11 research outputs found

    Cytotoxic Activities of Several Geranyl-Substituted Flavanones

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    Nine geranylated flavanones isolated from the fruits of Paulownia tomentosa (4-12) and two from the roots of Morus alba (13 and 14) were examined for cytotoxicity to selected human cancer cell lines and normal human fibroblasts. Cytotoxicity was determined in vitro using a calcein AM cytotoxicity assay. Cytotoxicity for the THP-1 monocytic leukemia cell line was tested using erythrosin B cell staining. The geranylated compounds tested were compared with the known simple flavanone standards taxifolin (1), naringenin (2), and hesperetin (3) and with the standard anticancer drugs olomoucine II, diaziquone, and oxaliplatin and the antineoplastic compound camptothecin, and showed different levels of cytotoxicity. The effects of structural changes on cytotoxic activity, including geranyl substitution of the flavanone skeleton and the oxidation pattern of ring B of the flavanones, are discussed

    Overview of recent ITER TBM Program activities

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    The ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program has significantly evolved since 2018. The number of equatorial ports allocated for operating the Test Blanket Systems (TBSs) has been reduced from three to two. As consequence, four TBSs can be simultaneously installed and operated, versus six previously. Since the dedicated space in the various rooms of the Tokamak Complex has been kept unchanged, the existing space constraints have been substantially relaxed.The paper addresses the possible selection of the four TBSs for the initial configuration and design of the involved TBMs and the main on-going R&D carried out by the ITER Members (IMs) in support of the TBS designs. It describes also the main progress of the design of the infrastructures needed for hosting the four TBSs (e.g., port plugs, port cell common components, common maintenance tools and equipment). The design of the TBS Connection Pipes (CPs) System has reached its final phase since, being captive, it needs to be installed before the First Plasma

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Molecular profile of 5-fluorouracil pathway genes in colorectal carcinoma

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    Lists TaqMan Gene Expression Assays used in the study. Table S2 shows sequence of primers and PCR conditions used for promoter CpG methylation profiling. Table S3 shows results of stage-adjusted Cox regression of associations between transcript levels and DFI of colorectal cancer patients from the combined testing and validation I sets. Figure S1 depicts 5-Fluorouracil pathway gene expression levels in the studied sets of colorectal cancer patients. Figure S2 shows results of analysis of associations between transcript levels and disease-free survival of colorectal cancer patients from the validation set I. Figure S3 shows results of analysis of associations between transcript levels and disease-free survival of colorectal cancer patients from the testing set. Figure S4 shows results of analysis of associations between transcript levels and disease-free survival of colorectal cancer patients from the combined testing and validation I set. Figure S5 shows results of analysis of associations between transcript levels and disease-free survival of 5-fluorouracil-treated colorectal cancer patients from the combined testing and validation I set. Figure S6 shows results of analysis of associations between transcript levels and disease-free survival of untreated colorectal cancer patients from the validation I set. Figure S7 shows results of analysis of associations between UPB1 methylation levels and disease-free survival of colorectal cancer patients. Figure S8 shows analysis of association of RRM2 expression with disease-free survival of colorectal cancer patients based on publicly available GEO database. Figure S9 shows analysis of methylation profiles of 5-FU pathway genes in human colorectal tumor (red boxes) and mucosa (green boxes) tissues from publicly available MethHC database. (DOC 1916 kb

    ITER TBM Program and associated system engineering

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    Six Test Blanket Systems (TBS) will be installed and operated in ITER in the framework of the ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program. After a short description of each TBS and of the main operating parameters, this paper gives the main features of the various TBSs sub-systems, in particular, the cooling systems (helium, water and/or lithium-lead), the tritium system for extracting the tritium from the breeder, the coolant purification system, the tritium accountancy system, and several instrumentation & control systems. This paper addresses also the main services that are needed to operate a TBS such as the secondary water cooling system, the chilled water system to cool the helium circulators, the liquid and gaseous nitrogen used in the tritium extraction process, the compressed air needed to operate the various valves present on the circuits, and the electrical power supply for all the active electrical components such as pumps, circulators and heaters. Other important aspects are the required interfaces with other ITER plant systems such as those involving air and process gas detritiation, power supply, radiological and environmental monitoring, remote handling, measurements, and services