914 research outputs found
After Over-Privileged Permissions: Using Technology and Design to Create Legal Compliance
Consumers in the mobile ecosystem can putatively protect their privacy with the use of application permissions. However, this requires the mobile device owners to understand permissions and their privacy implications. Yet, few consumers appreciate the nature of permissions within the mobile ecosystem, often failing to appreciate the privacy permissions that are altered when updating an app. Even more concerning is the lack of understanding of the wide use of third-party libraries, most which are installed with automatic permissions, that is permissions that must be granted to allow the application to function appropriately. Unsurprisingly, many of these third-party permissions violate consumers’ privacy expectations and thereby, become “over-privileged” to the user. Consequently, an obscurity of privacy expectations between what is practiced by the private sector and what is deemed appropriate by the public sector is exhibited. Despite the growing attention given to privacy in the mobile ecosystem, legal literature has largely ignored the implications of mobile permissions. This article seeks to address this omission by analyzing the impacts of mobile permissions and the privacy harms experienced by consumers of mobile applications. The authors call for the review of industry self-regulation and the overreliance upon simple notice and consent. Instead, the authors set out a plan for greater attention to be paid to socio-technical solutions, focusing on better privacy protections and technology embedded within the automatic permission-based application ecosystem
Jet Propulsion with Special Reference to Thrust Augmenters
An investigation of the possibility of using thrust augmented jets as prime movers was carried out. The augmentation was to be effected by allowing the jet to mix with the surrounding air in the presence of bodies which deflect the air set in motion by the jet
Air Flow in a Separating Laminar Boundary Layer
The speed distribution in a laminar boundary layer on the surface of an elliptic cylinder, of major and minor axes 11.78 and 3.98 inches, respectively, has been determined by means of a hot-wire anemometer. The direction of the impinging air stream was parallel to the major axis. Special attention was given to the region of separation and to the exact location of the point of separation. An approximate method, developed by K. Pohlhausen for computing the speed distribution, the thickness of the layer, and the point of separation, is described in detail; and speed-distribution curves calculated by this method are presented for comparison with experiment
A turbulence indicator utilizing the diffusion of heat
This report describes a method of determining the turbulence in wind tunnels. The effect of turbulence upon the diffusion of heat from a small electrically heated wire in an air stream was investigated. The turbulence of the stream was introduced by a series of geometrically similar screens placed one at a time across the upstream section of the tunnel. With the wire set at various distances from the screens, curves of temperature distribution were obtained by traversing the heated wake at a distance of 2 inches behind the wire with a small thermocouple
Air Flow in the Boundary Layer of an Elliptic Cylinder
The boundary layer of an elliptic cylinder of major and minor axis 11.78 and 3.98 inches, respectively, was investigated in air stream in which the turbulence could be varied. Conditions were arranged so that the flow was two-dimensional with the major axis of the ellipse parallel to the undisturbed stream. Speed distributions across the boundary layer were determined with a hot-wire anemometer at a number of positions about the surface for the lowest and highest intensities of turbulence, with the air speed in both cases sufficiently high to produce a turbulent boundary layer over the downstream part of the surface. The magnitude and the frequency of the speed fluctuations in the boundary layer were also measured by the use of the conventional type of hot-wire turbulence apparatus. Stream turbulence was found to affect both the nature of transition from laminar to turbulent flow in the layer and the position on the surface at which transition occurred. Transition was then investigated in detail with stream turbulence of several different scales and intensities
La construction de réponses à des problèmes impossibles
Cet article se propose d'illustrer la dynamique de construction de réponses à des problèmes impossibles. En fonction du cadre conceptuel, situé à l'articulation de problématiques psychologiques et didactiques, un modèle d'analyse des différents plans de rationalité en jeu dans la fabrication des réponses des élèves est présenté et discuté. Le choix de problèmes impossibles de différentes complexités s'avère ainsi un moyen de recherche particulièrement fructueux pour montrer les effets de contrat (expérimental et didactique) sur les réponses des élèves et les intrications entre les dimensions «publiques » et «privées» dans l'élaboration de réponses pour l'expérimentateur. Des exemples choisis de comportements de réponse chez des élèves de 10-11 ans viennent illustrer les plans de construction préalablement décrits.This article illustrates the process of constructing answers to impossible problems. The authors describe a conceptual frame, related to issues at the intersection of psychology and didactics, which is used to develop a model to analyse the various reasoning strategies used in students' elaboration of responses. The choice of impossible problems of various complexities is in itself a research process that is particularly useful in demonstrating the effects of contracts (experimental and didactic) on students' responses and the interactions between "public" and "private" aspects of answer formulation. The authors provide examples of response productions of 10 and 11 year old students; these illustrate the elaboration strategies described above.Este articulo ilustra la dinámica de construciôn de respuestas a problemas imposibles. Se présenta y discute un modelo de anâlisis de diferentes pianos de racionalidad utilizados en la fabricacion de respuestas de alumnos, en funcion del cuadro conceptual, que articula las problemà ticas sicologicas y didacticas. La seleccion de problemas imposibles de diversos nivelés de complejidad constituye, de este modo, un medio de investigacion particularmente fructuoso para mostrar los efectos del contrato (experimental y didactico) sobre las respuestas de los alumnos y sobre las complicaciones entre las dimensiones "pûblicas" y "privadas" en la elaboracion de respuestas para el exprimentador. Algunos ejemplos seleccionados de conductas de respuestas en los alumnos de 10-11 afios ilustran los pianos de construciôn antes descritos.Dieser Artikel will die Dynamik des Aufbaus der Antworten auf unlôsbare Aufgaben darstellen. Ausgehend vom BegrifFsrahmen, der am Schnittpunkt der psychologischen und didaktischen Problematik liegt, wird ein Analysenmodell der verschiedenen bei der Konstruktion der Schulerantworten mitspielenden Vernunftebenen vorgelegt und erôrtert. Die Wahl unlôsbarer Fragen verschiedener Komplexitât erweist sich so als eine besonders fruchtbare Forschungsweise, um fiir den Prufenden sowohl die Auswirkung der Anweisung (experimental und pà dagogisch) auf die Antworten der Schiller aufzuzeigen, als auch die Verflechtungen zwischen der "ôffentlichen" und der "privaten" Dimension bei der Ausarbeitung der Antworten. Ausgewahlte Beispiele von Verhaltensweisen von 10- bis 11- jahrigen Schiilern beim Beantworten illustrieren die vorab beschriebenen Aufbauskizzen
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