTL) neurons that exhibit stimulus-specific tuning. Using single-neuron recordings from patients with epilepsy performing an associative object–location memory task, we identified the object-specific and place-specific neurons that represented the separate elements of each memory. When patients encoded and retrieved particular memories, the relevant object-specific and place-specific neurons activated together during hippocampal ripples. This ripple-locked coactivity of stimulus-specific neurons emerged over time as the patients’ associative learning progressed. Between encoding and retrieval, the ripple-locked timing of coactivity shifted, suggesting flexibility in the interaction between MTL neurons and hippocampal ripples according to behavioral demands. Our results are consistent with a cellular account of associative memory, in which hippocampal ripples coordinate the activity of specialized cellular populations to facilitate links between stimuli

    Cannabidiol for Treatment of Childhood Epilepsy–A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: The interest in cannabidiol (CBD) for treatment of epilepsy has been increasing over the last years. However, practitioner's attitudes concerning the use of CBD for epilepsy treatment appears to be divided and data about its clinical use in daily practice are not available.Objective: To improve the knowledge about the current use of CBD amongst European practitioners treating children and adolescents for epilepsy.Methods: Cross-sectional survey using an open-access online questionnaire for physicians treating children or adolescents for epilepsy within eight European countries from December 2017 to March 2018.Results: One-hundred fifty-five physicians participated in the survey. CBD is increasingly used by 45% (69/155) of participants, treating a mean (range) number of 3 (1–35) with CBD. Only 48% of the participants prescribing CBD are exclusively using purified CBD to treat children and adolescents with epilepsy, the remainder also applies preparations containing delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Reported daily CBD doses range from < 10 to 50 mg/kg body weight. Management of CBD therapy in regard of monitoring side effects and adjusting concomitant therapy differs widely amongst participants. Their primary objective for commencing CBD is improving patient's quality of life. Participants frequently receive inquiries about CBD treatment but only 40% may actively suggest CBD as a treatment option. Of the 85 participants currently not using CBD for epilepsy treatment, 70% would consider using CBD if available in their country of practice or given the opportunity to become familiar with this treatment option.Conclusions: CBD is increasingly used by participating physicians but individual experience remains limited. There are very diverse opinions about the use of CBD to treat epilepsy in children and adolescents and widely differing views on how to manage the CBD treatment

    Hypothalamic Hamartomas: Evolving Understanding and Management

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    Hypothalamic hamartomas (HH) are rare, basilar developmental lesions with widespread comorbidities often associated with refractory epilepsy and encephalopathy. Imaging advances allow for early, even prenatal, detection. Genetic studies suggest mutations in GLI3 and other patterning genes are involved in HH pathogenesis. About 50-80% of children with HH suffer from severe rage and aggression and a majority of cases exhibit externalizing disorders. Behavioral disruption and intellectual disability may predate epilepsy. Neuropsychological, sleep and endocrine disorders are typical. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the current understanding of HH, and to highlight opportunities for future research

    Controversies on the network theory of epilepsy : Debates held during the ICTALS 2019 conference

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    Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the discussants to the exposition and discussion of the six debate topics. The discussants for debates 1-6 were Fabrice Wendling, Mark Cook, Mark Richardson, Thorsten Rings, Klaus Lehnertz and Piotr Suffczynski, respectively. Funding for ICTALS 2019 was received from the following foundations and industry partners: UCB S.A. (Belgium), American Epilepsy Society (AES), Epilepsy Innovation Institute (Ei2) and Epilepsy Foundation of America (EFA), NeuraLynx (Bozeman, MT, USA) and LivaNova (London, UK). The contribution of HZ was supported by award R01NS109062 from the National Institutes of Health, MG by the EPSRC via grants EP/P021417/1 and EP/N014391/1 and a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT105618MA), and PJ by awards from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic AZV 17-28427A and the Czech Science Foundation 20-25298S. The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A neural code for egocentric spatial maps in the human medial temporal lobe

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    Spatial navigation and memory rely on neural systems that encode places, distances, and directions in relation to the external world or relative to the navigating organism. Place, grid, and head-direction cells form key units of world-referenced, allocentric cognitive maps, but the neural basis of self-centered, egocentric representations remains poorly understood. Here, we used human single-neuron recordings during virtual spatial navigation tasks to identify neurons providing a neural code for egocentric spatial maps in the human brain. Consistent with previous observations in rodents, these neurons represented egocentric bearings toward reference points positioned throughout the environment. Egocentric bearing cells were abundant in the parahippocampal cortex and supported vectorial representations of egocentric space by also encoding distances toward reference points. Beyond navigation, the observed neurons showed activity increases during spatial and episodic memory recall, suggesting that egocentric bearing cells are not only relevant for navigation but also play a role in human memory

    Big data in epilepsy: Clinical and research considerations. Report from the Epilepsy Big Data Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy

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    Epilepsy is a heterogeneous condition with disparate etiologies and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. Clinical and research aspects are accordingly varied, ranging from epidemiological to molecular, spanning clinical trials and outcomes, gene and drug discovery, imaging, electroencephalography, pathology, epilepsy surgery, digital technologies, and numerous others. Epilepsy data are collected in the terabytes and petabytes, pushing the limits of current capabilities. Modern computing firepower and advances in machine and deep learning, pioneered in other diseases, open up exciting possibilities for epilepsy too. However, without carefully designed approaches to acquiring, standardizing, curating, and making available such data, there is a risk of failure. Thus, careful construction of relevant ontologies, with intimate stakeholder inputs, provides the requisite scaffolding for more ambitious big data undertakings, such as an epilepsy data commons. In this review, we assess the clinical and research epilepsy landscapes in the big data arena, current challenges, and future directions, and make the case for a systematic approach to epilepsy big data