119 research outputs found

    Deutschland und Frankreich. Vom Konflikt zur Aussöhnung. Die Gestaltung der westeuropĂ€ischen Sicherheit 1914–1963

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    Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert lassen sichnicht isoliert betrachten sie sind aufs engste mit dem ĂŒbergeordnetenProblem der europĂ€ischen Sicherheit und den entsprechendenAllianzbildungen seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg verbunden. Die imvorliegenden Band vereinten Referate und Kommentare behandeln diedeutsch-französi-schen Beziehungen jedoch nicht nur alsaußenpolitisches Problem, sondern beziehen die Gesamtheit derpolitischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontakte mit ein.Diploma-tiegeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts wird als Geschichteinter-nationaler Beziehungsgeflechte verstanden, die aufmultiar-chivalischer Forschung beruht

    The triarchic model of psychopathy and antisocial behavior: results from an offender population with personality disorder

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    The triarchic model posits that psychopathy is a combination of phenotypes related to boldness, meanness, and disinhibition. We examined how each of these phenotypes of psychopathy related to past violence and antisocial behavior and to behavior within the prison. The sample consisted of men (n = 108) with a history of serious offending and a diagnosis of personality disorder at the point of admission to a prison serving as a therapeutic community. We took four indices of violence and antisocial behavior, (a) self-report of lifetime proactive and reaction aggression, (b) criminal convictions prior to admission to the prison, (c) exclusion from the prison within 12 months due to rule breaking, and (d) behavior within the first 12 months of admission to the unit. The constructs of the triarchic model, as assessed by the triarchic psychopathy measure (TriPM), were strong predictors of self-reported aggression, with disinhibition being related to both proactive and reactive aggression, whereas boldness was related to proactive aggression alone. Past criminal convictions were also associated with disinhibition, except for convictions for violent behavior. Both meanness and disinhibition were predictive of exclusion from the prison within 12 months for rule-breaking behavior and of aggressive behavior within the prison. The triarchic model of psychopathy is associated with past antisocial behavior and is predictive of antisocial behaviors within the prison, and the different constructs of the triarchic model are associated with different manifestations of antisocial behavior. The TriPM holds great promise for improved assessment and enhanced understanding of psychopathic personality within institutions and can facilitate offender management via improved phenotypic analysis of boldness, meanness, and disinhibition

    The Triarchic Model of Psychopathy and Antisocial Behavior: Results From an Offender Population With Personality Disorder

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    The triarchic model posits that psychopathy is a combination of phenotypes related to boldness, meanness, and disinhibition. We examined how each of these phenotypes of psychopathy related to past violence and antisocial behavior and to behavior within the prison. The sample consisted of men (n = 108) with a history of serious offending and a diagnosis of personality disorder at the point of admission to a prison serving as a therapeutic community. We took four indices of violence and antisocial behavior, (a) self-report of lifetime proactive and reaction aggression, (b) criminal convictions prior to admission to the prison, (c) exclusion from the prison within 12 months due to rule breaking, and (d) behavior within the first 12 months of admission to the unit. The constructs of the triarchic model, as assessed by the triarchic psychopathy measure (TriPM), were strong predictors of self-reported aggression, with disinhibition being related to both proactive and reactive aggression, whereas boldness was related to proactive aggression alone. Past criminal convictions were also associated with disinhibition, except for convictions for violent behavior. Both meanness and disinhibition were predictive of exclusion from the prison within 12 months for rule-breaking behavior and of aggressive behavior within the prison. The triarchic model of psychopathy is associated with past antisocial behavior and is predictive of antisocial behaviors within the prison, and the different constructs of the triarchic model are associated with different manifestations of antisocial behavior. The TriPM holds great promise for improved assessment and enhanced understanding of psychopathic personality within institutions and can facilitate offender management via improved phenotypic analysis of boldness, meanness, and disinhibition

