368 research outputs found

    Aspects of an Interior Stream Clam Midden from 1915 at Quasqueton, Buchanan County Iowa

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    During clam surveys on the Wapsipinicon River in 1991 buried clams were observed in a bank of the river at Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa. An interview with the landowner revealed that the clams were from a 1915 local clamming operation. Excavation and examination of many of the clams reveal interesting differences in species composition and size, when compared to more recent specimens from the river. Observations on the midden were recorded, species determinations were made and measurements were taken. Comparisons are made to two other modern surface surveys on the river. Differences were observed in both species composition and shell size

    The Status of Iowa\u27s Lepidoptera

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    Including strays, 122 species of butterflies have been confirmed in Iowa. However, since European settlement the populations of taxa of Iowa Lepidoptera have declined. While certain generalist species have experienced declines, species with life cycles that include native habitats, especially prairies and wetlands, have been particularly vulnerable. In a 1994 revision of the Iowa endangered and threatened species list, the Natural Resource Commission (NRC) listed two species of butterflies as endangered, five as threatened, and 25 as special concern, using general legal definitions of those rankings (NRC 1994). But after examining recent records, we have revised that list, using numbers of remaining sites as a scale of rarity. Of the 100 species of resident butterflies, one species is believed extirpated, eight are critically endangered, 15 are endangered, and 21 are threatened. Iowa\u27s moth fauna is poorly sampled but may show similar trends of decline in restricted habitats. Monitoring and habitat preservation efforts are ongoing. However, the effects of current efforts to manage lepidoptera populations are unproven and may even be detrimental. With continued habitat fragmentation, pesticide use, succession, and fire management, Lepidoptera diversity in Iowa is likely to continue to decline. Preservation of native remnants and management plans that recognize the key role of invertebrates are essential for the long-term health of remnant ecosystems

    Excited by a quantum field: Does shape matter?

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    The instantaneous transition rate of an arbitrarily accelerated Unruh-DeWitt particle detector on four-dimensional Minkowski space is ill defined without regularisation. We show that Schlicht's regularisation as the zero-size limit of a Lorentz-function spatial profile yields a manifestly well-defined transition rate with physically reasonable asymptotic properties. In the special case of stationary trajectories, including uniform acceleration, we recover the results that have been previously obtained by a regularisation that relies on the stationarity. Finally, we discuss evidence for the conjecture that the zero-size limit of the transition rate is independent of the detector profile.Comment: 7 pages, uses jpconf. Talk given at NEB XII (Nafplio, Greece, 29 June - 2 July 2006

    Considerations on the Unruh Effect: Causality and Regularization

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    This article is motivated by the observation, that calculations of the Unruh effect based on idealized particle detectors are usually made in a way that involves integrations along the {\em entire} detector trajectory up to the infinitely remote {\em future}. We derive an expression which allows time-dependence of the detector response in the case of a non-stationary trajectory and conforms more explicitely to the principle of causality, namely that the response at a given instant of time depends only on the detectors {\em past} movements. On trying to reproduce the thermal Unruh spectrum we are led to an unphysical result, which we trace down to the use of the standard regularization t\to t-i\eps of the correlation function. By consistently employing a rigid detector of finite extension, we are led to a different regularization which works fine with our causal response function.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, v2: some minor change

    Der Bruch der Theorie in der Praxis durch Not

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    Some Remarks on Lujo Brentano's View of Labor Market Problems Lujo Brentano (1844-1931) aimed for "realism" in economics. Regarding labor market theory, two topics are of particular interest: His investigations on "Hours and Wages in Relation to Production" (Scribner's 1894) and his analysis "On the History and Development of Gilds and the Origins of Trade Unions" (Trubner 1870). The topics of are discussed with a view on recent developments in labor economics.Lujo Brentano (1844-1931) hat sich als "realistischen" Ökonomen verstanden. Im Bereich der Arbeitsmarkttheorie sind zwei Bereiche von besonderem Interesse: Seine Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Lohn, Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsleistung und seine Überlegungen zur Bildung von kollektiven Formen der Lohnsetzung. Diese beiden Themen werden unter Einbeziehung gesamtwirtschaftlicher und methodischer Aspekte und einiger moderner Gesichtspunkte diskutiert

