564 research outputs found

    Patterns of workers\u27 education: The story of the Bryn Mawr Summer School

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    Presented as a Dissertation to the Faculty of Bryn Mawr College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosoplyhttps://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_books/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Richard Murphy, The Kick, A Memoir of the Poet Richard Murphy

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    DĂ©but fĂ©vrier, il y a quelques semaines de cela, le poĂšte irlandais Richard Murphy s’éteignait Ă  l’ñge de 91 ans, aprĂšs une vie partagĂ©e entre l’ouest de l’Irlande, oĂč il naquit et vĂ©cut de nombreuses annĂ©es, le Sri Lanka, la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-Unis oĂč il sĂ©journa et enseigna. Aussi, la nouvelle publication de The Kick, A Memoir of the Poet Richard Murphy, parue il y a quelques mois, prend-elle une allure testamentaire. BĂąti sur une linĂ©aritĂ© chronologique de prĂšs d’un siĂšcle, ce t..

    Gerald Dawe, The Wrong Country: Essays on Modern Irish Writing

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    The title of Gerald Dawe’s new collection of essays on modern Irish writing is taken from Hugo Hamilton’s famous novel, The Speckled People. Dawe opens his book by quoting “You can’t be afraid of saying the opposite, even if you look like a fool and everybody thinks you’re in the wrong country, speaking the wrong language” (p. vi). This opening sentence is a relevant guide to Dawe’s essays, in which the TCD professor Emeritus tries to lead a quiet combat to conjure up forgotten authors (such ..

    Interdependent policy instrument preferences: a two-mode network approach

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    In policymaking, actors are likely to take the preferences of others into account when strategically positioning themselves. However, there is a lack of research that conceives of policy preferences as an interdependent system. In order to analyse interdependencies, we link actors to their policy preferences in water protection, which results in an actor-instrument network. As actors exhibit multiple preferences, a complex two-mode network between actors and policies emerges. We analyse whether actors exhibit interdependent preference profiles given shared policy objectives or social interactions among them. By fitting an exponential random graph model to the actor-instrument network, we find considerable clustering, meaning that actors tend to exhibit preferences for multiple policy instruments in common. Actors tend to exhibit interdependent policy preferences when they are interconnected, that is, they collaborate with each other. By contrast, actors are less likely to share policy preferences when a conflict line divides them

    Comparaison de différentes techniques de greffage vis-à-vis de leur efficacité de transmission virale sur vigne

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    Dans le but d'effectuer un criblage rapide d'un grand nombre de variétes de vigne vis-à-vis de leur résistance aux virus, nous avons recherché quelle méthode d'inoculation était la plus adaptée . L'inoculation mécanique d'un virus à la vigne étant difficile à obtenir, nous avons comparé différentes techniques de greffage: greffage sur bois, greffage en vert avec porte-greffe préalablement enraciné ou non, chaque fois, deux positions possibles pour l'inoculum: greffon ou porte-greffe.Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que le greffage sur bois avec l'inoculum en position de porte-greffe correspond à la méthode la plus efficace. Toutefois, le greffage en vert avec porte-greffe non enraciné donne également de bons résultats, toujours avec l'inoculum en position de porte-greffe. Etant donnés les avantages que présente la greffe en vert en ce qui concerne la surface necessaire à sa réalisation et sa vitesse de réalisation, ainsi que son utilisation possible tout au long de l'année, elle paraßt tout à fait adaptée pour inoculer un grand nombre de variétés. Comparison of the viral transmission efficiency of different grafting techniques on grapevinesWith the objective of screening a great number of grapevine varieties for their resistance to virus diseases, we looked for the most appropriate technique of inoculation. As the mechanical inoculation of a virus to the grapevine succeeds only under special conditions, we compared different grafting techniques: dormant grafting and green grafting, the last with and without previously rooted rootstock. For each of these three methods, the inoculum was used as the stock on one hand, as the scion on the other hand. This study proved that the dormant grafting technique using the inoculum as the rootstock is the most efficient technique. Nevertheless, good results were obtained by using the green grafting technique without previously rooting the rootstock, the inoculum being also used as the rootstock. As the green grafting method doesn't require a great area, is not time-consuming and can be performed throughout the year, it seems therefore to be a very convenient method of inoculating a great number of varieties

