94 research outputs found

    Erstnachweis von Brenthis daphne (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) im Kanton Zürich (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

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    Der Brombeer-Perlmutterfalter Brenthis daphne (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) wurde im Juli 2017 erstmals im Kanton Zürich nachgewiesen. Ein einzelnes Individuum fand sich am Rand einer Waldlichtung in der Gemeinde Ottenbach (ZH). Der Fund bestätigt die kontinuierliche Ausbreitung dieser wärmeliebenden Art in Richtung Osten

    On Modeling a Social Networking Service Description

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    How Speededness of a Reasoning Test and the Complexity of Mental Speed Tasks Influence the Relation between Mental Speed and Reasoning Ability.

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    Although previous research has consistently reported a positive association between mental speed and reasoning ability, it remains unclear whether the magnitude of this association depends on whether the reasoning test is administered with or without a time limit. In addition, it is unknown how mental speed task complexity affects the mental speed-reasoning association when the effects of time limitations in the reasoning test (labeled "speededness") are controlled for. The present study examined these questions in a sample of 200 participants who completed the time-limited Culture Fair Test (CFT) and a Hick task with three levels of complexity to measure mental speed. Results showed that the latent correlation between mental speed and reasoning was slightly lower when the effect of speededness in reasoning was statistically controlled for. However, for both controlled and uncontrolled reasoning, the correlation with mental speed was of medium size and statistically significant. When reasoning was controlled for the effects of speededness, only complexity-related mental speed aspects were correlated with reasoning, whereas basic mental speed aspects were correlated with the speededness factor and unrelated to reasoning. These findings demonstrate that time limitations in reasoning tests and complexity in mental speed tasks affect the magnitude of the mental speed-reasoning association

    Adult Attachment and Personality as Predictors of Jealousy in Romantic Relationships.

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    Functional relationships between romantic jealousy and traits, such as neuroticism or adult attachment styles, are well-known. For the first time, we conducted a joint analysis of the Big Five traits and attachment dimensions as predictors of jealousy, which considered gender differences as well as differences in infidelity experiences and relationship status. In 847 participants, path modeling showed that higher neuroticism, lower agreeableness, and lower openness predicted higher romantic jealousy. The attachment dimensions "anxiety" and "depend" partly mediated the effect of neuroticism and fully mediated the effect of agreeableness on romantic jealousy. The direct and indirect relationships did not differ as a function of gender, relationship status, and infidelity experiences. These findings contribute to a better understanding of individual differences in romantic jealousy from a personality perspective


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    Mit dem Programm Open Access Publizieren unterstützt die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) die Freie Universität Berlin als wissenschaftliche Hochschule seit 2012 bei der Finanzierung von Publikationsgebühren, die bei der Veröffentlichung von Artikeln in Open- Access-Zeitschriften anfallen, sofern Angehörige der Hochschule als „submitting author“ bzw. „corresponding author“ fungieren. Ziel des Programms ist der Aufbau dauerhafter und verlässlicher Strukturen zur Finanzierung von Open-Access-Publikationen. Jede antragstellende Hochschule muss einen fest definierten Eigenanteil des beantragten Fördervolumens aufbringen. Der vorliegende Antrag legt anhand von statistischen Daten und umfassenden Erläuterungen der infrastrukturellen Maßnahmen dar, wie die Freie Universität Berlin zur Verstetigung des Programms beiträgt.Through the Open-Access Publishing Program, the DFG supports research universities like the Free University of Berlin in financing publication fees which arise from the publication of articles in open-access journals, provided that members of the university are classified as "submitting author" or "corresponding author". The program objective is the formation of lasting, reliable structures for financing open-access publications. For that reason, universities submitting proposals must contribute a fixed share of the requested funding volume and explain in the proposal how the publication fund will be perpetuated. Based on statistical data and comprehensive explanations of the infrastructural measures, the present application presents how the Free University of Berlin contributes to the continuation of the program

    Effect of Angiotensin(1-7) on Heart Function in an Experimental Rat Model of Obesity

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    Aim: Obesity is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Recently it was shown that overexpression of the Mas-receptor antagonist angiotensin(1-7) could prevent from diet-induced obesity. However, it remained unclear whether diet-induced obesity and angiotensin(1-7) overexpression might also have effects on the cardiovascular system in these rats. Methods:Twenty three male Sprague Dawley rats were fed with standard chow (SD+chow, n = 5) or a cafeteria diet (SD+CD, n = 6) for 5 months. To investigate the effect of angiotensin(1-7) transgenic rats, expressing an angiotensin(1-7)-producing fusion protein in testis were used. These transgenic rats also received a 5 month's feeding period with either chow (TGR+chow, n = 6) or cafeteria diet (TGR+CD, n = 6), respectively. Hemodynamic measurements (pressure-volume loops) were carried out to assess cardiac function and blood pressure. Subsequently, hearts were explanted and investigated according to the Langendorff technique. Furthermore, cardiac remodeling in these animals was investigated histologically. Results:After 5 months cafeteria diet feeding rats showed a significantly increased body weight, which could be prevented in transgenic rats. However, there was no effect on cardiac performance after cafeteria diet in non-transgenic and transgenic rats. Moreover, overexpression of angiotensin(1-7) deteriorated cardiac contractility as indicated by impaired dp/dt. Furthermore, histological analysis revealed that cafeteria diet led to myocardial fibrosis in both, control and transgenic rats and this was not inhibited by an overproduction of angiotensin(1-7). Conclusion:These results indicate that an overexpression of circulating angiotensin(1-7) prevents a cafeteria diet-induced increase in body weight, but does not affect cardiac performance in this experimental rat model of obesity. Furthermore, overexpression of angiotensin(1-7) alone resulted in an impairment of cardiac function

