143 research outputs found
Jüdisches Erbe in christlicher Tradition : eine kanongeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Bedeutung und Rezeption der Makkabäerbücher in der Alten Kirche des Ostens
Innerhalb des Judentums werden das I. und II. Makkabäerbuch ( = Makk) zunächst jeweils als Haggada des Chanukkafestes tradiert. Nach dem Verlust des Zweiten Tempels verliert das I. Makk gegenüber dem II. Makk an Bedeutung, dessen Märtyrerkapitel nun auf den 9. Ab bezogen werden. Bei Flavius Josephus bekommt das I. Makk eine Bedeutung als historische Erklärung innerhalb der Danielauslegung. In dieser Funktion wird das Buch auf christlicher Seite adaptiert, wie der Befund bei Hippolyt, Origenes, Euseb, und Chrysostomos zeigt; sie greifen auf die Antiquitates zurück, wenn sie das I. Makk zitieren. Die christliche Tradition der Makk spiegelt in ihren Anfängen die jüdische Tradition wider, die lebendig war, als das Christentum begann, seine eigene Tradition zu entwickeln. Entscheidend für die christliche Rezeption war die Bedeutung der Makk als haggadische Schriften im Rahmen des jüdischen Festzyklus. Im Raum des östlichen Diasporajudentums, dem Entstehungsbereich des IV. Makk, bestand christlicherseits schon im 2. Jh. eine Verknüpfung des Makkabäergedächtnisses (das von der kultischen Verehrung der makkabäischen Märtyrer zu unterscheiden ist, die erst ab dem 4. Jh. nachweisbar ist) mit dem IV. Makk, jedoch war der Bericht des II. Makk verbindlicher. Es wurde christlicherseits auch im 3. Jh. liturgisch genutzt und im Sinne einer biblischen Schrift verstanden. Eine Verschiebung der Rezeption zugunsten des IV. Makk ist ab der zweiten Hälfte des 4. Jh.s zu beobachten. Je mehr sich die kultische Verehrung der makkabäischen Märtyrer etablierte, wurde das IV. Makk im Sinne einer Heiligenvita verstanden. Zum anderen ist diese Entwicklung auch eine Folge der im 4. Jh. vollzogenen Orientierung an der rabbinischen Tradition hinsichtlich des Umfangs des alttestamentlichen Kanons
pro-Q: Förderung der Qualität biologisch erzeugter Milch in der Schweiz durch Prävention und Antibiotikaminimierung. Abschlussbericht Mai 2003 bis April 2006
Ziel des pro-Q-Projektes ist die flächendeckende Tiergesundheits- und Milchqualitätssicherung in der Biomilcherzeugung unter Bioverordnungs-konformen Bedingungen. Die Milch soll mit einem minimalen Einsatz chemischer Arzneimittel produziert werden. Dabei soll eine gute Eutergesundheit gewährleistet werden. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, werden wichtige Negativfaktoren speziell für die Eutergesundheit im Betrieb definiert. Sanierungskonzepte werden mit der Landwirtin / dem Landwirt und dem Tierarzt / der Tierärztin erarbeitet. Zur Darstellung der aktuellen Eutergesundheit werden die Kühe und ihre Euter klinisch, die Milch zytobakteriologisch untersucht. Gemeinsam mit den Bestandesveterinären wird ein Therapiekonzept für erkrankte Kühe erstellt, welches auf vorwiegend homöopathischer Behandlung in Verbindung mit zusätzlichen Massnahmen (z.B. häufigerem Ausmelken) beruht. Wesentliches Ziel ist dabei, das Therapiesystem derart umzustellen, dass der Einsatz von Antibiotika weitgehend vermieden wird. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Projektes ist die stetige Analyse aller verfügbaren Daten mit darauf basierenden umfangreichen Informationen für Landwirt und Tierarzt.