    The making of land use decisions, war, and state

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    During a civil war and its aftermath, rival powerholders frequently engage in decision-making over land use, for example, via land acquisitions or legal reforms. This paper explores how powerholders influence land use decision-making and what their engagement implies for territorial control. We analyse three cases of land use changes in Myanmar’s south between 1990 and 2015, where the Myanmar state and an ethnic minority organization fought over territorial control. We gathered qualitative data with a mix of methods and visualised actor networks and institutions. Our analysis reveals that the state managed to increasingly control decisionmaking over local land use from a distance by employing actor alliances and institutions such as laws and incentives, whereas the ethnic organization lost influence. We conclude that engaging in land use decisionmaking plays a crucial role in influencing the outcomes of a civil war and that it represents a form of war- and state-making

    Structure‐based design, synthesis and biological evaluation of bis‐tetrahydropyran furan acetogenin mimics targeting the trypanosomatid F1 component of ATP synthase

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    This work was funded by the Leverhulme Trust (G.J.F.), Wellcome Trust ISSF support (G.J.F./T.K.S.) and the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 602773 [Project KINDRED] (T.K.S.).The protozoan parasites Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. are responsible for the severely debilitating neglected Tropical diseases of African sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis, respectively. As part of our ongoing programme exploring the potential of simplified analogues of the acetogenin chamuvarinin we identified the T. brucei FoF1‐ATP synthase as a target of our earlier triazole analogue series. Using computational docking studies we hypothesized that the central triazole heterocyclic spacer could be substituted for a central 2,5‐substituted furan moiety, thus diversifying the chemical framework for the generation of compounds with greater potency and/or selectivity. Here we report the design, docking, synthesis and biological evaluation of new series of trypanocidal compounds and demonstrate their on‐target inhibitory effects. Furthermore, the synthesis of furans by the modular coupling of alkyne‐ and aldehyde‐THPs to bis‐THP 1,4‐alkyne diols followed by ruthenium/xantphos‐catalysed heterocyclisation described here represents the most complex use of this method of heterocyclisation to date.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Klimawandel-Anpassungsbereitschaft von Unternehmen in der Oberrhein-Region aus Sicht der Unternehmen – Eine multidisziplinĂ€re, grenzĂŒberschreitende Analyse

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    Companies can be affected by climate change in many ways. Effective adaptation to climate change will only be possible if the associated risks and opportunities as well as their own strengths and weaknesses are sufïŹciently known. Following the conceptual framework of a SWOT analysis, this article outlines the self-perception of companies from the Upper Rhine region regarding their climate change vulnerability. Based on 26 qualitative semi-structured company interviews, managers’ statements on climate change-related strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are divided into three categories based on the business function concerned. The resulting 4×3 matrix is used to analyse which aspects companies do not pay much attention to. We also highlight typical, frequently cited strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It appears that the majority of companies perceive climate change as an external threat but see themselves in a position to counter this threat with the help of internal qualities

    Major T Cell Progenitor Activity in Bone Marrow–derived Spleen Colonies

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    Common lymphoid progenitors (CLP) are generated in adult bone marrow (BM), but the intermediate steps leading to T cell commitment are unknown, and so is the site at which this commitment occurs. Here, we show that colonies arising in the spleen 12 days after BM injection harbor T cell precursors that are undetectable in BM. These precursors did not generate myeloid cells in vivo but repopulated the thymus and the peripheral T cell compartment much faster than did CLP. Two lineage negative (Lin−) subpopulations were distinguished, namely CD44+ Thy1− cells still capable of natural killer generation and transient low-level B cell generation, and T cell–restricted CD44− Thy1+ cells. At a molecular level, frequency of CD3ɛ and preTα mRNA was very different in each subset. Furthermore, only the CD44− Thy1+ subset have initiated rearrangements in the T cell receptor ÎČ locus. Thus, this study identifies extramedullary T cell progenitors and will allow easy approach to T cell commitment studies

    Successful plasmapheresis and immunoglobulin treatment for severe lipid storage myopathy: Doing the right thing for the wrong reason

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    Three consecutive skeletal muscle biopsies during a several months time-frame, showing different degrees of neutral lipid storage. This is highlighted by Oil-red-O stains (D, E, F) and electron microscopy (G, H, I). Note the impact on mitochondrial morphology with so called 'parking lots (K, L). Zooming 'in and out' into the ultrastructure, using the nanotomy platform provides interesting detailled information (http://nanotomy.org). ​