    Reduced emotion recognition from nonverbal cues in anorexia nervosa

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    Objective: Recent models of anorexia nervosa (AN) emphasise the role of reduced emotion recognition ability (ERA) in the development and maintenance of the disorder. However, methodological limitations impede conclusions from prior research. The current study tries to overcome these limitations by examining ERA with an audio-visual measure that focuses strictly on multimodal nonverbal cues and allows to differentiate between ERA for different emotion categories. Method: Forty women with AN and 40 healthy women completed the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test. This test includes 83 video clips in which 10 actors express 14 different emotions while saying a pseudo-linguistic sentence without semantic meaning. All clips contain multimodal nonverbal cues (i.e., prosody, facial expression, gestures, and posture). Results: Patients with AN showed poorer ERA than the healthy control group (d = 0.71), particularly regarding emotions of negative valence (d = 0.26). Furthermore, a lower body weight (r = 0.41) and longer illness duration (ρ = -0.32) were associated with poorer ERA in the AN group. Conclusions: Using an ecologically valid instrument, the findings of the study support illness models emphasising poor ERA in AN. Directly addressing ERA in the treatment of AN with targeted interventions may be promising. Keywords: eating disorder; emotion recognition; social cognition; socio-emotional processing; theory of mind

    Assessing Emotional Intelligence Abilities, Acquiescent and Extreme Responding in Situational Judgment Tests Using Principal Component Metrics.

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    Principal Component Metrics is a novel theoretically-based and data-driven methodology that enables the evaluation of the internal structure at item level of maximum emotional intelligence tests. This method disentangles interindividual differences in emotional ability from acquiescent and extreme responding. Principal Component Metrics are applied to existing (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) and assembled (specifically, the Situational Test of Emotion Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test) emotional intelligence test batteries in an analysis of three samples (total N = 2,303 participants). In undertaking these analyses important aspects of the nomological network of emotional intelligence, acquiescent, and extreme responding are investigated. The current study adds a central piece of empirical validity evidence to the emotional intelligence domain. In the three different samples, theoretically predicted internal structures at item level were found using raw item scores. The validity of the indicators for emotional intelligence, acquiescent, and extreme responding was confirmed by their relationships across emotional intelligence tests and by their nomological networks. The current findings contribute to evaluating the efficacy of the emotional intelligence construct as well as the validity evidence surrounding the instruments that are currently designed for its assessment, in the process opening new perspectives for analyzing existing and constructing new emotional intelligence tests

    Parallel Evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during a Prolonged ICU-Infection Outbreak.

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    Most knowledge about Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathoadaptation is derived from studies on airway colonization in cystic fibrosis; little is known about adaptation in acute settings. P. aeruginosa frequently affects burned patients and the burn wound niche has distinct properties that likely influence pathoadaptation. This study aimed to genetically and phenotypically characterize P. aeruginosa isolates collected during an outbreak of infection in a burn intensive care unit (ICU). Sequencing reads from 58 isolates of ST1076 P. aeruginosa taken from 23 patients were independently mapped to a complete reference genome for the lineage (H25338); genetic differences were identified and were used to define the population structure. Comparative genomic analysis at single-nucleotide resolution identified pathoadaptive genes that evolved multiple, independent mutations. Three key phenotypic assays (growth performance, motility, carbapenem resistance) were performed to complement the genetic analysis for 47 unique isolates. Population structure for the ST1076 lineage revealed 11 evolutionary sublineages. Fifteen pathoadaptive genes evolved mutations in at least two sublineages. The most prominent functional classes affected were transcription/two-component regulatory systems, and chemotaxis/motility and attachment. The most frequently mutated gene was oprD, which codes for outer membrane porin involved in uptake of carbapenems. Reduced growth performance and motility were found to be adaptive phenotypic traits, as was high level of carbapenem resistance, which correlated with higher carbapenem consumption during the outbreak. Multiple prominent linages evolved each of the three traits in parallel providing evidence that they afford a fitness advantage for P. aeruginosa in the context of human burn infection. IMPORTANCE Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative pathogen causing infections in acutely burned patients. The precise mechanisms required for the establishment of infection in the burn setting, and adaptive traits underpinning prolonged outbreaks are not known. We have assessed genotypic data from 58 independent P. aeruginosa isolates taken from a single lineage that was responsible for an outbreak of infection in a burn ICU that lasted for almost 2.5 years and affected 23 patients. We identified a core set of 15 genes that we predict to control pathoadaptive traits in the burn infection based on the frequency with which independent mutations evolved. We combined the genotypic data with phenotypic data (growth performance, motility, antibiotic resistance) and clinical data (antibiotic consumption) to identify adaptive phenotypes that emerged in parallel. High-level carbapenem resistance evolved rapidly, and frequently, in response to high clinical demand for this antibiotic class during the outbreak

    Design and transition of an emergency e-learning pathology course for medical students — evaluation of a novel course concept

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    Background: Around the world, the emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic forced medical schools to create numerous e-learning supplements to provide instruction during this crisis. The question now is to determine a way in which to capitalize on this momentum of digitization and harness the medical e-learning content created for the future. We have analyzed the transition of a pathology course to an emergency remote education online course and, in the second step, applied a flipped classroom approach including research skills training. Methods: In the summer semester of 2020, the pathology course at the Technical University of Munich was completely converted to an asynchronous online course. Its content was adapted in winter 2021 and incorporated into a flipped classroom concept in which research skills were taught at the same time. Results: Screencasts and lecture recordings were the most popular asynchronous teaching formats. Students reported developing a higher interest in pathology and research through group work. The amount of content was very challenging for some students. Conclusion: Flipped classroom formats are a viable option when using pre-existing content. We recommend checking such content for technical and didactic quality and optimizing it if necessary. Content on research skills can be combined very well with clinical teaching content