46 research outputs found


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir a formação de professores diante da violência crescente nas escolas e, em especial, a prática do bullying, fenômeno caracterizado por um conjunto de comportamentos agressivos e repetitivos entre sujeitos, apresentando um recorte diante de uma nova faceta apontada por estudiosos do assunto de que o bullying também é praticado pelos professores a partir de suas práticas pedagógicas. Fruto de um trabalho de pesquisa, foi desenvolvido através de revisões teóricas, além da escuta de alguns sujeitos envolvidos com o fenômeno: professores, alunos e supervisor escolar. A pesquisa apontou que o bullying está presente nas relações entre professor e aluno, portanto, há necessidade de revisitar as práticas pedagógicas, com auxílio do profissional da supervisão escolar. Diante da complexidade de ser professor, a formação docente precisa preocupar-se com a formação multifacetada do educador e o entendimento de que a sua prática pedagógica contribui com uma educação mais humanizadora.Palavras-chave: Bullying. Práticas Pedagógicas. Formação de Professores


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir a formação de professores diante da violência crescente nas escolas e, em especial, a prática do bullying, fenômeno caracterizado por um conjunto de comportamentos agressivos e repetitivos entre sujeitos, apresentando um recorte diante de uma nova faceta apontada por estudiosos do assunto de que o bullying também é praticado pelos professores a partir de suas práticas pedagógicas. Fruto de um trabalho de pesquisa, foi desenvolvido através de revisões teóricas, além da escuta de alguns sujeitos envolvidos com o fenômeno: professores, alunos e supervisor escolar. A pesquisa apontou que o bullying está presente nas relações entre professor e aluno, portanto, há necessidade de revisitar as práticas pedagógicas, com auxílio do profissional da supervisão escolar. Diante da complexidade de ser professor, a formação docente precisa preocupar-se com a formação multifacetada do educador e o entendimento de que a sua prática pedagógica contribui com uma educação mais humanizadora. Palavras-chave: Bullying. Práticas Pedagógicas. Formação de Professores

    Adolescência, uso de drogas e prática infracional: reflexões a partir de estudos brasileiros

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    A questão do uso de drogas entre adolescentes em conflito com a lei aparece com frequência nos estudos nacionais e internacionais e desperta preocupações sobre a associação entre estas duas variáveis e suas consequências às condições de saúde dessa população. Através de  revisão integrativa buscou-se analisar o estado da arte da produção científica brasileira sobre a temática. Foram selecionados 30 artigos, analisados pelas categorias: Metodologia, Distribuição anual, Áreas de Conhecimento, Objetivos, Resultados, Políticas Públicas. Resultados: a questão é amplamente discutida na literatura nacional, sendo a análise da variável “uso de drogas”, em alguns artigos, determinante na associação com o conflito com a lei e, em outros, um entre múltiplos fatores que se combinam na construção do fenômeno. Poucos estudos abordaram a prática profissional e as políticas públicas relacionadas à temática. Conclui-se que o fenômeno é complexo e necessita de abordagens ampliadas, bem como suporte das políticas públicas a ele relacionadas

    Cement matrix containing lightweight aggregate based on Non-Metallic Fraction Printed Circuit Boards (NMFPCB'S)

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    Materials such as river sand, used in construction, have a high demand, and thus generate great environmental impacts while being extracted, such as erosion of the rivers banks and your siltation. With the increasing restriction of river sand extraction which can generate a reduction in the product's offer in the civil construction sector, it is necessary to develop waste recycling technologies for the production of sands with less environmental impact. One of the alternatives for the production of mortar for construction is the replacement of sands extracted from rivers by waste from other industries, such as the electronics industry that presents large and growing production worldwide, due to technological advances. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the influence of partial replacement of quartz sand by lightweight aggregate based non-metallic fraction of printed circuit boards (NMFPCB's) on the properties of cementitious matrix in the fresh and hardened states. For this, the electronic components of the printed circuit boards (PCBs) were removed, they were grinded and then through magnetic and electrostatic separation processes to separate the most valuable and abundant part of metals. The water to cement ratio was 0.48 in all the experiments, the Portland cement to sand ratio was 1:3 (in mass) for the control, and the mortars with NMFPCB's replacement of sand by volume of 25% and 50% were also made. These were characterized mechanically by axial compressive strength test at different ages. The partial results showed that with the increase of sand substitution by NMFPCB's there was a reduction of the mortar consistency index in the fresh state. Results showed that matrix that suffered the substitution of sand by light aggregate, decreased the compressive strength in relation to the reference, but have potential to use in construction industry as blocks or non-structural elements

