33 research outputs found

    Fatores que afetam a erradicação do Helicobacter pylori usando um tratamento triplo de sete dias com um inibidor de bomba de prótons associado ao tinidazol e a claritromicina, em pacientes brasileiros com úlcera péptica

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    O esquema tríplice tem sido demonstrado como sendo o melhor tratamento para a erradicação do Helicobacter pylori. Nos países industrializados o uso de um inibidor de bomba de prótons associado a claritromicina e a amoxicilina ou a um nitroimidazólico, tem proporcionado os melhores resultados. Objetivamos estudar na nossa população a taxa de erradicação do H. pylori para a associação de um inibidor de bomba de prótons com o tinidazol e a claritromicina e determinar se a resposta ao tratamento é influenciada pelo tratamento prévio, sexo, tabagismo, alcoolismo, idade e uso de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs). PACIENTES E PROCEDIMENTOS: Duzentos pacientes com diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica e com infecção pelo H. pylori, confirmada pelo exame histológico e pelo teste rápido da urease (TRU), foram incluídos no estudo. Um inibidor de bomba de prótons (lansoprazol 30mg ou omeprazol 20 mg), tinidazol 500mg e claritromicina 250mg foram ministrados duas vezes ao dia, por um período de 7 dias. A erradicação era determinada depois de 10 a 12 semanas após o fim do tratamento, por histologia e TRU. RESULTADOS: O percentual de erradicação do H. pylori (por protocolo) foi de 65% (128/196 pacientes). Para pacientes previamente tratados o valor foi de 53%, aumentando para 76% nos pacientes não previamente tratados com diferença estatística (pTriple therapy is accepted as the treatment of choice for H. pylori eradication. In industrialized countries, a proton pump inhibitor plus clarithromycin and amoxicillin or nitroimidazole have shown the best results. Our aims were: 1. To study the eradication rate of the association of a proton pump inhibitor plus tinidazole and clarithromycin on H. pylori infection in our population. 2. To determine if previous treatments, gender, age, tobacco, alcohol use, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) change the response to therapy. METHODS: Two hundred patients with peptic ulcer (upper endoscopy) and H. pylori infection (histology and rapid urease test - RUT) were included. A proton pump inhibitor (lansoprazole 30 mg or omeprazole 20 mg), tinidazole 500 mg, and clarithromycin 250 mg were dispensed twice a day for a seven-day period. Eradication was assessed after 10 to 12 weeks of treatment through histology and RUT. RESULTS: The eradication rate of H. pylori per protocol was 65% (128/196 patients). This rate was 53% for previously treated patients, rising to 76% for not previously treated patients, with a statistical difference

    Efficacy of a 7-day course of furazolidone, levofloxacin, and lansoprazole after failed Helicobacter pylori eradication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing resistance to clarithromycin and nitroimidazole is the main cause of failure in the <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>eradication. The ideal retreatment regimen remains unclear, especially in developing countries, where the infection presents high prevalence and resistance to antibiotics. The study aimed at determining the efficacy, compliance and adverse effects of a regimen that included furazolidone, levofloxacin and lansoprazole in patients with persistent <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>infection, who had failed to respond to at least one prior eradication treatment regimen.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study included 48 patients with peptic ulcer disease. <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>infection was confirmed by a rapid urease test and histological examination of samples obtained from the antrum and corpus during endoscopy. The eradication therapy consisted of a 7-day twice daily oral administration of lansoprazole 30 mg, furazolidone 200 mg and levofloxacin 250 mg. Therapeutic success was confirmed by a negative rapid urease test, histological examination and 14C- urea breath test, performed 12 weeks after treatment completion. The Chi-square method was used for comparisons among eradication rates, previous treatments and previous furazolidone use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only one of the 48 patients failed to take all medications, which was due to adverse effects (vomiting). Per-protocol and intention-to-treat eradication rates were 89% (95% CI- 89%–99%) and 88% (88–92%), respectively. Mild and moderate adverse effects were reported by 41 patients (85%). For patients with one previous treatment failure, the eradication rate was 100%. Compared to furazolidone-naïve patients, eradication rates were lower in those who had failed prior furazolidone-containing regimen(s) (74% vs. 100%, p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An empiric salvage-regimen including levofloxacin, furazolidone and lansoprazole is very effective in the eradication of <it>Helicobacter pylori</it>, particularly in patients that have failed one prior eradication therapy.</p

