32 research outputs found

    Activation of CD4 cells by fibronectin and anti-CD3 antibody. A synergistic effect mediated by the VLA-5 fibronectin receptor complex.J. Exp. Med

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    It has become evident that the CD4 subset of lymphocytes is a heterogeneous collection of cells with multiple phenotypes and functions (1-3). Recently, CD4+ lymphocytes have been subdivided into reciprocal subsets based on their expression of unique isoforms of the leucocyte common antigen (LCA) 1 /T200 family of antigens (CD45/CD45R) (4-6) and the CDw29 (4B4) antigen (7). CD4+CDw29+ cells (in fact, CDw29h`gh) provide strong helper function for B cell Ig production, respond maximally to recall antigens (7), and induce CD8 cells to exert class I MHC-restricted cytotoxicity (8). The CD4+CD45R +CDw29- (in fact, CDw291°"') cells, in contrast, can induce CD8 cells to suppress Ig synthesis but cannot provide helper function, or respond to recall antigens. Anti-2H4(CD45RA) antibody has been shown to define the 200-kD and 220-kD isoforms of the LCA/T200 family of antigens (9), whereas UCHL-1(CD45RO) defines the 180-kD isoform of this family (10, 11). Anti-4B4(CDw29) antibody has been shown to be reactive with the VLA/integrin antigen family (9, 12, 13), which is comprised of a common (3 chain noncovalently complexed to distinct ct chains (13, 14)

    Childhood‐Grounded Explanations for Personal Troubles : Social Problems Work in Radio Counseling

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    This paper examines how images of unfortunate childhoods are invoked to make sense of psychological problems in adulthood. I use conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis to study a Swedish radio program in which a psychotherapist talks to people about their personal troubles. The findings suggest that, on one hand, the image of an unfortunate childhood was used as an explanatory framework for individuals' problematic experiences. On the other hand, the childhood‐grounded reasoning, applied to individual cases, illustrated the explanatory framework and reaffirmed it as a commonsense way of reasoning about personal troubles