4 research outputs found

    Current and Future Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Chesapeake Bay to Support the Shellfish Industry

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    Harmful algal bloom (HAB) species in the Chesapeake Bay can negatively impact fish, shellfish, and human health via the production of toxins and the degradation of water quality. Due to the deleterious effects of HAB species on economically and environmentally important resources, such as oyster reef systems, Bay area resource managers are seeking ways to monitor HABs and water quality at large spatial and fine temporal scales. The use of satellite ocean color imagery has proven to be a beneficial tool for resource management in other locations around the world where high-biomass, nearly monospecific HABs occur. However, remotely monitoring HABs in the Chesapeake Bay is complicated by the presence of multiple, often co-occurring, species and optically complex waters. Here we present a summary of common marine and estuarine HAB species found in the Chesapeake Bay, Alexandrium monilatum, Karlodinium veneficum, Margalefidinium polykrikoides, and Prorocentrum minimum, that have been detected from space using multispectral data products from the Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) sensor on the Sentinel-3 satellites and identified based on in situ phytoplankton data and ecological associations. We review how future hyperspectral instruments will improve discrimination of potentially harmful species from other phytoplankton communities and present a framework in which satellite data products could aid Chesapeake Bay resource managers with monitoring water quality and protecting shellfish resources

    Testing a Hyperspectral, Bio‐Optical Approach to Identification of Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary

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    Abstract The multi‐to hyperspectral evolution of satellite ocean color sensors is anticipated to enable satellite‐based identification of phytoplankton biodiversity, a key factor in aquatic ecosystem functioning and upper ocean biogeochemistry. In this work the bio‐optical Phytoplankton Detection with Optics (PHYDOTax) approach for deriving taxonomic (class‐level) phytoplankton community composition (PCC, e.g. diatoms, dinoflagellates) from hyperspectral information is evaluated in the Chesapeake Bay estuary on the U.S. East Coast. PHYDOTax is among relatively few optical‐based PCC differentiation approaches available for optically complex waters, but it has not yet been evaluated beyond the California coastal regime where it was developed. Study goals include: (a) testing the approach in a turbid estuary including novel incorporation of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and non‐algal particles (NAP), and (b) performance assessment with both synthetic mixture and field data sets. Algorithm skill was robust on synthetic mixtures. Using field data, cryptophyte and/or cyanophyte phytoplankton groups were predicted, but diatom and dinoflagellate detection was not conclusive. For one field data set, small but significant improvements were observed in predicted PCC groups when tested with incorporation of CDOM and NAP into the algorithm, but not for the second field data set. Sensitivity to three hyperspectral‐relevant spectral resolutions (1, 5, 10 nm) was low for all field and synthetic data. PHYDOTax can identify some phytoplankton groups in the estuary using hyperspectral, field‐collected measurements, but validation‐quality data with broad temporospatial coverage are needed to determine whether the approach is robust enough for science applications

    Public Health Data Applications Using the CDC Tracking Network: Augmenting Environmental Hazard Information With Lower‐Latency NASA Data

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    Abstract Exposure to environmental hazards is an important determinant of health, and the frequency and severity of exposures is expected to be impacted by climate change. Through a partnership with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network is integrating timely observations and model data of priority environmental hazards into its publicly accessible Data Explorer (https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/DataExplorer/). Newly integrated data sets over the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) include: daily 5‐day forecasts of air quality based on the Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast, daily historical (1980‐present) concentrations of speciated PM2.5 based on the modern era retrospective analysis for research and applications, version 2, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) daily near real‐time maps of flooding (MCDWD). Data integrated into the CDC Tracking Network are broadly intended to improve community health through action by informing both research and early warning activities, including (a) describing temporal and spatial trends in disease and potential environmental exposures, (b) identifying populations most affected, (c) generating hypotheses about associations between health and environmental exposures, and (d) developing, guiding, and assessing environmental public health policies and interventions aimed at reducing or eliminating health outcomes associated with environmental factors