    A família Asteraceae no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    The Parque Estadual de Itapuã, situated in the municipal district of Viamão, a important preservation area of Rio Grande do Sul state by sheltering remainders of original vegetation. The Asteraceae family presented a large number of species and wide distribution, principally in grassland habitat. The aim of this work is to register the Asteraceae species which occurrence in the study area, thus contributing for the better knowledge of this family. For this, a bibliographic and regional herbarium revision was realized involving others studies previously accomplished in Itapuã Park. Habit, habitats and phenology data ware registered for every species. We encountered 163 species, allotted in 13 tribes. The more numerous tribes were Astereae (36 species) and Eupatorieae (32 species). The collected examples flourish and fructify mostly in spring (51%) and autumn (46%). The large number of the species found, begin six menaced of extinction, denoted the importance this Conservation Unit to Rio Grande do Sul state.O Parque Estadual de Itapuã, localizado no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, é uma importante área de preservação do Estado, uma vez que abriga remanescentes da vegetação original da região. A família Asteraceae apresenta um grande número de espécies e uma ampla distribuição, sendo que no sul do Brasil ocorre em maior número nas formações campestres. O objetivo deste trabalho é inventariar as espécies de Asteraceae ocorrentes na área de estudo, contribuindo para o conhecimento da família. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão de trabalhos efetuados no Parque, além dos exemplares anteriormente coletados no local e depositados nos herbários da região. Foram registrados dados como hábito, hábitats, floração e frutificação para cada espécie coletada. Encontraram-se 163 espécies, distribuídas em 13 tribos. A tribo com o maior número de representantes é Astereae (36 espécies), seguida por Eupatorieae (32 espécies). Os exemplares coletados florescem e frutificam principalmente na primavera (51%) e no outono (46%). A ocorrência de um grande número de espécies da família, sendo que seis ameaçadas de extinção, indicam a importância desta Unidade de Conservação para o Estado

    Evolutive follow-up of the photocatalytic degradation of real textile effluents in TiO2 and TiO2/H2O2 systems and their toxic effects on Lactuca sativa seedlings

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    Textile industry wastes raise a great concern due to their strong coloration and toxicity. The objective of the present work was to characterize the degradation and mineralization of textile effluents by advanced oxidative processes using either TiO2 or TiO2/H2O2 association and to monitor the toxicity of the products formed during 6 h irradiation in relation to that of the in natura effluent. The results obtained demonstrated that the TiO2/H2O2 association was more efficient in the mineralization of textile effluents than TiO2 alone, with high mineralized ion concentrations (NH4+, NO3-, and SO4(2-)) and significant organic matter reduction rates (represented by the COD and TOC). The toxicity of the degradation products to lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa) was not significant, since percent germination was not significantly affected and neither was root and sprout percent growth. However, while the TiO2/H2O2 association was more toxic in the first hours of irradiation and less so in the end of the 6 h irradiation, the toxicity of TiO2 increased only slightly in the end of the experiments. Comparatively, the photogenerated products of both the TiO2 and the TiO2/H2O2 association were less toxic than the in natura effluent

    The combined effect of anemia and dynapenia on mortality risk in older adults: 10-Year evidence from the ELSA cohort study

