318 research outputs found

    Rekombinante Allergene: Routinediagnostik oder Wissenschaft?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Verwendung rekombinanter Allergenkomponenten eröffnet mehrere diagnostische Möglichkeiten. So können krankheitsspezifische Sensibilisierungsmuster wie etwa bei der allergisch bronchopulmonalen Aspergillose ABPA identifiziert werden. Durch Bestimmung der Majorallergene wichtiger Pollen (Betv1, Ole1, Phlp1/Phlp5) kann eine präzisere Indikationsstellung im Hinblick auf eine allergenspezifische Immuntherapie ermöglicht werden, da Extrakte v.a. Majorallergene enthalten. Sensibilisierungen auf Nebenallergene wie Profiline und Polcalcine beeinflussen aufgrund der großen Kreuzreaktivität herkömmliche IgE-Tests, sind aber oft von untergeordneter klinischer Bedeutung. Bei Nahrungsmitteln können häufige Kreuzreaktionen etwa mit Birkenpollen über Betv1/PR-10-Proteine nachgewiesen werden. Zudem lassen Sensibilisierungen auf Speicherproteine etwa von Erdnuss (Arah2) oder Lipidtransferproteine von Pfirsich (Prup3) oder Haselnuss (Cora8) Rückschlüsse auf ein höheres Anaphylaxierisiko zu. Anstrengungsinduzierte Beschwerden (Tria19), unklare Latexsensibilisierungen oder Doppelpositivität bei Insektengiftallergien sind weitere aktuell sinnvolle Einsatzgebiete. Microarray-basierte Allergenchips erlauben bereits heute die Bestimmung von IgE gegen über 100Allergenen aus kleinsten Serummengen, bedürfen aber noch der Evaluation und Optimierung bezüglich Allergenauswahl und Sensitivitä

    Einleitung. Der Schweizer Allergie-Ratgeber 2012

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    Les principales étapes diagnostiques lors d'une allergie

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    Dysbiosis of skin microbiota with increased fungal diversity is associated with severity of disease in atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial inflammatory skin disease and an altered skin microbiota with an increase of Staphylococcus aureus has been reported. However, the role of fungi remains poorly investigated. Objectives: We aimed to improve the understanding of the fungal skin microbiota, the mycobiota, in AD in relation to the bacterial colonization. Methods: Skin swabs of 16 AD patients and 16 healthy controls (HC) from four different skin sites, that is antecubital crease, dorsal neck, glabella and vertex from multiple time points were analysed by DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) and 16S rRNA gene for fungi and bacteria, respectively. Results: Malassezia spp. were the predominant fungi in all subjects but with a decreased dominance in severe AD patients in favour of non-Malassezia fungi, for example Candida spp. For bacteria, a decrease of Cutibacterium spp. in AD patients in favour of Staphylococcus spp., particularly S. aureus, was observed. Further, both bacterial and fungal community compositions of severe AD patients significantly differed from mild-to-moderate AD patients and HC with the latter two having overall similar microbiota showing some distinctions in bacterial communities. Conclusions: We conclude that severe AD is associated with a pronounced dysbiosis of the microbiota with increased fungal diversity. Potentially infectious agents, for example Staphylococcus and Candida, were increased in severe AD. Keywords: atopic dermatitis; bacteria; disease severity; fungi; skin microbiot

    A survey among dermatologists: diagnostics of superficial fungal infections - what is used and what is needed to initiate therapy and assess efficacy?

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    BACKGROUND: Superficial fungal infections are common. It is important to confirm the clinical diagnosis by mycological laboratory methods before initiating systemic antifungal treatment, especially as antifungal sensitivity and in vitro susceptibility may differ between different genera and species. For many years, the gold standard for diagnosis of superficial fungal infections has been direct fungal detection in the clinical specimen (microscopy) supplemented by culturing. Lately, newer molecular based methods for fungal identification have been developed. OBJECTIVE: This study was initiated to focus on the current usage of mycological diagnostics for superficial fungal infections by dermatologists. It was designed to investigate whether it was necessary to differentiate between initial diagnostic tests and those used at treatment follow-up in specific superficial fungal infections. METHODS: An online questionnaire was distributed among members of the EADV mycology Task Force and other dermatologists with a special interest in mycology and nail disease. RESULTS: The survey was distributed to 62 dermatologists of whom 38 (61%) completed the whole survey, 7 (11%) partially completed and 17 (27%) did not respond. Nearly, all respondents (82-100%) said that ideally they would use the result of direct microscopy (or histology) combined with a genus/species directed treatment of onychomycosis, dermatophytosis, Candida- and Malassezia-related infections. The majority of the dermatologists used a combination of clinical assessment and direct microscopy for treatment assessment and the viability of the fungus was considered more important at this visit than when initiating the treatment. Molecular based methods were not available for all responders. CONCLUSION: The available diagnostic methods are heterogeneous and their usage differs between different practices as well as between countries. The survey confirmed that dermatologists find it important to make a mycological diagnosis, particularly prior to starting oral antifungal treatment in order to confirm the diagnose and target the therapy according to genus and species

    Position Statement on Atopic Dermatitis in Sub-Saharan Africa:current status and roadmap

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    The first International Society of Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD) global meeting dedicated to atopic dermatitis (AD) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was held in Geneva, Switzerland in April 2019. A total of 30 participants were present at the meeting, including those from 17 SSA countries, representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Foundation for Dermatology (IFD) (a committee of the International League of Dermatological Societies, ILDS www.ilds.org), the Fondation pour la Dermatite Atopique, as well as specialists in telemedicine, artificial intelligence and therapeutic patient education (TPE)

    Current state and future of pediatric allergology in Europe: A road map

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    The history of pediatric allergology (PA) in Europe is relatively youthful, dating back to 1984, when a small group of pediatricians founded the European Working Group on Pediatric Allergy and Immunology—later giving rise to ESPACI (European Society on Pediatric Allergology and Clinical Immunology). In 1990, the first dedicated journal, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (PAI), was founded. There are striking differences across Europe, and even within European countries, in relation to the training pathways for doctors seeing children with allergic disease(s). In 2016, the EAACIClemens von Pirquet Foundation (CvP) organized and sponsored a workshop with the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Pediatric Section. This collaboration focussed on the future of PA and specifically on education, research, and networking/ advocacy. The delegates representing many countries across Europe have endorsed the concept that optimal care of children with allergic diseases is delivered by pediatricians who have received dedicated training in allergy, or allergists who have received dedicated training in pediatrics. In order to meet the needs of children and families with allergic disease(s), the pediatric allergist is highly encouraged to develop several networks. Our challenge is to reinforce a clear strategic approach to scientific excellence to across our member base and to ensure and enhance the relevance of European pediatric research in allergy. With research opportunities in basic, translational, clinical, and epidemiologic trials, more trainees and trained specialists are needed and it is an exciting time to be a pediatric allergologist