789 research outputs found

    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey

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    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, in partnership with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) and the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), has announced the results of the first comprehensive survey to assess the ethnic and gender diversity of the staffs of art museums across the United States. Undertaken to replace anecdotal evidence with hard data, the survey provides the museum field with the first statistical baseline against which progress can be measured. Art Museum Staff Demographic SurveyAmong its chief findings, the survey documented a significant movement toward gender equality in art museums. Women now comprise some 60 percent of museum staffs, with a preponderance of women in the curatorial, conservation and education roles that can be a pipeline toward leadership positions. The survey found no such pipeline toward leadership among staff from historically underrepresented minorities. Although 28 percent of museum staffs are from minority backgrounds, the great majority of these workers are concentrated in security, facilities, finance, and human resources jobs. Among museum curators, conservators, educators and leaders, only 4 percent are African American and 3 percent Hispanic

    Soldier’s beliefs in abstinence before and after the implementation of a novel army nicotine-free policy

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    United States Army soldiers have used tobacco for decades1 despite known health risks associated with these products.2 Material connections between the tobacco industry and the military during the early part of the 20th century, coupled with pervasive advertising images of soldiers using tobacco during combat, served to promote tobacco use among young recruits entering training.3 A variety of policieshave been instituted during the training period, to varied and sometimes suboptimal effect.4 Currently, tobacco (defined as any non-therapeutic nicotine product) is banned during basic combat training (BCT), the first phase of training in a soldier’s career, which lasts 10 weeks. It is allowed in the longer subsequent advanced individual training (AIT), during which soldiers learn their military occupationspecialty. Trainee soldiers in an AIT aviation battalion on Fort Eustis in Virginia previously reported a reduction in overall tobacco use following BCT,5 prompting a decision to institute a proposed nicotine-free policy during AIT, which lasts approximately 3–6 months. This study aimed to determine if the AIT nicotine-free policy implementation process would change the tobacco user’s intentionto remain abstinent following AIT, when tobacco use would not be restricted

    Ultra--Planck Scattering in D=3 Gravity Theories

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    We obtain the high energy, small angle, 2-particle gravitational scattering amplitudes in topologically massive gravity (TMG) and its two non-dynamical constituents, Einstein and Chern--Simons gravity. We use 't Hooft's approach, formally equivalent to a leading order eikonal approximation: one of the particles is taken to scatter through the classical spacetime generated by the other, which is idealized to be lightlike. The required geometries are derived in all three models; in particular, we thereby provide the first explicit asymptotically flat solution generated by a localized source in TMG. In contrast to DD=4, the metrics are not uniquely specified, at least by naive asymptotic requirements -- an indeterminacy mirrored in the scattering amplitudes. The eikonal approach does provide a unique choice, however. We also discuss the discontinuities that arise upon taking the limits, at the level of the solutions, from TMG to its constituents, and compare with the analogous topologically massive vector gauge field models.Comment: 20 pages, preprint BRX TH--337, DAMTP R93/5, ADP-93-204/M1

    Fatty liver in familial hypobetalipoproteinemia: Triglyceride assembly into VLDL particles is affected by the extent of hepatic steatosis

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    Familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) subjects may develop fatty liver. Liver fat was assessed in 21 FHBL with six different apolipoprotein B (apoB) truncations (apoB-4 to apoB-89) and 14 controls by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Liver fat percentages were 16.7 ± 11.5 and 3.3 ± 2.9 (mean ± SD) (P = 0.001). Liver fat percentage was positively correlated with body mass index, waist circumference, and areas under the insulin curves of 2 h glucose tolerance tests, suggesting that obesity may affect the severity of liver fat accumulation in both groups. Despite 5-fold differences in liver fat percentage, mean values for obesity and insulin indexes were similar. Thus, for similar degrees of obesity, FHBL subjects have more hepatic fat. VLDL-triglyceride (TG)-fatty acids arise from plasma and nonplasma sources (liver and splanchnic tissues). To assess the relative contributions of each, [2H2] palmitate was infused over 12 h in 13 FHBL subjects and 11 controls. Isotopic enrichment of plasma free palmitate and VLDL-TG-palmitate was determined by mass spectrometry. Nonplasma sources contributed 51 ± 15% in FHBL and 37 ± 13% in controls (P = 0.02). Correlations of liver fat percentage and percent VLDL-TG-palmitate from liver were r = 0.89 (P = 0.0001) for FHBL subjects and r = 0.69 (P = 0.01) for controls. Thus, apoB truncation-producing mutations result in fatty liver and in altered assembly of VLDL-TG

    Schr\"{o}dinger Fields on the Plane with non-Abelian Chern-Simons Interactions

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    Physical content of the nonrelativistic quantum field theory with non-Abelian Chern-Simons interactions is clarified with the help of the equivalent first- quantized description which we derive in any physical gauge.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, SNUTP 94-1

    Central charge and renormalization in supersymmetric theories with vortices

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    Some quantum features of vortices in supersymmetric theories in 1+2 dimensions are studied in a manifestly supersymmetric setting of the superfield formalism. A close examination of the supercurrent that accommodates the central charge and super-Poincare charges in a supermultiplet reveals that there is no genuine quantum anomaly in the supertrace identity and in the supercharge algebra, with the central-charge operator given by the bare Fayet-Iliopoulos term alone. The central charge and the vortex spectrum undergo renormalization on taking the expectation value of the central-charge operator. It is shown that the vortex spectrum is exactly determined at one loop while the spectrum of the elementary excitations receives higher-order corrections.Comment: 9 pages, revte

    Geometric Quantization of Topological Gauge Theories

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    We study the symplectic quantization of Abelian gauge theories in 2+12+1 space-time dimensions with the introduction of a topological Chern-Simons term.Comment: 13 pages, plain TEX, IF/UFRJ/9
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