358 research outputs found

    Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis: classification and clinical and therapeutic aspects

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    Cryoglobulinaemia may cause cutaneous vasculitis and glomerulonephritis, potentially leading to end stage renal failure. An important proportion of cryoglobulinaemias are secondary to hepatitis C virus infection. Emerging antiviral treatment options offer a chance for causal therapy of these cases of cryoglobulinaemia. This review summarises the classification and clinical and therapeutic aspects of cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis and glomerulonephritis

    The community economies of Esch-sur-Alzette: rereading the economy of Luxembourg

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    This article outlines the community economies of Esch-sur-Alzette, the ‘second city’ of Luxembourg. ‘Community economies’ – an approach outlined by J.K. Gibson-Graham – draws attention to alternative narratives of economic development and the representation of economic identity. Despite (the Grand Duchy of) Luxembourg’s reputation as a European Union centre, with substantial finance and tax activity, Esch-sur-Alzette is a post-industrial and multilingual melting pot. The alternative narrative here is of the multiple community-based organisations and movements in Esch-sur-Alzette: an energy cooperative, urban gardening, an upcycling clothing factory, a local food shop and restaurant, and vibrant civil society discussions and interventions in (inter)national politics. Civil society, while central to both understandings of grassroots environmental action and the community economies framework of Gibson-Graham, takes on quite a different flavour in Luxembourg. This article then takes the case of Luxembourg to reread the relationship of the state to the so-called third sector, in doing so defending the political possibilities of community economies

    Oncogenes do not Fully Override Cell-intrinsic Traits: Pronounced Impact of the Cellular Programme

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    Overexpression of p53 tumor suppressor protein in malignant cells induces cell cycle arrest, or alternatively, apoptosis thereby indicating that additional factors may contribute to the p53-mediated outcome. Comparison of the experimental protocols revealed that the construct encoding wild-type (wt) p53 was expressed in cells of different origin. Therefore, we decided to determine whether the intrinsic cellular program of primary cells of the same genetic background could have any effect on the oncogenic potential of mutated c-Ha-RAS and TP53. Primary rat cells (RECs) isolated from rat embryos of different age: at 13.5 gd (y) and 15.5 gd (o), were used for transfection. Immortalized rat cell clones overexpressing temperature-sensitive (ts) p53135val mutant and transformed cell clones after co-transfection with oncogenic c-Ha-Ras, were generated. The ts p53135Val mutant, switching between wt and mutant conformation, offers the possibility to study the role of p53 in cell cycle control in a model of malignant transformation in cells with the same genetic background. Surprisingly, the kinetics of cell proliferation at non-permissive temperature and that of cell cycle arrest at 32°C strongly differed between cell clones established from yRECs and oRECs. Furthermore, the kinetics of the re-enter of G1-arrested cells in the active cell cycle strongly differed between distinct cell clones. Finally, the susceptibility of immortalized and transformed cells to the pharmacological inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) considerably differed. Our results clearly show that overexpression of genes such as mutated TP53 and oncogenic c-Ha-RAS is not able to fully override the intrinsic cellular programme

    Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Implementation und Wirksamkeit des Sonderprogramms : ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung

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    Mit einem 1989 von der Bundesregierung gestarteten Sonderprogramm sollen die Wiedereingliederungschancen von schwervermittelbaren Langzeitarbeitslosen und von schwervermittelbaren Arbeitslosen verbessert werden. In dem Beitrag wird versucht, folgende forschungsleitende Fragen der Begleitforschung zu beantworten: (1) Lassen sich durch die Projektförderung des Sonderprogramms effiziente Maßnahmen für die Zielgruppe der Langzeitarbeitslosen konzipieren und durchführen und welche Effekte haben die verschiedenen Maßnahmekombinationen sowie die explizite Einbeziehung von Sozialbetreuung? (2) Bewirken die Förderbedingungen des Sonderprogramms neue Formen der institutionellen Kooperation der Arbeitsmarktpolitischen Akteure und welche Auswirkungen haben die Kooperationsformen auf die Implementation des Sonderprogramms? (3) Erhöhen sich durch die spezifischen instrumentellen und die instiutionellen Förderbedingungen des Sonderprogramms die Wiedereingliederungschancen der Zielgruppen? Es wird festgestellt, daß das Sonderprogramm mit seinen innovativen Elementen grundsätzlich positiv zu bewerten ist. "In der konkreten Umsetzung sind aber noch Verbesserungen möglich und notwendig. Die Verfasser halten eine Übernahme der wesentlichen Elemente des Sonderprogramms in das AFG für sinnvoll und notwendig, um die Arbeitsmarktchancen besonders benachteiligter Personen zu verbessern." (IAB2)Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Programm, Langzeitarbeitslose, schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose, berufliche Reintegration - Förderung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Erfolgskontrolle, Teilnehmerstruktur, Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung

    Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Langzeitarbeitslose : Sonderprogramm und Modellvorhaben

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    "Mit dem Sonderprogramm und den Modellvorhaben im Rahmen der 'Aktion Beschäftigungshilfen für Langzeitarbeitslose' hat die Bundesregierung 1989 'neue Wege in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik' für schwervermittelbare Langzeitarbeitslose und weitere schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose beschritten. Mit diesen beiden Programmen wurde auf die mangelnde Wirksamkeit traditioneller arbeitsmarktpolitischer Maßnahmen für diese Problemgruppen reagiert sowie der zunehmenden Verhärtung in der Struktur der schwer- und schwerstvermittelbaren (Langzeit-)Arbeitslosen Rechnung getragen. Die innovativen Elemente der beiden Programme liegen insbesondere in der Abkehr von der bisher vorherrschenden Individualförderung hin zu einer Projektförderung, um 'ganzheitliche' Maßnahmen zu konstituieren, die darauf zielen, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Personengruppen am Arbeitsmarkt zu stärken. Durch die Möglichkeit einer Integration von Sozialbetreuung und die zielgruppenspezifische Kombination von Qualifizierung und Beschäftigung wird intendiert, mittels Förderketten eine Integration der Zielgruppen in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt zu erreichen. Durch die institutionelle Kooperation von Maßnahmeträgern soll die 'ganzheitliche' Projektförderung effizient umgesetzt werden. Mit dieser Ausrichtung knüpfen die beiden Programme an internationale und nationale Entwicklungen der Arbeitsmarktpolitik an, die durch angebotsorientierte Maßnahmen auch für Langzeitarbeitslose und Schwerstvermittelbare die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Problemgruppen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verbessern wollen. In einer Begleitforschung wurde die Wirksamkeit dieser 'neuen Arbeitsmarktpolitik' für schwer- und schwerstvermittelbare Langzeitarbeitslose bzw. Arbeitslose unter verschiedenen Fragestellungen untersucht. In dem Beitrag wird ein Überblick über Ziele und Schwerpunkte beider Programme gegeben." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Programm, Langzeitarbeitslose, Problemgruppe, schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose, Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung, Beschäftigungshilfe

    Acute interstitial nephritis of HIV-positive patients under atazanavir and tenofovir therapy in a retrospective analysis of kidney biopsies

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    We performed a retrospective analysis on kidney biopsies of 30 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients. Twenty-two of them received highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Tenofovir containing HAART together with atazanavir, a new protease inhibitor, was administered to three patients. All of them developed acute renal failure. The kidney biopsies of these patients showed an acute interstitial nephritis or a chronic interstitial nephritis with an acute component. Withdrawal of atazanavir and tenofovir resulted in recovery of renal function in all three patients. Acute interstitial nephritis was observed only in 1 of 19 patients without atazanavir or tenofovir treatment. We conclude that acute interstitial nephritis and consecutive acute renal failure is a relevant side effect of atazanavir and tenofovir therapy in HIV-positive patient

    Разработка и исследование алгоритмов решения геодезических задач с использованием Web-технологий

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    Объектом исследования данной работы являются базовые задачи геодезии. Цель работы – разработка и введение в эксплуатацию Web-приложения выполняющего вычисления возникающие при решении базовых задач геодезии с максимальной автоматизацией.Research and modification of algorithms for solving basic problems of geodesy. Development web-based applications based on compiled algorithms

