393 research outputs found

    Determination of Possible Agronomic Controls for the Suppression of Sweet Corn Tillers in Seed Production Systems

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    Abstract Hybrid sweet corn seed production can come with many challenges. Maintaining a high-quality standard of % hybridity allows my company to meet consumer demands and expectations. To achieve this, we must cross-pollinate two varieties. In doing so, it takes diligent work during the pollination window to make sure that the harvestable seed was not self-pollinated. This is accomplished through the detasseling process, which removes the pollen-carrying tassels from the seed parent prior to pollen shed. Sweet corn, through generational breeding efforts, has an abundant supply of pollen that can come from the tassel on top of a plant and through a prolific network of tillers down in the sub canopy. Often, these tillers can be easily missed during the detasseling process because of their smaller size and location on the plant. If not removed in a timely manner, the tillers can self-pollinate the seed parents, thus lowering the hybridity percentile and quality of the seed lot. In order to ensure proper tiller removal, farm labor crews are often sent through the seed field multiple times. The more time the crew is in the field, the higher the cost of goods produced. The utilization of agronomic controls to suppress tiller proliferation in hybrid sweet corn seed production fields could lower the amount of time a crew needs to be in a seed field and thus reduce the cost of goods produced. My research examines some of these agronomic controls through two growing seasons and four replications. In this disquisition, I reveal the trial design and procedures used, present the results found, and discuss what they signify. I conclude with my recommendations moving forward. My data suggests a strong association between some of these controls and tiller suppression; and assesses the effect that these controls have on the yield

    Statistical analysis of global surface air temperature and sea level using cointegration methods

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    Global sea levels are rising which is widely understood as a consequence of thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and land-based ice caps. Due to physically-based models being unable to simulate observed sea level trends, semi-empirical models have been applied as an alternative for projecting of future sea levels. There is in this, however, potential pitfalls due to the trending nature of the time series. We apply a statistical method called cointegration analysis to observed global sea level and surface air temperature, capable of handling such peculiarities. We find a relationship between sea level and temperature and find that temperature causally depends on the sea level, which can be understood as a consequence of the large heat capacity of the ocean. We further find that the warming episode in the 1940s is exceptional in the sense that sea level and warming deviates from the expected relationship. This suggests that this warming episode is mainly due to internal dynamics of the ocean rather than external radiative forcing. On the other hand, the present warming follows the expected relationship, suggesting that it is mainly due to radiative forcing. In a second step, we use the total radiative forcing as an explanatory variable, but unexpectedly find that the sea level does not depend on the forcing. We hypothesize that this is due to a long adjustment time scale of the ocean and show that the number of years of data needed to build statistical models that have the relationship expected from physics exceeds what is currently available by a factor of almost ten.

    The Relationship Between Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions Among Junior Executives

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    Businesses that can retain junior executives as part of a succession plan are likely to outperform companies that struggle to fill senior executive positions. The purpose of this correlational study was to create a focus for organizations facing competition for candidates to fill critical vacancies as a generation of senior executives retire. The study population consisted of junior executives working in the United States energy industry. This study was grounded in Burns\u27 transformational leadership theory, which holds that leaders can increase the motivation, morale, and performance of followers to enhance their leadership to work toward organizational goals. The study research question examined the relationship between junior executives\u27 perceptions of senior executives\u27 transformational leadership styles, junior executives\u27 job satisfaction, and junior executives\u27 turnover intentions. Data were collected using an online survey (N = 492) and analyzed using correlational analysis. Multiple linear regression results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between junior executives\u27 perceptions of senior executives\u27 transformational leadership styles, junior executives\u27 job satisfaction, and junior executives\u27 turnover intentions. Business leaders might benefit from considering the concepts identified to implement strategies designed to retain skilled and experienced junior executives to maintain continuity and momentum of strategic efforts. Application of the findings of this study may lead to increased stability for employees and reduced turnover costs for businesses resulting in positive social change for individuals, organizations, and communities

