44 research outputs found
Heterogeneous Productivity Response to Tariff Reduction: Evidence from Brazilian Manufacturing Firms
This paper studies the effects of trade liberalization on the evolution of firm productivity. The productivity of each firm was estimated using an unbalanced panel data of 4,484 Brazilian manufacturing firms from 1986 to 1998, following the procedure first proposed by Olley and Pakes (1996) and further developed by Levinsohn and Petrin (2003). First, the effect of nominal tariffs on firms' productivity levels is identified. After controlling for the endogeneity of nominal tariffs, the estimated coefficient for tariffs in the productivity equation turns out to be negative. Second, a measure of tariffs on inputs is added in the productivity equation. The coefficient associated with tariffs on inputs is also negative, and the inclusion of this new variable reduces the size of the estimated coefficient of nominal tariffs. Thus, it seems that, along with the increased competition, the new access to inputs that embody better foreign technology also contributes to productivity gains after trade liberalization. Third, it is shown that there is a huge degree of heterogeneity of responses to trade liberalization. The effect of the tariff reductions depends heavily on observed and unobserved characteristics of the firm.
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) e variáveis macroeconômicas. Um estudo empírico sobre o mercado acionário brasileiro
This paper analyses monthly returns of 10 share portfolios negotiated at Bovespa between 1987 and 1997 in order to test the APT model. Macroeconomic factors were created as sources of common variance of these assets. The factors were statistically significant in explaining the relationship between the asset returns in general; besides, evidence was found in favor of the APT.
Intrastromal corneal ring for low myopia: a comparative study with LASIK
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS) for the correction of low myopia, and to compare the obtained results with a control group submitted to laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS: Prospective, nonrandomized and bilateral study. Fourteen patients with preoperative spherical equivalent ranging from -1.00 to -4.50 D received ICRS in one eye and LASIK in the other. Postoperative evaluations were performed at day one and seven and months 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24. RESULTS: At the last follow-up, 64.29% of ICRS eyes (9/14) and 85.71% of LASIK eyes (12/14) were within ± 0.50 D of the predicted refractive outcome (p=0.385). Uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better was observed in four of 14 ICRS eyes (28.57%), and in 12 of 14 LASIK eyes (85.71%) (p=0.002²). No variances of more than 1.00 D in the manifest spherical equivalent refraction between two consecutive examinations or significant loss of best spectacle-corrected visual acuity were observed in both groups. Surgically induced astigmatism was greater in ICRS eyes than in LASIK eyes. At 24 months, the ICRS eyes scored lower in contrast sensitivity testing, especially at higher spatial frequencies (p=0.032² at 18 cpd). The patients reported more subjective complaints in the early postoperative period for the ICRS eyes. CONCLUSIONS: ICRS were considered effective for the correction of low myopia, but their safety was limited by the observed surgically induced astigmatism, and their results were inferior compared to the control group.OBJETIVO: Avaliar prospectivamente a eficácia e segurança dos segmentos de anéis corneanos intra-estromais (ICRS) para a correção de baixa miopia e comparar os resultados obtidos com a técnica de laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, bilateral e não randomizado. Quatorze pacientes com equivalente esférico entre -1,00 e -4,50 D foram submetidos ao implante de ICRS em um olho e à técnica de LASIK no olho contralateral. As avaliações pós-operatórias foram realizadas com um e sete dias, um, três, seis, 12 e 24 meses. RESULTADOS: Ao último exame, 64,29% dos olhos (9/14) do grupo ICRS e 85,71% (12/14) após o LASIK estavam entre ± 0,50 D da correção desejada (p=0,385). Acuidade visual sem correção >20/20 foi obtida em quatro dos 14 olhos (28,57%) do grupo ICRS, e em 12 dos 14 olhos (85,71%) do grupo LASIK (p=0,002¹). Durante o seguimento, não foram observadas variações refracionais superiores a 1,00 D, entre dois exames consecutivos, em ambos os grupos, ou perda significante da melhor acuidade visual corrigida. Maior indução de astigmatismo foi encontrada nos olhos implantados com ICRS. Ao exame de 24 meses, o grupo ICRS apresentou valores inferiores no exame de sensibilidade ao contraste, especialmente nas freqüências espaciais mais altas (p=0,032¹ em 18 cpd). Foram relatadas mais queixas subjetivas no período pós-operatório precoce de ICRS em relação ao LASIK. CONCLUSÕES: Os ICRS foram considerados eficazes na correção de baixa miopia, porém sua segurança foi limitada pela indução de astigmatismo no pós-operatório, e seus resultados foram inferiores aos do grupo controle.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Eye Clinic Day HospitalUniversidade Metropolitana de SantosUNIFESPSciEL
