998 research outputs found

    Real-time broadening of non-equilibrium density profiles and the role of the specific initial-state realization

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    The real-time broadening of density profiles starting from non-equilibrium states is at the center of transport in condensed-matter systems and dynamics in ultracold atomic gases. Initial profiles close to equilibrium are expected to evolve according to linear response, e.g., as given by the current correlator evaluated exactly at equilibrium. Significantly off equilibrium, linear response is expected to break down and even a description in terms of canonical ensembles is questionable. We unveil that single pure states with density profiles of maximum amplitude yield a broadening in perfect agreement with linear response, if the structure of these states involves randomness in terms of decoherent off-diagonal density-matrix elements. While these states allow for spin diffusion in the XXZ spin-1/2 chain at large exchange anisotropies, coherences yield entirely different behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wirkung des Gemengeanbaus mit Körnerleguminosen sowie der Standraumzuteilung und der Saatstärke auf Kornertrag und Kornproteingehalt von Winterweizen

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    In stockless organic farms it is difficult to produce winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with high protein content. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intercropping of (i) winter wheat with either winter field bean (Vicia faba L.) or winter pea (Pisum sativum L.), (ii) the spatial arrangement (mixed, row or row-strip intercrop) and (iii) the seeding rate of the wheat (100 or 20 %) on yield formation and grain protein content. Monocropped wheat planted at a seeding rate of 20 % significantly out-yielded monocropped wheat at 100 % seeding rate because of a more efficient use of the mineral nitrogen (N) in soil. A gradient in the spatial and temporal use of mineral soil N by the wheat was found. N was available in particular from deeper soil layers during the grain filling phase in row strip intercrop trials, resulting in a higher grain protein content of the wheat. Monocropped wheat achieved mean protein content levels of 9,9 and 9,4 % at two different sites and protein content increased significantly in mixture (mean: 12,8 and 11,4 %). The highest protein content of 15,4 % was achieved with the row strip intercrop of field bean

    Using behavioral economics concepts to increase organizational learning in an NHS hospital

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess whether the dissemination systems that hospitals use to spread information about particular safety incidents can be enhanced using behavioural economics concepts. Design/methodology/approach The current service evaluation took place within eight wards in a single acute care hospital. It was conducted as a randomized controlled trial with two groups. In the control group nothing was altered. In the intervention group ward managers received additional support to disseminate information to their nurses. Nurses were randomly selected to be surveyed during their scheduled shifts. The surveys revealed how the nurses learned about particular safety incidents and how many they remembered. Findings Nurses in the intervention group were more likely to learn about particular safety incidents than nurses in the control group. Practical implications Enhancing common dissemination systems in hospitals can increase organizational learning about safety incidents. The current study presents some means by which dissemination systems can be enhanced. Originality/value The current service evaluation is a unique application of behavioural economics concepts to enhance organizational learning of particular adverse safety incidents in an NHS hospital

    FUSE Spectra of the Black Hole Binary LMC X-3

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra of LMC X-3 were taken covering photometric phases 0.47 to 0.74 in the 1.7-day orbital period of the black-hole binary (phase zero being superior conjunction of the X-ray source). The continuum is faint and flat, but appears to vary significantly during the observations. Concurrent RXTE/ASM observations show the system was in its most luminous X-ray state during the FUSE observations. The FUV spectrum contains strong terrestrial airglow emission lines, while the only stellar lines clearly present are emissions from the O VI resonance doublet. Their flux does not change significantly during the FUSE observations. These lines are modelled as two asymmetrical profiles, including the local ISM absorptions due to C II and possibly O VI. Velocity variations of O VI emission are consistent with the orbital velocity of the black hole and provide a new constraint on its mass.Comment: 12 pages including 1 table, 4 diagrams To appear in A

    TGFBR3 variation is not a common cause of Marfan-like syndrome and Loeys-Dietz-like syndrome

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    Marfan syndrome (MFS) is caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene, and mutations in FBN1 are known to be responsible for over 90% of all MFS cases. Locus heterogeneity has also been reported and confirmed, with mutations in the receptor genes TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 identified in association with MFS-related phenotypes. It is now known that dysregulation of TGF-ß signaling is involved in MFS pathogenesis. To test the hypothesis that dysregulation of TGFBR3-associated TGF-ß signaling is implicated in MFS or related phenotype pathogenesis, we selected a cohort of 49 patients, fulfilling or nearly fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for MFS. The patients were known not to carry a mutation in the FBN1 gene (including three 5' upstream alternatively spliced exons), the TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 genes. Mutation screening for the TGFBR3 gene in these patients and in controls led to the identification of a total of ten exonic (one novel), four intronic (one novel) and one 3'UTR variant in the TGFBR3 gene. Our data suggest that variations in TGFBR3 gene appear not to be associated with MFS or related phenotype

    An Investigation of Be/X-ray Pulsars with OGLE-III Data

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    We have studied five seasons of OGLE-III data for eight SMC Be/X-ray pulsars for which no other survey data were available. We have determined orbital periods for four of these binary systems, one of which also shows nonradial pulsations. Optical identification of SMC X-2 is reconsidered, but no periods were found for either of the two possible candidates

    Nitrogen Transfer of Two Cultivar Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) to Oat (Avena sativa L.)

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    Nitrogen fixed by the legume could be used by other plants, such as through rhizodeposition and direct transfer between roots.  The possibility of N transfer in intercropping legum-cereal have long been observed, especially legum with short and dense root.  This experiment had been carried out to determine whether there was N transfer from faba bean (Vicia faba L.) growing in association with oat (Avena sativa L.) and whether there was difference between two cultivars of faba bean in the amount of N transfer.  Methods used were complete-mixed-root (CMR) between faba bean and oat, and mixed half the root of faba bean with oat (SR).  As a tracer isotope 15N was used in form of K15NO3.  The experiment was carried out from May 2000 through January 2001 in Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Goettingen Germany.  The data of CMR method had great variance.  Using SR method a positive value of 15N enrichment was found in oat indicated that transfer N from faba bean cv. Minica and Scirocco occurred.  There was no difference found in the amount of N transferred between the two tested cultivars.   Key words: N transfer, 15N, Faba bean, Oa