    How Germany’s anti-Keynesianism has brought Europe to its knees

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    This paper investigates the (lack of any lasting) impact of John Maynard Keynes's General Theory on economic policymaking in Germany. The analysis highlights the interplay between economic history and the history of ideas in shaping policymaking in postwar (West) Germany. The paper argues that Germany learned the wrong lessons from its own history and misread the true sources of its postwar success. Monetary mythology and the Bundesbank, with its distinctive anti-inflationary bias, feature prominently in this collective odyssey. The analysis shows that the crisis of the euro today is largely the consequence of Germany's peculiar anti-Keynesianism

    Germany’s Dept Crisis during the period of the Weimar Republik, 1919 - 1933

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    The investigator analyses the combination of German public borrowing and public dept during the period of the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1933. The capital flows are discussed in the framework of the political context. Long term credits are granted more and more by the bond market rather than by commercial banks. Germany rated as the largest single deptor of the 1920s, at first on official account, later on private account as well. The author points to Germany’s reparations obligations which stems from the First World War as a reason of the dept. He compares the effects of the reparations obligations on Germany’s balance of payment at that time with the effects of the enormous growth of energy prices during the 1970s (shock in the price of crude oil). Schuker shows in his study, that the German reparations obligations during the difficult period of the Weimar Republic have not been a barrier for the economic reconstruction after the lost World War I. “This study examines the considerations that led Germany to borrow in the United States and elsewhere. It explores the political constraints that inhibited the use of the capital inflow to generate export-led growth. It enlarges on the peculiarly nationalistic response in the Reich to the exogenous shocks that jolted the world economy in 1931. Finally, it traces the country’s subsequent descent from moratorium to willful default.” (Schuker 1988, S. 2) Germany’s reparation obligations have been seen in Germany in the context of the ‘German guilt of war controversy’. (see also WEB-page: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Reparationen_nach_dem_Ersten_Weltkrieg#cite_note-0) „Dept generates controversy. The volume of German foreign borrowing, the deployment of the proceeds, and the domestic policies that made repayment seem infeasible reflected an intensely political process.” (Schuker 1988, S. 2) In the context of his investigation the primary researcher collected the following data on Germany’s National Account (Datatables can be downloaded via the search- and downloadsystem HISTAT, Topic: ‘State: public finances and taxes’ (in German: Thema: Staat: Finanzen und Steuern)): A.01 Deutsches Volkseinkommen und deutsche Staatsausgaben in Milliarden Goldmark und Reichsmark, 1925-1930 (Germany’s National Income and Germany’s Official Expenditures in Billion Goldmark and Reichsmark, 1925-1930) A.02 Deutschlands Staatsfinanzen: Aufstellung der Haushaltsberichte des Reiches von 1924-1930. (Germany’s State Finances: Budget Reports of the Reich, 1924 to 1930) A.03 Verteilung des deutschen Volkseinkommens zu Marktpreisen (konstante Preise von 1913), 1899-1959. (Distribution of the German National Income at Market Prices (constant Prices of 1913), 1899 to 1959). A.04 Verteilung des deutschen Volkseinkommens auf einzelne Bereiche (%), 1913, 1925-1931. (Distribution of German National Income between different branches in Percent, 1913 and 1925 to 1931) A.05 Relative VerĂ€nderung der deutschen Preise, Löhne, GehĂ€lter und Renten (in % vom Vorjahr), 1925-1931 (Relative change of German Prices, Wages and Salaries, and Pension in Percent of the previous year), 1925 to 1931) A.06 Konsolidiertes Ausgabenkonto fĂŒr alle Bereiche des deutschen Haushalts, 1925-1932 (Consolidated Expenditure Account in all Branches of the German State Budget, 1925 to 1932) A.07 Die deutsche Zahlungsbilanz (in Millionen Reichsmark), 1924-1933 (Germany’s Balance of Payment (in billion Reichsmark), 1924 to 1933) A.08 Deutschlands Auslandsschulden (in Milliarden Reichsmark zu laufenden Wechselkursen) (Germanys Foreign depts (in billion Reichsmark and in current exchange rates) A.09 Index der LohnstĂŒckkosten in Handwerk und Industrie (1925-29=100), 1913-1938 (Index of Unit Labour costs in Handycraft and Industry (1925 to 1929=100), 1913 – 1938) A.10 Durchschnittliche Wochenarbeitszeit in Handwerk und Industrie, Deutschland und USA, 1913-1938 (Average weekly hours of work in Handycraft and Industry, Germany and USA, 1913 to 1938) A.11 Zahlungsbilanz der USA in Millionen Dollar, 1919-1935 (Balance of Payment in USA in billion Dollar, 1919 to 1935)Gegenstand der Studie 
. Die Studie untersucht den Kreislauf deutscher Kreditaufnahme und Verschuldung wĂ€hrend der Weimarer Republik von 1919 bis 1933. Hierbei werden die KapitalflĂŒsse im Zusammenhang ihres politischen Kontextes analysiert. Langfristige Darlehen wurden vermehrt ĂŒber die AnleihenmĂ€rkte und weniger durch GeschĂ€ftsbanken vergeben. Deutschland wurde schließlich der grĂ¶ĂŸte Schuldner in den 1920ern. Die hohe Staatsverschuldung, so vermutet der Autor, stammen von den Reparationsverpflichtungen aus dem ersten Weltkrieg. Er vergleicht die Auswirkungen der Reparationszahlungen auf die Zahlungsbilanz Deutschlands mit den Auswirkungen der Energiepreissteigerungen wĂ€hrend der 1970er (Ölpreisschock) auf die deutsche Zahlungsbilanz. Der Autor zeigt jedoch im Rahmen seiner Studie auch auf, „dass die tatsĂ€chlichen deutschen Reparationsleistungen selbst in den schwersten Jahren der Weimarer Republik kein wirkliches Hindernis fĂŒr einen wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbau nach dem verlorenen Ersten Weltkrieg dargestellt hĂ€tten. Da die Reparationen jedoch im Zusammenhang mit der deutschen Kriegsschulddebatte standen und gleichzeitig die deutsche Wirtschaft von Krediten der USA abhĂ€ngig machten, versuchten die Regierungen der Weimarer Republik die Forderungen zu mindern beziehungsweise zu beseitigen.“ (de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Reparationen_nach_dem_Ersten_Weltkrieg#cite_note-0) Zeit und Ort der Untersuchung: Deutsches Reich zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik, 1919 bis 1933. Verwendete Quellentypen fĂŒr die Datenerhebung: Öffentliche Statistik (Statistisches Reichsamt, Zensusdaten) Wissenschaftliche Publikationen (Hoffman, Skiba, Bry, Witt) Datentabellen in HISTAT (Thema: Staat: Finanzen und Steuern): A.01 Deutsches Volkseinkommen und deutsche Staatsausgaben in Milliarden Goldmark und Reichsmark, 1925-1930 A.02 Deutschlands Staatsfinanzen: Aufstellung der Haushaltsberichte des Reiches von 1924-1930. A.03 Verteilung des deutschen Volkseinkommens zu Marktpreisen (konstante Preise von 1913), 1899-1959. A.04 Verteilung des deutschen Volkseinkommens auf einzelne Bereiche (%), 1913, 1925-1931. A.05 Relative VerĂ€nderung der deutschen Preise, Löhne, GehĂ€lter und Renten (in % vom Vorjahr), 1925-1931 A.06 Konsolidiertes Ausgabenkonto fĂŒr alle Bereiche des deutschen Haushalts, 1925-1932 A.07 Die deutsche Zahlungsbilanz (in Millionen Reichsmark), 1924-1933 A.08 Deutschlands Auslandsschulden (in Milliarden Reichsmark zu laufenden Wechselkursen) A.09 Index der LohnstĂŒckkosten in Handwerk und Industrie (1925-29=100), 1913-1938 A.10 Durchschnittliche Wochenarbeitszeit in Handwerk und Industrie, Deutschland und USA, 1913-1938 A.11 Zahlungsbilanz der USA in Millionen Dollar, 1919-193

    Muscular dystrophy: selected bibliography and abstracts.

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