1,370 research outputs found

    Ukraine: Agrarstrukturen im Umbruch

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    Since the start of the nineties, a democratisation of the social and economic relations has taken place in the Ukraine, even affecting the agricultural sector. Laws and regulations were passed for the privatisation and allocation of the state and cooperative-owned property - in particular the land, but also the dead and the living stock of the former agricultural cooperatives. The privatisation and reorganisation of the former kolkhozes and sovkhozes took place with the goal of maintaining the favourable competitive proportions of the farms. Reorganised cooperatives and state-owned companies still control the majority of the agricultural resources, these being the land, the structural facilities, the agricultural technology and the livestock. The reformed companies are pr incipally co-operatives, but also joint-stock companies, limited companies and privately-owned individual farms. The individual minor production by the rural population has experienced considerable growth in land utilisation, upkeep of livestock and product manufacturing. Consequently, the majority of the potato, vegetable and fruit production is provided by this group of producers. The extraordinary drop in producti on in the process of reorganisation, which, in the case of milk and meat produce, has not yet reached rock bottom, is essentially a result of the loss of production in the larger companies. A reason for this is the considerable deficits in the organisation of the companies and the motivation of the employees. In particular, this reveals itself in the continued existence of the obsolete trading and administrative systems, as well as in the continued restrictions on the individual availability of property, as well as in the remuneration of the owners which is hardly a source of motivation

    Influência do clareamento dental, com gel de peróxido de carbamida a 10%, na adesão ao esmalte humano, de um adesivo monocomponente com solvente a base de etanol: avaliação, in situ

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Gradução em Odontologia.O objetivo foi observar as possíveis modificações provocadas pelo clareamento dental à base de peróxido de carbamida a 10%, sobre o esmalte dental humano, na força de adesão de um adesivo dentinário monocomponente.. O clareamento na boca durante todo o período experimental de 21 dias, sendo exposto ao agente clareador durante 3h diariamente. Após o período experimental, os corpos de prova, ficaram em repouso por 24h. O esmalte foi ácido condicionado, hibridizado e fotopolimarizado. Na seqüência os blocos foram transformados em palitos com superfície de 1mm2), e foram submetidos ao teste de tração,. Os resultados, após análise estatística demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos testados

    Emotion vs. cognition - Experimental evidence on cooperation from the 2014 Soccer World Cup

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    We investigate methods for stimulating cooperation by help of a controlled lab-inthefield experiment. This allows us to compare group-related emotional and cognitive stimuli. The experiment was carried out in a sober classroom and in an emotionally loaded environment, a Bavarian beer garden during a public viewing event with a large screen displaying the soccer game. Contrary to widespread belief, we do not find shared and contagious emotions at the public viewing event to advance cooperation. Variations of the game reveal that only cognitive factors, namely the joint attention to a common goal, substantially increase cooperation

    Körper und Technik: zur doppelten Verkörperung des Sozialen

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    Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit menschliche Körper und gegenständliche Technik als Verkörperungen des Sozialen gedacht werden können. Dabei unterzieht er den techniksoziologischen Stand der Forschung einer systematischen Befragung mit Hinblick auf Körper und Leib. Startpunkt der Argumentation ist die These einer doppelten Verkörperung des Sozialen in Menschen und Techniken, die insbesondere in ihren wechselseitigen Verschränkungen in techno-korporalen Konstellationen empirisch untersucht werden können. Anhand zentraler Studien aus der Biomedizin und der Mensch-Technik-Interaktion werden ausgewählte techniksoziologische Ansätze vorgestellt und in die breitere Diskussion von Mensch-Technik-Verhältnissen eingeordnet. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf Forschungsdesiderate und -perspektiven an den Schnittstellen von Körper- und Techniksoziologie

    Technische und menschliche Verkörperungen des Sozialen

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    Seit dem "practice turn" und dem "material turn" rücken menschlich Körper und technische Artefakte vermehrt in den Fokus soziologischer Aufmerksamkeit. Diese (Wieder-)Entdeckung von Körper und Technik kann einerseits auf etablierte Theorieangebote und eine Anzahl klassischer Studien zurückgreifen, andererseits sind die Verhältnisse von Körpern und Technik soziologisch noch nicht hinreichend geklärt. Wir suchen daher nach theoretischen und empirischen Verschränkungen von Körpern und Techniken und ihrer Relevanz für ein Verständnis sozio-technischer Konstellationen in modernen Gesellschaften. Damit wollen wir einen systematischen Beitrag zu den Verhältnissen von Köpern und Technik aus soziologischer Perspektive leisten. Insbesondere beziehen wir uns auf Ansätze aus der Techniksoziologie, um den Stand der Forschung sowie mögliche Entwicklungsperspektiven zu skizzieren. Unsere Ausgangsthese dabei ist, dass sowohl menschliche Körper als auch gegenständliche Technik als spezifische Verkörperungen des Sozialen gedacht werden können, die jedoch nicht als passive Träger, sondern als eigenständige Agenturen und konstitutive Elemente gesellschaftlicher Dynamiken und Strukturen gelten müssen

    Vector autoregression: useful in rare diseases? — Predicting organ response patterns in a rare case of secondary AA amyloidosis

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    Background Statistical analyses of clinical data are a cornerstone in understanding pathomechanisms of disorders. In rare disorders, cross-sectional datasets of sufficient size are usually not available. Taking AA amyloidosis as an example of a life-threatening rare disorder resulting from of uncontrolled chronic inflammation, we propose techniques from time series analysis to predict organ response to treatment. The advantage of time-series analysis is that it solely relies on temporal variation and therefore allows analyzing organ response to treatment even when the cross-sectional dimension is small. Methods The joint temporal interdependence of inflammatory activity and organ response was modelled multivariately using vector autoregression (VAR) based on a unique 4.5 year spanning data set of routine laboratory, imaging data (e.g., 18F-Florbetaben-PET/CT) and functional investigations of a 68-year-old patient with multi-organ involvement of AA amyloidosis due to ongoing inflammatory activity of a malignant paraganglioma in stable disease for >20 years and excellent response to tocilizumab). Results VAR analysis showed that alterations in inflammatory activity forecasted alkaline phosphatase (AP). AP levels, but not inflammatory activity at the previous measurement time point predicted proteinuria. Conclusion We demonstrate the feasibility and value of time series analysis for obtaining clinically reliable information when the rarity of a disease prevents conventional prognostic modelling approaches. We illustrate the comparative utility of blood, functional and imaging markers to monitor the development and regression of AA amyloidosis

    Experimentelles FMCW-Radar zur hochfrequenten Charakterisierung von Windenergieanlagen

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    During the increasing dissemination of renewable energy sources the potential and actual interference effects of wind turbine plants became obvious. Turbines reflect the signals of weather radar and other radar systems. In addition to the static radar echoes, in particular the Doppler echoes are to be mentioned as an undesirable impairment Keränen (2014). As a result, building permit is refused for numerous new wind turbines, as the potential interference can not be reliably predicted. As a contribution to the improvement of this predictability, measurements are planned which aim at the high-frequency characterisation of wind energy installations. In this paper, a cost-effective FMCW radar is presented, which is operated in the same frequency band (C-band) as the weather radars of the German weather service. Here, the focus is on the description of the hardware design including the considerations used for its dimensioning