983 research outputs found

    Consideration for high accuracy radiation efficiency measurements for the Solar Power Satellite (SPS) subarrays

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    The transmit beam and radiation efficiency for 10 metersquare subarray panels were quantified. Measurement performance potential of far field elevated and ground reflection ranges and near field technique were evaluated. The state-of-the-art of critical components and/or unique facilities required was identified. Relative cost, complexity and performance tradeoffs were performed for techniques capable of achieving accuracy objectives. It is considered that because of the large electrical size of the SPS subarray panels and the requirement for high accuracy measurements, specialized measurement facilities are required. Most critical measurement error sources have been identified for both conventional far field and near field techniques. Although the adopted error budget requires advances in state-of-the-art of microwave instrumentation, the requirements appear feasible based on extrapolation from today's technology. Additional performance and cost tradeoffs need to be completed before the choice of the preferred measurement technique is finalized

    A 94/183 GHz multichannel radiometer for Convair flights

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    A multichannel 94/183 GHz radiometer was designed, built, and installed on the NASA Convair 990 research aircraft to take data for hurricane penetration flights, SEASAT-A underflights for measuring rain and water vapor, and Nimbus-G underflights for new sea ice signatures and sea surface temperature data (94 GHz only). The radiometer utilized IF frequencies of 1, 5, and 8.75 GHz about the peak of the atmospheric water vapor absorption line, centered at 183.3 GHz, to gather data needed to determine the shape of the water molecule line. Another portion of the radiometer operated at 94 GHz and obtained data on the sea brightness temperature, sea ice signatures, and on areas of rain near the ocean surface. The radiometer used a multiple lens antenna/temperature calibration technique using 3 lenses and corrugated feed horns at 94 GHz and 183 GHz. Alignment of the feed beams at 94 GHz and 183 GHz was accomplished using a 45 deg oriented reflecting surface which permitted simultaneous viewing of the feeds on alternate cycles of the chopping intervals

    A 94/183 GHz aircraft radiometer system for Project Storm Fury

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    A radiometer design suitable for use in NASA's WB-57F aircraft to collect data from severe storm regions was developed. The design recommended was a 94/183 GHz scanning radiometer with 3 IF channels on either side of the 183.3 GHz water vapor line and a single IF channel for a low loss atmospheric window channel at 94 GHz. The development and construction of the 94/183 GHz scanning radiometer known as the Advanced Microwave Moisture Sounder (AMMS) is presented. The radiometer scans the scene below the aircraft over an angle of + or - 45 degrees with the beamwidth of the scene viewed of approximately 2 degrees at 94 GHz and 1 degree at 183 GHz. The AMMS data collection system consists of a microcomputer used to store the radiometer data on the flight cartridge recorder, operate the stepper motor driven scanner, and collect housekeeping data such as thermistor temperature readings and aircraft time code

    Family Firm Value in the Acquisition Context: A Signaling Theory Perspective

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    Drawing on signaling theory, we explore the signaling effect of family firm status on firm value in the acquisition context as well as important contingencies influencing the signal’s effectiveness. Based on a sample of 486 observations of acquisitions in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain from 2011 to 2019, our empirical results suggest that acquirers purchase family firms at a higher firm value than non-family firms. This relationship is moderated by the target firm’s financial performance (i.e., high vs. low) and listing status (i.e., private vs. public) prior to an acquisition, as well as the type of acquirer (i.e., financial vs. non-financial) and the acquirer’s geographic location (i.e., cross-border vs. domestic). Our study’s findings suggest that family firm value is driven not only by the characteristics of the family firms that become acquired but also by the characteristics of the acquirers as they influence the effectiveness of the family firm signal

    Feasibility and first results of a group program to increase the frequency of cognitively stimulating leisure activities in people with mild cognitive impairment (AKTIVA–MCI)

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    AKTIVA-MCI is a program for patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that aims to enhance participation in cognitively stimulating leisure activities. Participation in cognitively stimulating activities seems to be a potential strategy for people with MCI delaying cognitive decline for a while. In total, 35 MCI patients were enrolled in the pilot study of whom 29 completed the whole program (16 female, 71.1±7.5 years; Mini Mental Status Examination score: 28±2.2). Daily activity protocols were used to measure the frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activities during the program (12 sessions). Additional standardized psychometric tests and questionnaires were used to assess cognition, mood, and subjective memory decline. Analyses of the daily activity protocols showed that during the intervention participants increased the frequency of several cognitively stimulating leisure activities. Comparison of pre-post data indicates no changes in cognitive status, mood, and subjective memory decline. These findings indicate that the program is suitable for patients with MCI

    Modifying zeolites for use in catalysis

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    The use of zeolites and other molecular sieves as catalysts is discussed at an introductory level. The text includes a brief historic background on the use of zeolites in catalysis, and a discussion of some chemical and physical properties of silicalite, aluminosilicate, and aluminophosphate molecular sieves. The strategies currently used to chemically modify zeolites and related materials to produce catalysts with increased activity and selectivity are discussed, including the use of redox molecular sieves for hydrocarbon oxidation and the leaching of the active metals from the support.885892Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Dynamic Image-Based Modelling of Kidney Branching Morphogenesis

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    Kidney branching morphogenesis has been studied extensively, but the mechanism that defines the branch points is still elusive. Here we obtained a 2D movie of kidney branching morphogenesis in culture to test different models of branching morphogenesis with physiological growth dynamics. We carried out image segmentation and calculated the displacement fields between the frames. The models were subsequently solved on the 2D domain, that was extracted from the movie. We find that Turing patterns are sensitive to the initial conditions when solved on the epithelial shapes. A previously proposed diffusion-dependent geometry effect allowed us to reproduce the growth fields reasonably well, both for an inhibitor of branching that was produced in the epithelium, and for an inducer of branching that was produced in the mesenchyme. The latter could be represented by Glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), which is expressed in the mesenchyme and induces outgrowth of ureteric branches. Considering that the Turing model represents the interaction between the GDNF and its receptor RET very well and that the model reproduces the relevant expression patterns in developing wildtype and mutant kidneys, it is well possible that a combination of the Turing mechanism and the geometry effect control branching morphogenesis