DO BRASIL PARA MOÇAMBIQUE: transferência e implementação do programa mais alimentos
O Programa Mais Alimentos Internacional combina a convencional cooperação técnica em agricultura com uma linha de crédito direcionada a pequenos agricultores moçambicanos para aquisição de maquinário brasileiro para o mercado agrícola. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o processo de implementação do PMAI em Moçambique. Para tanto, realiza cerca de quarenta entrevistas no Brasil e em Moçambique, uma pesquisa de campo de quinze dias em onze municípios de Moçambique, inclusive na zona rural, e análise de comunicação telegráfica entre os governos brasileiro e moçambicano. Acombinação dessas técnicas permitiu concluir que a) o PMAI em Moçambique não impactou significativamente nenhum dos lados envolvidos na cooperação, b) o Brasil pode superar o discurso tradicional da diplomacia e se beneficiar dacooperação sul-sul através de ganhos comerciais e c) o PMAI, embora tenha proporcionado aumento da produtividade dos agricultores moçambicanos de forma geral, esbarrou no problema do acesso ao mercado.Palavras-chave: Programa Mais Alimentos Internacional. Brasil. Moçambique. Transferência. Implementação.FROM BRAZIL TO MOZAMBIQUE: transference and implementation of More Food ProgramAbstractMore Food Program combines the conventional technical cooperation in agriculture with a credit line directed to Mozambican small farmers for acquiring Brazilian agricultural machinery. This article aims at analyzing MFP’s implementation in Mozambique, goal that was fulfilled through the following techniques - almost forty interviews in Brazil and Mozambique, a field research in eleven Mozambican municipalities, including the rural zone, and analysis of telegraphic communication between Brazilian and Mozambican governments. The combination of these techniques showed that a) MFP did not materially impact any of the sides involved in this cooperation, b) Brazil can overcome traditional diplomatic discourse and benefit from south-south cooperation through commercial gains and c) MFP enables Mozambican farmers to increase their productivity but comes into conflict with market access issues.Keywords: More Food International Program. Brazil. Mozambique. Transference. Implementation
Evaluation of System Portable Reading (SPR) for low vision developed in Brazil
PURPOSE: The proposal of this study is to test and to validate as the effectiveness and efficiency in a series of cases the prototype of a national equipment of magnification to reading. METHODS: A recently developed of equipment of magnification (patent pending Brazilian Institutte of Industrial Property # 020050145260) was tested in a group of 30 patients (age range 9 to 80 years, 17 males). A portable apparatus was developed with a system of capture of images coupled with a 5,6 inch monitor, providing an increase of 15 X. The effectiveness of the visual acuity and the reading efficiency were analyzed after the use of the proposed prototype. RESULTS: Six patients (20%) presented AV 8M, 12 patients (40%) presented AV 6,0M, 7 patients (23.3%) presented AV 5M, 5 patients (16.7%) presented 4M. The average of visual acuity before the utilization of SPR measured by LHNV-1 logMAR chart was 5,75M. After the use of LHNV-1 logMAR chart, 100% (one hundred percent) of the patients reached the efficacy of AV J1. CONCLUSION: The prototype of SPR is an alternative resource in the social inclusion process of low vision patients with different levels of visual residue. It demonstrates psychological incentive, allows comfort, mobility and independence to those who need a more extended lecture and more distance of work.OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia e eficiência em uma série de casos do protótipo de um equipamento nacional de magnificação para leitura. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 30 pacientes na faixa etária entre 9 e 80 anos (17 do sexo masculino). Foi desenvolvido um aparelho portátil, patenteado pela UNIFESP (PI#020050145260), com um sistema de captura de imagens acoplado a um monitor de 5,6 polegadas proporcionando um aumento de 15 X. Foram analisadas a eficácia da acuidade visual e a eficiência de leitura após a utilização do protótipo proposto. RESULTADOS: Seis pacientes (20%) apresentaram AV 8M, 12 pacientes (40%) apresentaram AV 6M, 7 pacientes (23,3%) apresentaram 5 M, 5 pacientes (16,7%) apresentaram 4M. A média de acuidade visual antes da utilização do SLP medida pela tabela LHNV-1 logMAR foi de 5,75M e após a utilização 100% dos pacientes atingiram a eficácia de AV J1. CONCLUSÃO: O protótipo do SLP mostrou-se um recurso alternativo no processo de inclusão social das pessoas com baixa visão com diferentes níveis de resíduo visual. Também pode proporcionar incentivo psicológico, permitir conforto, mobilidade e independência àqueles que necessitam de uma leitura mais prolongada e maior distância de trabalho.