    Significant impact of different oxygen breathing conditions on noninvasive in vivo tumor-hypoxia imaging using [18F]-fluoro-azomycinarabino-furanoside ([18F]FAZA)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>[<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA is a PET biomarker with great potential for imaging tumor hypoxia. Aim of our study was to compare [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA uptake in mice with subcutaneous exogenous CT26 colon carcinomas and endogenous polyoma middle-T (PyV-mT) mammary carcinomas and to analyze the influence of different breathing protocols in CT26 colon carcinomas as well as the reversibility or irreversibility of [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA uptake.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We injected subcutaneous CT26 colon carcinoma or polyomavirus middle-T (PyV-mT) mammary carcinoma-bearing mice intravenously with<sup>18</sup>F-FAZA and performed PET scans 1-3 h post injection (<it>p.i.</it>). To analyze the impact of oxygen supply in CT26 carcinomas we used three different breathing protocols: (P0) air; (P1) 100% oxygen 1 h prior injection until 3 h <it>p.i.</it>; (P2) 100% oxygen breathing starting 2 min prior tracer injection until 1 h <it>p.i. </it>and during the PET scans; mice were breathing air between the 2 h and 3 h 10 min static scans. Normalized PET images were analyzed by using defined regions of interest. Finally, some mice were dissected for pimonidazole immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no difference in<sup>18</sup>F-FAZA uptake 1-3 h <it>p.i. </it>between the two carcinoma types (CT26: 1.58 ± 0.45%ID/cc; PyV-mT: 1.47 ± 0.89%ID/cc, 1 h <it>p.i.</it>, tumor size < 0.5 cm<sup>3</sup>). We measured a significant tracer clearance, which was more pronounced in muscle tissue (P0). The [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA tumor-to-muscle-ratios in CT26 colon carcinoma-bearing mice 2 h and 3 h, but not 1 h <it>p.i. </it>were significantly higher when the mice breathed air (P0: 3.56 ± 0.55, 3 h) compared to the oxygen breathing protocols (P1: 2.45 ± 0.58; P2: 2.77 ± 0.42, 3 h). Surprisingly, the breathing protocols P1 and P2 showed no significant differences in T/M ratios, thus indicating that the crucial [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA uptake phase is during the first hour after [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA injection. Importantly, the muscle clearance was not affected by the different oxygen breathing conditions while the tumor clearance was lower when mice were breathing air.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Exogenous CT26 colon carcinomas and endogenous polyoma middle-T (PyV-mT) mammary carcinomas showed no differences in [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA uptake 1-3 h <it>p.i. </it>Our analysis using various breathing protocols with air (P0) and with pure oxygen (P1, P2) clearly indicate that [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA is an appropriate PET biomarker for <it>in vivo </it>analysis of hypoxia revealing an enhanced tracer uptake in tumors with reduced oxygen supply. [<sup>18</sup>F]FAZA uptake was independent of tumor-type.</p

    The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Algae-Derived Lipid Extracts on Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-Stimulated Human THP-1 Macrophages

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    Algae contain a number of anti-inflammatory bioactive compounds such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) and chlorophyll a, hence as dietary ingredients, their extracts may be effective in chronic inflammation-linked metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. In this study, anti-inflammatory potential of lipid extracts from three red seaweeds (Porphyra dioica, Palmaria palmata and Chondrus crispus) and one microalga (Pavlova lutheri) were assessed in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human THP-1 macrophages. Extracts contained 34%–42% total fatty acids as n-3 PUFA and 5%–7% crude extract as pigments, including chlorophyll a, β-carotene and fucoxanthin. Pretreatment of the THP-1 cells with lipid extract from P. palmata inhibited production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 (p < 0.05) and IL-8 (p < 0.05) while that of P. lutheri inhibited IL-6 (p < 0.01) production. Quantitative gene expression analysis of a panel of 92 genes linked to inflammatory signaling pathway revealed down-regulation of the expression of 14 pro-inflammatory genes (TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR8, TRAF5, TRAF6, TNFSF18, IL6R, IL23, CCR1, CCR4, CCL17, STAT3, MAP3K1) by the lipid extracts. The lipid extracts effectively inhibited the LPS-induced pro-inflammatory signaling pathways mediated via toll-like receptors, chemokines and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) signaling molecules. These results suggest that lipid extracts from P. lutheri, P. palmata, P. dioica and C. crispus can inhibit LPS-induced inflammatory pathways in human macrophages. Therefore, algal lipid extracts should be further explored as anti-inflammatory ingredients for chronic inflammation-linked metabolic diseases