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Anemia and dynapenia can occur simultaneously. Separately, both conditions increase the mortality risk with advancing age. However, there is no epidemiological evidence on the combined effect of these conditions on mortality in older adults. We investigated whether combined anemia and dynapenia increase the mortality risk, and whether there are gender differences. METHODS: A 10-year follow-up study was conducted involving 5,310 older adults from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). According to the diagnosis of anemia (hemoglobin concentration < 13.0 g/dL in men and < 12.0 g/dL in women) and dynapenia (grip strength < 26 kg for men and < 16 kg for women), individuals at baseline were categorized as "non-anemic/non-dynapenic", "dynapenic", "anemic" and "anemic/dynapenic". The outcome was all-cause mortality during the follow-up period. RESULTS: A total of 984 deaths were computed during the follow-up (63.7% in non-anemic/non-dynapenic, 22.8% in dynapenic, 7.5% in anemic and 6.0% in anemic/dynapenic). Adjusted Cox proportional hazard models stratified by sex showed that anemia and dynapenia combined was associated with an increased mortality risk in men (HR: 1.64; 95% IC 1.08 - 2.50) and women (HR: 2.17; 95% CI 1.44 - 3.26). Anemia in men (HR: 1.68; 95% CI 1.22 - 2.32) and dynapenia in women (HR: 1.37; 95% CI 1.09 - 1.72) were also risk factors for mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The coexistence of anemia and dynapenia increases the mortality risk, highlighting the need for early identification, prevention, and treatment of these conditions to reduce their complications and the mortality risk

    Challenges to Accurate Estimation of Methane Emission from Septic Tanks with Long Emptying Intervals

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    Septic tanks in low- and middle-income countries are often not emptied for a long time, potentially resulting in poor pollutant removal efficiency and increased greenhouse gas emissions, including methane (CH₄). We examined the impact of long emptying intervals (4.0–23 years) on the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal efficiency of 15 blackwater septic tanks and the CH₄ emission rates of 23 blackwater septic tanks in Hanoi. The average BOD removal efficiency was 37% (−2–65%), and the average CH₄ emission rate was 10.9 (2.2–26.8) g/(cap·d). The emptying intervals were strongly negatively correlated with BOD removal efficiency (R = −0.676, p = 0.006) and positively correlated with CH₄ emission rates (R = 0.614, p = 0.001). CH₄ emission rates were positively correlated with sludge depth (R = 0.596, p = 0.002), but against expectation, negatively correlated with BOD removal efficiency (R = −0.219, p = 0.451). These results suggest that shortening the emptying interval improves the BOD removal efficiency and reduces the CH₄ emission rate. Moreover, the CH₄ emission estimation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is a positive conversion of BOD removal, might be inaccurate for septic tanks with long emptying intervals. Our findings suggest that emptying intervals, sludge depth, and per-capita emission factors reflecting long emptying intervals are potential parameters for accurately estimating CH₄ emissions from septic tanks

    Physiological, nutritional, and molecular responses of Brazilian sugarcane cultivars under stress by aluminum

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    Background Sugarcane is a crop of global importance and has been expanding to areas with soils containing high levels of exchangeable aluminum (Al), which is a limiting factor for crop development in acidic soils. The study of the sugarcane physiological and nutritional behavior together with patterns of gene expression in response to Al stress may provide a basis for effective strategies to increase crop productivity in acidic soils. Methods Sugarcane cultivars were evaluated for physiological parameters (photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and transpiration), nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S) and Al contents in leaves and roots and gene expression, of the genes MDH, SDH by qPCR, both related to the production of organic acids, and SOD, related to oxidative stress. Results Brazilian sugarcane RB867515, RB928064, and RB935744 cultivars exhibited very different responses to induced stress by Al. Exposure to Al caused up-regulation (SOD and MDH) or down-regulation (SDH, MDH, and SOD), depending on the cultivar, Al level, and plant tissue. The RB867515 cultivar was the most Al-tolerant, showing no decline of nutrient content in plant tissue, photosynthesis, transpiration, and stomatal conductance after exposure to Al; it exhibited the highest Al content in the roots, and showed important MDH and SOD gene expression in the roots. RB928064 only showed low expression of SOD in roots and leaves, while RB935744 showed important expression of the SOD gene only in the leaves. Sugarcane cultivars were classified in the following descending Al-tolerance order: RB867515 > RB928064 = RB935744. These results may contribute to the obtention of Al-tolerant cultivars that can play their genetic potential in soils of low fertility and with low demand for agricultural inputs; the selection of potential plants for breeding programs; the elucidation of Al detoxification mechanisms employed by sugarcane cultivars