Die Ergebnisse der 78 mind. einjährig und 16 über zwei Jahre betreuten Betriebe sind sehr unterschiedlich und müssen im Kontext der betriebsindividuellen primären Sanierungsstrategien gesehen werden. Während die Eutergesundheit sowie die Milchleistung im ersten Jahr kaum Unterschiede zeigen, werden die Herden im Durchschnitt etwas älter, insbesondere diejenigen mit primär besserer Eutergesundheit. Nach zwei Jahren zeigen sich in Betrieben mit schlechterer Eutergesundheit deutliche Verbesserungen der Zellzahl, während die eutergesünderen Betriebe sich verschlechtern. Dies ist in erster Linie auf die Umstellung auf antibiotikafreie Therapie zurückzuführen, wobei der Trend zum 3. Jahr hin wieder rückläufig ist.
Es konnten bereits im ersten Jahr 15 von 19 Betrieben mit S. aureus-Problematik teilsaniert werden, 5 Herden davon sind vollständig saniert. Ebenso erfolgreich gestaltet sich das Konzept in Betrieben mit gelbem Galt (Sc. agalactiae), die alle nach einem Jahr Galt-negativ waren.
Die Zahl der antibiotischen Mastitisbehandlungen stieg insgesamt im ersten Projektjahr aus Sanierungsgründen, sank aber im zweiten deutlich unter das Niveau des Vorprojektjahres. Im zweiten Projektjahr werden 3 von 16 Herden antibiotikafrei geführt.
Das pro-Q-Projekt zeigt anhand von 5 Beispielbetrieben, dass sich das Programm wirtschaftlich für die meisten Betriebe bezahlt macht. Insgesamt gesehen weisen die Daten zudem darauf hin, dass sich ein relevanter Erfolg bezüglich der verschiedenen Kernziele vermutlich ab dem dritten Jahr einstellen wird. Dies berücksichtigend stellt das Projekt einen Erfolg für die TeilnehmerInnen dar und kann über den Biolandbau hinaus empfohlen werden. Das homöopathische Therapieprinzip hat zu keinen gravierenden Einbrüchen in der Eutergesundheit geführt. Betriebe, deren Situation eine sofortige Umstellung auf das antibiotikafreie Therapiesystem gestattete, zeigten sehr positive Betreuungseffekte. Das Therapiesystem ist daher in den meisten Fällen als erfolgreiche Alternative zur Antibiose zu betrachten.
Die Einführung des Konzeptes im Biolandbau soll beispielgebend für andere Produktionsausrichtungen (z.B. integrierte Produktion) sein, die durchaus auch an dem
Programm teilnehmen können
O presente artigo busca discutir de que forma a internet tende a influenciar os meios de vida dos agricultores familiares, uma vez que se pode notar uma duplicidade de consequências, sendo elas, por um lado, a internet enquanto geradora de informação e conhecimento e, por outro lado, tal ferramenta como uma forma de homogeneizar e/ou massificar o meio rural. Buscar-se-á analisar as transformações no rural brasileiro, tentando-se elucidar a repercussão da internet na sua cultura e modo de vida, através do processo de inovação e desenvolvimento tecnológico vivido. Será tratado, posteriormente, o meio rural “para dentro da porteira”, levando-se em conta os agricultores, sua família, a questão da terra e do trabalho; e o “para fora da porteira”, refletindo-se sobre os agricultores, suas organizações e o mercado; por fim, o trabalho será concluído, buscando-se discutir os desafios para o desenvolvimento rural na perspectiva dos meios de comunicação social. Pôde-se perceber, no decorrer da discussão, que a internet, por estar recentemente inserida no campo, ainda não surte efeitos suficientes no modo de vida dos agricultores familiares, mas, quando estes tomarem consciência do seu potencial, aquela se tornará uma importante aliada à sua propriedade.Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Rural. Tecnologia de informação e comunicação. Modos de vida. INTERNET AND FAMILY AGRICULTURE: SOME PERCEPTIONS ABOUT CHANGES IN THE RURAL ENVIRONMENTThis paper discusses how the Internet can influence the livelihoods of family farmers, since it can be seen a double consequence, being, on the one hand, the Internet as a generator of information and knowledge and, on the other hand, such a tool as a way of homogenizing and/or massifying the rural environment. It will analyze the transformations in the brazilian countryside trying to elucidate the repercussion of the Internet in the culture and way of life in the rural environment through the process of innovation and technological development. Subsequently, the rural will be treated “inside the gate”, taking into account the farmers, their families, the issue of land and labor; and "out of the gate," reflecting on farmers, their organizations and the market, to finally finish the paper discussing the challenges for rural development from the perspective of the media. It could be perceived in the course of the discussion, the Internet, because it was newly inserted in the field, has not sufficiently affect livelihoods of family farmers, but when they become aware of its potential, this will become an important tool in property.