    JAIME NATAN EISIG: a way to be followed

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    JAIME NATAN EISIG: a way to be followed

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    Second Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

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    Significant progress has been obtained since the First Brazilian Consensus Conference on H. pylori Infection held in 1995, in Belo Horizonte, MG, and justify a second meeting to establish updated guidelines on the current management of H. pylori infection. The Second Brazilian Consensus Conference on H. pylori Infection was organized by the Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology and Brazilian Nucleus for the Study of Helicobacter and took place on June, 19-20, 2004 in São Paulo, SP. Thirty six delegates coming from 15 different Brazilian states including gastroenterologists, pathologists, microbiologists and pediatricians undertook the meeting. The participants were allocated in one the five main topics of the meeting: H. pylori and dyspepsia, H. pylori and NSAIDs, H. pylori and gastroesophageal reflux disease, H. pylori treatment, and H. pylori retreatment. Seventy per cent and more votes were considered as acceptance for the final statement. The results were presented during a special session on the VI Brazilian Week of Digestive System, in Recife, PE (October 2004), and this publication represents the summary of the main recommendations and conclusions emerged from the meeting.Avanços significativos ocorridos desde o Primeiro Consenso Brasileiro sobre H. pylori realizado em 1995, em Belo Horizonte, MG, justificam este segundo consenso. O evento foi organizado pela Federação Brasileira de Gastroenterologia e pelo Núcleo Brasileiro para Estudo do Helicobacter, sendo realizado em São Paulo nos dias 19 e 20 de junho de 2004. Contou com a participação das principais autoridades nacionais na área, a partir de lista elaborada pelas duas sociedades organizadoras do evento. Assim, participaram 36 delegados provenientes de 15 estados brasileiros, incluindo gastroenterologistas, patologistas, pediatras e microbiologistas. Os participantes foram alocados em um dos cinco sub-temas a serem contemplados no encontro, a saber: Helicobacter pylori e dispepsia funcional; Helicobacter pylori e AINEs; Helicobacter pylori e doença do refluxo gastroesofágico; tratamento Helicobacter pylori e retratamento Helicobacter pylori. Foi adotado como consensual as decisões que atingissem 70% ou mais de concordância entre os participantes. Os resultados foram apresentados em outubro de 2004 durante sessão especial da VI Semana Brasileira do Aparelho Digestivo, realizada em Recife, PE, e esta publicação apresenta o sumário das principais recomendações e conclusões do evento.12813

    Factors Related To Helicobacter Pylori Prevalence In An Adult Population In Brazil.

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    The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori is higher in developing countries. Sanitary facilities, crowding and ethnic group are some of the factors related to H. pylori infection. The aim of this study was to investigate in blood donors, free of dyspeptic symptoms, the prevalence and factors influencing H. pylori infection. This study was conducted in São Paulo, a city known to have a mixed population coming from all over the country. A total of 1008 blood donors were initially included in the study. After a final revision of all the questionnaires, 993 were included in the final analysis (746 males). H. pylori status was checked by an ELISA test. The following associations to infection were analyzed: sex, age, ethnic group, previous upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, type of drinking water, crowding, sanitary facilities, and family income. Infection was observed in 496 of 746 male (66.5%) and in 156 of 247 female (63.2%) blood donors. Infection prevalence increased according to age group, regardless of sex. Prevalence was lower in White population than in non-White. No relationship was observed between infection and smoking, drug addiction, and alcohol. A positive relation was observed between infection and previous upper GI endoscopy, and type of drinking water, regardless if currently or during childhood. Crowding and lack of toilet in the house during childhood resulted in a higher infection rate. Lower familial income and educational level showed a positive association to infection. Prevalence of H. pylori is higher in non-White population, independent of gender. A positive association was observed in aging, previous upper GI endoscopy, crowding, type of drinking water, lack of toilet during childhood, lower family income, and lower educational level.1282-