248 research outputs found

    Dialectal variation in german 3-verb clusters : a surface-oriented optimality theoretic account

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    We present data from an empirical investigation on the dialectal variation in the syntax of German 3-verb clusters, consisting of a temporal auxiliary, a modal verb, and a predicative verb. The ordering possibilities vary greatly among the dialects. Some of the orders that we found occur only under particular stress assignments. We assume that these orders fulfil an information structural purpose and that the reordering processes are changes only in the linear order of the elements which is represented exclusively at the surface syntactic level, PF (Phonetic Form). Our Optimality theoretic account offers a multifactorial perspective on the phenomenon

    Computing absolute free energies of disordered structures by molecular simulation

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    We present a Monte Carlo simulation technique by which the free energy of disordered systems can be computed directly. It is based on thermodynamic integration. The central idea is to construct an analytically solvable reference system from a configuration which is representative for the state of interest. The method can be applied to lattice models (e.g., the Ising model) as well as off-lattice molecular models. We focus mainly on the more challenging off-lattice case. We propose a Monte Carlo algorithm, by which the thermodynamic integration path can be sampled efficiently. At the examples of the hard sphere liquid and a hard disk solid with a defect we discuss several properties of the approach

    A method to compute absolute free energies or enthalpies of fluids

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    We propose a new method to compute the free energy or enthalpy of fluids or disordered solids by computer simulation . The main idea is to construct a reference system by freezing one representative configuration, and then carry out a thermodynamic integration. We present a strategy and an algorithm which allows to sample the thermodynamic integration path even in the case of liquids, despite the fact that the particles can diffuse freely through the system. The method is described in detail and illustrated with applications to hard sphere fluids and solids with mobile defects.Comment: Conference paper for the 23rd Workshop on Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter in Athens, Georgia (2010) Revision: Equation (5) correcte

    Chirurgische Eingriffe am Vormagen des Rindes

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    Die Ruminotomie hat etwas zu Unrecht in den Status einer Operation, die nur in SonderfĂ€llen durchgefĂŒhrt werden sollte, erhalten (15). Mit der Etablierung der Ultraschalluntersuchung (11) haben sich die diagnostischen Möglichkeiten bei Vormagenerkrankungen deutlich verbessert. Durch sie konnte auch nachgewiesen werden, dass sich AdhĂ€sionen nach der Entfernung eines stechenden Fremdkörpers bei der Mehrzahl der betroffenen Patienten im Verlauf von mehreren Monaten wieder zurĂŒckbilden und die Haubenfunktion sich normalisieren kann (23). Abszesse im Haubenbereich, die zu Tympanien und Störungen des Ingestatransports fĂŒhren, können mit beachtlicher Erfolgsquote in die Haube oder perkutan drainiert werden (7, 21). In der Praxis gibt es zudem zahlreiche Indikationen, vor allem die Tympanie bei Kalb und Jungrind, bei denen eine temporĂ€re Pansenfistel die Heilung ermöglicht oder fördert (24, 29, 35). In der folgenden Übersicht sollen die Operationstechniken in Erinnerung gerufen, durch Fallbeispiele illustriert und praktisch relevante Aspekte hervorgehoben werden

    Suppression of superconductivity by V-doping and possible magnetic order in Sr2VO3FeAs

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    Superconductivity at 33 K in Sr2VO3FeAs is completely suppressed by small amounts of V-doping in Sr2VO3[Fe0.93(+/-0.01)V0.07(+/-0.01)]As. The crystal structures and exact stoichiometries are determined by combined neutron- and x-ray powder diffraction. Sr2VO3FeAs is shown to be very sensitive to Fe/V mixing, which interferes with or even suppresses superconductivity. This inhomogeneity may be intrinsic and explains scattered reports regarding Tc and reduced superconducting phase fractions in Sr2VO3FeAs. Neutron diffraction data collected at 4 K indicates incommensurate mag- netic ordering of the V-sublattice with a propagation vector q = (0,0,0.306). This suggests strongly correlated vanadium, which does not contribute significantly to the Fermi surface of Sr2VO3FeAs.Comment: text revised, magnetic q-vector added, one reference added 4 pages, 4 figure

    Duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple in a cow

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    Background: The aim of this report was to describe duodenal obstruction caused by a rubber foreign body in a cow. Case Presentation: The clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple are described. The main clinical signs were anorexia, ruminal tympany, decreased faecal output and abomasal reflux syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination revealed reticular hyperactivity and a dilated duodenum. A diagnosis of duodenal ileus was made and the cow underwent rightflank laparotomy, which revealed a dilation of the cranial part of the duodenum because of obstruction by a pliable foreign body. This was identified via enterotomy as a calf feeding nipple. The cow was healthy at the time of discharge four days after surgery and went on to complete a successful lactation. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first description of duodenal obstruction by a calf feeding nipple. This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of the causes of duodenal ileus, which is usually caused by obstruction of the duodenum by a phytobezoar

    Binary Fluorescence Labeling for the Recovery of Polymeric Materials for Recycling

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    Fluorescent perylene derivatives for the invisible digital coding of polymers were reported where a binary combination of fluorescent doping allows the unambiguous identification of the polymers for sorting. The mono-material recovery of the polymeric materials is an important prerequisite for the high-performance application of recycled material and was enabled by the application of optical methods

    Duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple in a cow

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this report was to describe duodenal obstruction caused by a rubber foreign body in a cow.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>The clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple are described. The main clinical signs were anorexia, ruminal tympany, decreased faecal output and abomasal reflux syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination revealed reticular hyperactivity and a dilated duodenum. A diagnosis of duodenal ileus was made and the cow underwent right-flank laparotomy, which revealed a dilation of the cranial part of the duodenum because of obstruction by a pliable foreign body. This was identified via enterotomy as a calf feeding nipple. The cow was healthy at the time of discharge four days after surgery and went on to complete a successful lactation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the first description of duodenal obstruction by a calf feeding nipple. This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of the causes of duodenal ileus, which is usually caused by obstruction of the duodenum by a phytobezoar.</p

    Voice Onset Time in multilingual speakers: Italian heritage speakers in Germany with L3 English

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    This study brings together two previously largely independent fields of multilingual language acquisition: heritage language and third language (L3) acquisition. We investigate the production of fortis and lenis stops in semi-naturalistic speech in the three languages of 20 heritage speakers (HSs) of Italian with German as a majority language and English as L3. The study aims to identify the extent to which the HSs produce distinct values across all three languages, or whether crosslinguistic influence (CLI) occurs. To this end, we compare the HSs’ voice onset time (VOT) values with those of L2 English speakers from Italy and Germany. The language triad exhibits overlapping and distinct VOT realizations, making VOT a potentially vulnerable category. Results indicate CLI from German into Italian, although a systemic difference is maintained. When speaking English, th

    Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the SĂĄmi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway

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    The SĂĄmi people stand out as the only Indigenous minority in an egalitarian European context, namely the Nordic Countries. Therefore, inequalities that they may face are worth closer inspection. Drawing on the distinction between inequalities among individuals (vertical) and between groups (horizontal), we investigate how different types of inequalities affect the SĂĄmi today. We formulate a series of hypotheses on how social, economic, cultural, and political inequalities are linked with discrimination experience, and test these with original data from a population survey conducted in northern Norway and northern Sweden simultaneously in 2021. The findings show that SĂĄmi ethnic background increases the probability of experiencing discrimination. While individual-level economic inequality is also pertinent, this does not directly materialise as between-group inequality. Instead, minority language use is a strong predictor of discrimination experience, revealing the socio-cultural nature of ethnic inequalities. Cross-country differences are only reflected in the effect of minority language use