Einfluss der Haltungsindikatoren Integumentschäden und Sauberkeit auf die Eutergesundheit von Milchkühen
Mastitis in dairy cows is a multi-causal disease. Animal husbandry is one of the important
factors influencing herd udder health. In our study, skin lesion scores and cleanness
scores are used as animal-based indicators for husbandry problems. We investigated
the impact of husbandry on the prevalence of skin lesions and the correlation
between skin lesions, cleanness and udder health in 67 herds joining the Swiss udder
health project “pro-Q”. 62.8% of all examined cows had at least one skin lesion. 13%
of all cows were seriously dirty. Housing factors, such as dimension and design of the
lying area influenced the prevalence of skin lesions significantly. Hard surface, rubber
mats, narrow dimensions of lying place, horns, as well as stanchion barns were risk
factors for skin injuries. Cleanness and udder health were well correlated, which was
not true for skin lesions and udder health. Thus, the cleanness score may be used as
an indicator for increased mastitis risk. The skin lesion score can be used as an indicator
for husbandry quality
Resolving Radiant: Combining Spatially Resolved Longwave and Shortwave Measurements to Improve the Understanding of Radiant Heat Flux Reflections and Heterogeneity
We introduce and demonstrate new measurement and modeling techniques to fully resolve the spatial variation in shortwave and longwave radiant heat transfer in the outdoor environment. We demonstrate for the first time a way to directly resolve the shortwave radiant heat transfer from terrestrial reflected and diffuse sky components along with the standard direct solar radiation using an adapted thermopile array and ray-tracing modeling techniques validated by 6-direction net radiometer. Radiant heat transfer is a major component of heat experienced in cities. It has significant spatial variability that is most easily noticed as one moves between shade and direct solar exposure. But even on a cloudy and warm day the invisible longwave infrared thermal radiation from warm surfaces makes up a larger fraction of heat experienced than that caused by convection with surrounding air. Under warm or hot climate conditions in cities, radiant heat transfer generally accounts for the majority of heat transfer to people. Both the shortwave (visible/solar) and the longwave (infrared/thermal) have significant spatial variation. We demonstrate sensor methods and data analysis techniques to resolve how these radiant fluxes can change the heat experienced by >1 kWm−2 across small distances. The intense solar shortwave radiation is easily recognized outdoors, but longwave is often considered negligible. Longwave radiation from heat stored in urban surfaces is more insidious as it can cause changes invisible to the eye. We show how it changes heat experienced by >200 Wm−2. These variations are very common and also occur at the scale of a few meters
Uma Sistematização dos Estudos Nacionais em Psicologia Ambiental
Environmental Psychology (PA) is a discipline that studies the interrelation between person-environment, from the perspective that both are inserted in a system of mutual influence. With the objective of presenting a data systematization of studies in Environmental Psychology in the national context, this study carried out an analysis of the scientific production of articles related to the theme, available in SciELO, Pepsic, Indexpsi, VHL, LILACS databases. We used the descriptors person, environment and environmental psychology, selected according to the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS). From the national sample of 29 scientific articles, it was verified that the person-environment relationship in its origins adopted an individualistic perspective, focused on the psychological effects that the environment caused in the people. Subsequently, the person-environment was studied in an interactionist perspective, in which both are separate units and have a cause-and-effect relationship. From a more current view, the person and environment are seen inserted in an interrelated system, in which both define and modify each other. It was possible to identify that the current ontology is materialist, anthropology is transactionalist and agent and epistemology is interactionist and constructivist. It was verified that there are two main characteristics in the PA: construction of scientific knowledge from the multi-method and interdisciplinary approach. For future researches is suggested to incorporate cultural issues into human-environment investigations, owing to the way it influences worldviews and urban and private constructions.La Psicología Ambiental (PA) es una disciplina que se propone a estudiar la interrelación