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos Setor de Reabilitação VisualUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de OftalmologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Oftalmologia Setor de BioengenhariaUNIFESP, Depto. de OftalmologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Oftalmologia Setor de BioengenhariaSciEL
Vasoactive agents affect growth and protein synthesis of cultured rat mesangial cells
Vasoactive agents affect growth and protein synthesis of cultured rat mesangial cells. Mesangial cell (MC) proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM) formation are hallmarks of chronic glomerular disease. The present in vitro study examined the effects of the vasoactive agents angiotensin II (Ang II), arginine vasopressin (AVP), and serotonin (5-HT) on growth and protein biosynthesis of cultured rat MCs after 72 hours of incubation. AVP and 5-HT (10-6 M) significantly increased DNA synthesis and growth of quiescent subconfluent MCs to levels of 25 and 45%, respectively, of the optimal stimulatory effect of 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) (both P < 0.001). The mitogenic effect of Ang II was 10% of the 10% FCS effect (P < 0.01). ECM production was studied by ELISA assay for fibronectin (FN) secreted into the culture medium (SeFN) and cell-associated FN, that is, intra- and pericellular FN (CaFN). In all incubations, highly significant negative linear relationships were found between the numbers of MCs per well and quantities of both SeFN and CaFN after normalization of the data by logarithmic transformation (SeFN: r values > -0.9705; CaFN: r < -0.9620; P < 0.001). Thus, increasing cell densities progressively suppressed ECM formation by MCs. The ECM production was found to be independent of growth activity. AVP significantly increased SeFN (P < 0.05) and decreased CaFN (P < 0.001) in subconfluent cultures; Ang II and 5-HT had no effect. Metabolic labeling with 35S-methionine (18 hr, 200 µCi/ml medium) and 2-D electrophoresis of MC lysates resulted in resolution of >500 different radiolabeled intracellular proteins in molecular weight from 110 to 20 Kd over an isoelectric interval of 5.0 to 7.0. Computerized video densitometry and scintillation counting of excised spots revealed prominent upregulation of 10 different MC proteins in response to AVP, and enhanced expression of five proteins in response to 5-HT, events characteristic of cellular activation. Ang II caused weakly increased expression of only one protein. The stimulatory effects of AVP and 5-HT on growth and protein synthesis of MCs in-vitro imply a possible in vivo role for these factors in glomerular disease
Is trade good for development? The elusive question
This review presents the research paths taken in recent decades in the attempt to identify the causal relationship between international trade and development. It argues that this is a highly empirical issue which the traditional, multi-country studies have not been successful in unraveling. The academic literature found fertile ground in which to question the channels by which trade may affect development and give rise to research with more specific themes. The result is an enormous and diverse range of studies. Some of these lines of research, referencing important texts in the literature, are presented herein
Is trade good for development? The elusive question *
This review presents the research paths taken in recent decades in the attempt to identify the causal relationship between international trade and development. It argues that this is a highly empirical issue which the traditional, multi-country studies have not been successful in unraveling. The academic literature found fertile ground in which to question the channels by which trade may affect development and give rise to research with more specific themes. The result is an enormous and diverse range of studies. Some of these lines of research, referencing important texts in the literature, are presented herein. Keywords: International trade; development; growth; liberalization; exports. Thus, the academic literature in the area has over time undergone an expansion regarding not only the volume but also the delimitation of the objects and research * http://d