    I censo da reforma agrária

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    O Censo e a pesquisa amostral nos projetos de reforma agrária originaram-se de uma demanda do Incra/Ministério de Política Fundiária em agosto de 1996, tendo em vista a necessidade de identificar todas as famílias assentadas em áreas de projetos de reforma agrária do Governo Federal, bem como traçar o perfil sócio-econômico das mesmas. A controvérsia sobre o número efetivo de famílias assentadas sempre representou um debate vazio devido à ausência de informações objetivas e atualizadas. Governo e organizações/movimentos sociais vinham apresentando dados discrepantes sobre o assunto, principalmente sobre as famílias efetivamente assentadas e suas condições reais de vida. Além disso, o Incra identificou a necessidade de atualizar seu cadastro de famílias assentadas, defasado em muitos estados. Em função da premência do levantamento de dados e da agilidade exigida percebeu-se que o quadro de técnicos do Incra era insuficiente para atender tal demanda. O envolvimento das universidades brasileiras ocorreu a partir de um debate já iniciado e coordenado pelo Forum de Reforma Agrária, realizado na Universidade de Brasília (UnB) nos meses de junho e julho de 1996. As universidades representadas naquele Forum apresentaram seu interesse em participar mais ativamente e se dispuseram a atender as demandas do Ministério Extraordinário de Política Fundiária, principalmente no que se referia a pesquisas. Desse modo, a participação das universidades no projeto do Censo e Pesquisa Amostral se deu através do Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Brasileiras (Crub), colocando professores e estudantes à disposição do projeto. As universidades brasileiras, ao defenderem sua participação, destacavam a importância de envolver estudantes e professores nas atividades mais práticas e realistas do cotidiano do processo de reforma agrária, apostando no efeito multiplicador da experiência tanto em termos de formação de uma cultura a respeito do assunto, como no fortalecimento do debate teórico sobre a reforma agrária. A Universidade de Brasília foi convidada pelo Incra para coordenar o projeto, definindo a metodologia em conjunto com seus técnicos, assumir a tarefa de administrar os recursos, bem como designar os supervisores estaduais a partir de um perfil de pesquisador/professor em questões agrárias e possibilitar todas as condições técnicas e materiais ao desenvolvimento do Projeto. Participaram, efetivamente, 29 universidades entre federais, estaduais e comunitárias, 41 professores/ supervisores e 1.800 estudantes

    Houseplant Poisoning in Small Animals

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    Plant poisoning in small animals is often overlooked as a cause of clinical problems. Even though it is an infrequent occurrence, veterinarians need to be aware of the various problem plants and their actions on the animal\u27s body. The most common body system affected is the gastrointestinal system, followed by the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Plants also cause irritation to the skin as well as mechanical injury. Some toxic substances found in plants are used to manufacture commonly used drugs. There are many examples including cardioactive glycosides, atropine, and acetylcholine. When consumed in sufficient quantities by a healthy animal even these substances can be fatal