entre persona-ambiente, desde la perspectiva de que ambos están insertados en un sistema de mutua influencia. Con el objetivo de presentar una sistematización de datos de los estudios en Psicología Ambiental en el contexto nacional, este estudio realizó un análisis de la producción científica de artículos relacionados con el tema, disponibles en las bases de datos Scielo, Pepsic, Indexpsi, BVS, LILACS. Se utilizó los descriptores persona, ambiente y psicología ambiental, seleccionados según los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS). A partir de la muestra nacional de 29 artículos científicos, se verificó que la relación persona-ambiente en sus orígenes adoptaba una perspectiva individualista, enfocada en los efectos psicológicos que el ambiente causaba en las personas. Posteriormente, se estudió la persona-ambiente en una perspectiva interaccional, en la cual ambos son unidades separadas y poseen una relación de causa y efecto. A partir de una visión más actual, la persona y el ambiente se ven insertados en un sistema de interrelación, en el que ambos se definen y se modifican mutuamente. Fue posible identificar que la ontología actual es materialista, la antropología es transacionalista y agente y la epistemología es interaccionista y constructivista. Se verificó que hay dos características principales en la PA: construcción del conocimiento científico a partir del abordaje multiforme e interdisciplinario. Se sugiere a futuras investigaciones incorporar cuestiones culturales en las investigaciones persona-ambiente, debido al modo como influencia visiones de mundo y construcciones urbanas y privadas.A Psicologia Ambiental (PA) é uma disciplina que se propõe a estudar a inter-relação entre pessoa-ambiente, a partir da perspectiva de que ambos estão inseridos em um sistema de mútua influência. Ressalta-se que esta pesquisa sucedeu no Laboratório de Psicologia Ambiental (LAPAM/UFSC). Com o objetivo de refletir acerca dos fundamentos epistemológicos dos estudos pessoa-ambiente, este estudo realizou uma análise da produção científica de artigos relacionados com o tema, disponíveis nas bases de dados Scielo, Pepsic, Indexpsi, BVS, LILACS. Utilizou-se os descritores pessoa, ambiente e psicologia ambiental, selecionados segundo os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS). A partir da amostra nacional de 29 artigos científicos, foi verificado que a relação pessoa-ambiente em suas origens adotava uma perspectiva individualista, focada nos efeitos psicológicos que o ambiente causava nas pessoas. Posteriormente, estudou-se a pessoa-ambiente em uma perspectiva interacionista, na qual ambos são unidades separadas e possuem uma relação de causa e efeito. Já a partir de uma visão mais atual, pessoa e ambiente são vistos inseridos em um sistema de inter-relação, em que ambos se definem e se modificam mutuamente. Foi possível identificar que a ontologia atual é materialista, a antropologia é transacionalista e agente e a epistemologia é interacionista e construtivista. Verificou-se que há duas características principais na PA: construção do conhecimento científico a partir da abordagem multimétodos e interdisciplinar. Sugere-se a futuras pesquisas incorporar questões culturais nas investigações pessoa-ambiente, devido ao modo como influencia visões de mundo e construções urbanas e privadas
Co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: a strategic compass for global research networks
An increasing number of voices highlight the need for science itself to transform and to engage in the co-production of knowledge and action, in order to enable the fundamental transformations needed to advance towards sustainable futures. But how can global sustainability-oriented research networks engage in co-production of knowledge and action? The present article introduces a strategic tool called the ‘network compass’ which highlights four generic, interrelated fields of action through which networks can strive to foster co-production. It is based on the networks’ particular functions and how these can be engaged for co-production processes. This tool aims to foster self-reflection and learning within and between networks in the process of (re)developing strategies and activity plans and effectively contributing to sustainability transformations
Dirty hands: photodynamic killing of human pathogens like EHEC, MRSA and Candida within seconds