    How to Investigate Within-Subject Associations between Physical Activity and Momentary Affective States in Everyday Life: A Position Statement Based on a Literature Overview

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    Several meta-analyses have investigated the association between physical activity and affective states and have found evidence suggesting that exercise exerts a positive effect on affective state. However, in this field of research, most studies have conducted between-subject analyses. Nonetheless, there is more and more interest in the within-subject associations between physical activity and momentary affective states in everyday life. This position statement pertains to this up-and-coming field of research and provides methodological recommendations for further studies. The paper is divided into three parts:First, we summarise and evaluate three methodological requirements necessary for the proper evaluation of within-subject associations between physical activity and momentary affective states in everyday life. We propose that the following issues should be considered: a) to address the dynamic nature of such relationships, repeated assessments are necessary; b) as activities performed in everyday life are mostly spontaneous and unconscious, an objective assessment of physical activity is useful; c) given that recall of affective states is often affected by systematic distortions, real-time assessment is preferable. In sum, we suggest the use of ambulatory assessment techniques, and more specifically the combination of acceloremeter-assessment of physical activity with an electronic diary assessment of the momentary affective state and additional context information. Second, we summarise 22 empirical studies published between 1980 and 2012 using ambulatory assessment to investigate within-subject associations between momentary affective states and physical activity in everyday life. Generally, the literature overview detects a positive association, which appears stronger among those studies that were of high methodological quality.Third, we propose the use of ambulatory assessment intervention strategies to change people's behaviour (ambulatory assessment in

    How often does the Unruh-DeWitt detector click? Regularisation by a spatial profile

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    We analyse within first-order perturbation theory the instantaneous transition rate of an accelerated Unruh-DeWitt particle detector whose coupling to a massless scalar field on four-dimensional Minkowski space is regularised by a spatial profile. For the Lorentzian profile introduced by Schlicht, the zero size limit is computed explicitly and expressed as a manifestly finite integral formula that no longer involves regulators or limits. The same transition rate is obtained for an arbitrary profile of compact support under a modified definition of spatial smearing. Consequences for the asymptotic behaviour of the transition rate are discussed. A number of stationary and nonstationary trajectories are analysed, recovering in particular the Planckian spectrum for uniform acceleration.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. v3: Added references and minor clarification

    On the Response of Particle Detectors in Vaidya Spacetimes

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    Using the formalism of the interaction picture we calculate an expression for the Wightman function for only the spherically symmetric modes of a quantum Klein-Gordon scalar field in a general Vaidya spacetime with ingoing null dust. It is demonstrated that particle detectors following time-like trajectories that are in the ground state at some time outside of the collapsing shell will respond independently from the configuration of the ingoing null dust if the response is taken at any time outside of the collapsing shell. For detectors that are taken to be in the ground state at a time interior to the shell it is shown that their response will depend on the configuration of the ingoing null dust. Relevance to the information loss paradox is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Transition rate of the Unruh-DeWitt detector in curved spacetime

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    We examine the Unruh-DeWitt particle detector coupled to a scalar field in an arbitrary Hadamard state in four-dimensional curved spacetime. Using smooth switching functions to turn on and off the interaction, we obtain a regulator-free integral formula for the total excitation probability, and we show that an instantaneous transition rate can be recovered in a suitable limit. Previous results in Minkowski space are recovered as a special case. As applications, we consider an inertial detector in the Rindler vacuum and a detector at rest in a static Newtonian gravitational field. Gravitational corrections to decay rates in atomic physics laboratory experiments on the surface of the Earth are estimated to be suppressed by 42 orders of magnitude.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure. v3: Typos corrected. Published versio
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