    Posttranskriptionelle Regulation des Retrotransposons TRE5-A in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    TRE5-A und DIRS-1 sind Retrotransposons aus dem eukaryotischen Organismus Dictyostelium discoideum. Von beiden existieren sowohl Sense- als auch Antisense-Transkripte. Dies führte zur Vermutung einer posttranskriptionellen Regulation beider Retrotransposons durch zelleigene RNA-Interferenz-Prozesse. Frühere Arbeiten konnten den Wirtsfaktor C-Modul-bindender Faktor A (CbfA) aus D. discoideum als Transkriptionsregulator identifizieren, der in vitro an das C-Modul von TRE5-A bindet. Eine reduzierte Expression von CbfA führt zu einem drastischen Abfall der TRE5-A-Transkriptmenge und Retrotransposition im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten vergleichenden RNA-Seq-Experimente zur weiteren Funktionsaufklärung von CbfA zeigten eine Überexpression der Argonaut-Proteine AgnC und AgnE bei reduzierter CbfA-Expression. Dies bestätigte die bereits vorhandene Vermutung, dass RNAi-Prozesse an der TRE5-A-Regulation beteiligt sein könnten. Zur Verfügung stehende agnC- und agnE--Stämme zeigten eine TRE5-A-Überexpression, was auf eine direkte Funktion der beiden Argonaut-Proteine in der TRE5-A-Regulation schließen lässt. Um agnC beziehungsweise agnE im CbfA-Wildtyp-Hintergrund überexprimieren zu können, wurden Genaktivierungsmutanten (GA) von AgnC und AgnE erzeugt. Diese Stämme wurden auf ihren Einfluss auf die TRE5-A-Expression und Retrotransposition hin charakterisiert. Die Überexpression von agnC oder agnE führte zu einem Abfall der TRE5-A-Transkriptmenge und der GA-AgnC-Stamm zeigte eine signifikante Reduktion der Retrotranspositionsfrequenz von TRE5-A. Dies lässt auf eine posttranskriptionelle Regulation von TRE5-A schließen. CbfA jedoch scheint diese Regulation zu supprimieren, wodurch die TRE5-A-Retrotranspositionsaktivität im Genom erhalten bleibt. Die hier durchgeführten phylogenetischen Analysen von CbfA innerhalb und außerhalb der sozialen Amöben ermöglichten die Darstellung einer neuen Proteinfamilie: Die CbfA-ähnlichen Proteine

    Asymmetries in Circulation Anomalies Related to the Phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Synoptic Time Scales

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    The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index is often characterized by independent positive and negative NAO events with a characteristic spatial pattern and a typical lifetime of around 1 week. These events are separated by periods of near-neutral NAO conditions. Here, we challenge this view by showing in reanalysis and observed data that the strength and spatial shape of NAO events depends on the NAO index prior to the window of 1 week and this dependency is most pronounced for negative NAO events. The influence is seen in the mean sea level pressure, and in other important features, including blocking frequency and jet stream characteristics, and also in air surface temperature and precipitation in parts of Europe. This new appreciation is important for efforts to improve methods for subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions of NAO.publishedVersio

    A participação das universidades na reforma agrária

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    O Censo e a Pesquisa Amostral nos Projetos de Reforma Agrária originaram-se de uma demanda do Incra/Ministério Extraordinário de Política Fundiária em agosto de 1996, tendo em vista a necessidade de identificar todas as famílias assentadas em áreas de projetos de reforma agrária do Governo Federal, bem como traçar o perfil socioeconômico das mesmas. A controvérsia sobre o número efetivo de famílias assentadas sempre representou um debate vazio devido a ausência de informações objetivas e atualizadas. Governo e organizações/movimentos sociais vinham apresentando dados discrepantes sobre o assunto, principalmente sobre as famílias efetivamente assentadas e suas condições reais de vida. Além disso, o Incra iden-tificou a necessidade de atualizar seu Cadastro de famílias assentadas, que se apresentava desatualizado ou inexistente em muitos Estados. Em função de premência dos dados e da agilidade exigida percebeu-se que o quadro de técnicos do Incra se colocava insuficiente para atender tal demanda. O envolvimento das universidades brasileiras ocorreu a partir de um debate já iniciado e coordenado pelo Fórum de Reforma Agrária, ocorrido na UnB nos meses de junho e julho de 1996. As universidades representadas neste Fórum apresentaram seu interesse em participar mais ativamente e se dispuseram a atender as demandas do Ministério Extraordinário de Políticas Fundiárias, principalmente no que se referia a pesquisas. Deste modo, o envolvimento das universidades ao projeto do Censo e Pesquisa Amostral deu-se através do Crub (Conselho dos Reitores das Universidades Brasileiras), que colocaram professores e estudantes à disposição do projeto. As universidades brasileiras, ao defender sua participação, destacavam a importância de envolver estudantes e professores nas atividades mais práticas e realistas do cotidiano do processo de reforma agrária, apostando no efeito multiplicador desta experiência tanto em termos de formação de uma cultura a respeito do assunto como no fortalecimento do debate teórico sobre a reforma agrária