Hand hygiene is one of the most important interventions for reducing transmission of nosocomial life-threatening microorganisms, like methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) or Candida albicans. All three pathogens have become a leading cause of infections in hospitals. Especially EHEC is causing severe diarrhoea and, in a small percentage of cases, haemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) as reported for E. coli 104:H4 in Germany 2011. We revealed the possibility to inactivate very fast and efficiently MRSA, EHEC and C. albicans using the photodynamic approach. MRSA, EHEC and C. albicans were incubated in vitro with different concentrations of TMPyP for 10 s and illuminated with visible light (50 mW cm−2) for 10 and 60 s. 1 μmol l−1 of TMPyP and an applied radiant exposure of 0.5 J cm−2 achieved a photodynamic killing of ≥99.9% of MRSA and EHEC. Incubation with higher concentrations (up to 100 μmol l−1) of TMPyP caused bacteria killing of >5 log10 (≥99.999%) after illumination. Efficient Candida killing (≥99.999%) was achieved first at a higher light dose of 12 J cm−2. Different rise and decay times of singlet oxygen luminescence signals could be detected in Candida cell suspensions for the first time, indicating different oxygen concentrations in the surrounding for the photosensitizer and singlet oxygen, respectively. This confirms that TMPyP is not only found in the water-dominated cell surrounding, but also within the C. albicans cells. Applying a water–ethanol solution of TMPyP on ex vivo porcine skin, fluorescence microscopy of histology showed that the photosensitizer was exclusively localized in the stratum corneum regardless of the incubation time. TMPyP exhibited a fast and very effective killing rate of life-threatening pathogens within a couple of seconds that encourages further testing in an in vivo setting. Being fast and effective, antimicrobial photodynamic applications might become acceptable as a tool for hand hygiene procedures and also in other skin areas
A rede de atenção à saúde mental a partir da Estratégia Saúde da Família
A Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) é um importante aliado na rede de atenção à saúde mental, contribuindo para a integralidade e efetividade do cuidado. Este estudo teve como objetivo discutir a rede de atenção em saúde mental a partir do cotidiano de uma ESF. É um estudo avaliativo, com abordagem metodológica qualitativa. Foi desenvolvido em uma ESF de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados entre julho e dezembro de 2010, por meio de entrevistas com 16 trabalhadores e dez familiares. Identificamos importantes recursos de cuidado na atenção básica, como a parceria com a academia. No entanto, a constituição desse cuidado ainda está embasada no especialismo, com a lógica do encaminhamento. Pretendemos com esse estudo contribuir para a operacionalização da rede de cuidados em saúde mental, consolidando a parceria com a ESF e desenvolvendo ações no espaço territorial, sensibilizando e desmistificando a atenção na área como unicamente especializada. Descritores: Saúde mental. Serviços de saúde. Atenção primária à saúde
Evapotranspiration toilet: a safe and sustainable treatment for black water
A bacia de evapotranspiração (BET) é uma das possíveis soluções para tratamento de esgoto em comunidades rurais e outras áreas isoladas. Ainda pouco difundido, esse sistema destaca-se por aliar plantas com grande potencial de evapotranspiração ao tratamento biológico realizado por bactérias anaeróbias, produzindo pouca quantidade de lodo e gerando pouco ou nenhum efluente final. Dessa forma, é possível o aproveitamento da água e de grande parte dos nutrientes contidos no esgoto doméstico pelas plantas do sistema, sem necessidade de pós tratamento ou de contato direto dos usuários com o efluente. O presente estudo avaliou a eficiência e a operação de uma unidade implantada em uma área rural de Campinas (SP). A BET construída apresentou eficiência de remoção acima de 90% para DQO e DBO, acima de 98% para turbidez e sólidos suspensos totais e de 58% para fósforo. Além disso, o trabalho aborda aspectos sociais como a facilidade de construção e manutenção desse sistema de tratamento de esgoto e a aceitação da tecnologia pelos usuários67220115127The evapotranspiration toilet (EVT) is one of the possible solutions for sewage treatment in rural communities or isolated areas. Although the system is still poorly widespread, it stands out for not generating final effluent or large amounts of sludge. Thus, it is possible for plants to use most of the nutrients contained in domestic wastewater, without the need of post treatment or manual contact with the effluent. This study evaluates the operation, treatment capacity of the technology implemented in the rural area of Campinas (Brazil). The systems’ removal efficiency is over 90% for COD and BOD, above 98% for turbidity and total suspended solids and 58% for phosphorus. In addition, the paper discusses the user acceptance of the technology constructive and maintenance characteristic
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