217 research outputs found

    A multistage sequencing strategy pinpoints novel candidate alleles for Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy and supports gene misregulation as its pathomechanism

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    BACKGROUND: As genome-wide approaches prove difficult with genetically heterogeneous orphan diseases, we developed a new approach to identify candidate genes. We applied this to Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD), characterised by early onset contractures, slowly progressive muscular wasting, and life-threatening heart conduction disturbances with wide intra- and inter-familial clinical variability. Roughly half of EDMD patients are linked to six genes encoding nuclear envelope proteins, but the disease mechanism remains unclear because the affected proteins function in both cell mechanics and genome regulation. METHODS: A primer library was generated to test for mutations in 301 genes from four categories: (I) all known EDMD-linked genes; (II) genes mutated in related muscular dystrophies; (III) candidates generated by exome sequencing in five families; (IV) functional candidates - other muscle nuclear envelope proteins functioning in mechanical/genome processes affected in EDMD. This was used to sequence 56 unlinked patients with EDMD-like phenotype. FINDINGS: Twenty-one patients could be clearly assigned: 18 with mutations in genes of similar muscular dystrophies; 3 with previously missed mutations in EDMD-linked genes. The other categories yielded novel candidate genes, most encoding nuclear envelope proteins with functions in gene regulation. INTERPRETATION: Our multi-pronged approach identified new disease alleles and many new candidate EDMD genes. Their known functions strongly argue the EDMD pathomechanism is from altered gene regulation and mechanotransduction due to connectivity of candidates from the nuclear envelope to the plasma membrane. This approach highlights the value of testing for related diseases using primer libraries and may be applied for other genetically heterogeneous orphan diseases. FUNDING: The Wellcome Trust, Muscular Dystrophy UK, Medical Research Council, European Community's Seventh Framework Programme "Integrated European -omics research project for diagnosis and therapy in rare neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases (NEUROMICS)"

    Functional KV10.1 Channels Localize to the Inner Nuclear Membrane

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    Ectopically expressed human KV10.1 channels are relevant players in tumor biology. However, their function as ion channels at the plasma membrane does not totally explain their crucial role in tumors. Both in native and heterologous systems, it has been observed that a majority of KV10.1 channels remain at intracellular locations. In this study we investigated the localization and possible roles of perinuclear KV10.1. We show that KV10.1 is expressed at the inner nuclear membrane in both human and rat models; it co-purifies with established inner nuclear membrane markers, shows resistance to detergent extraction and restricted mobility, all of them typical features of proteins at the inner nuclear membrane. KV10.1 channels at the inner nuclear membrane are not all transported directly from the ER but rather have been exposed to the extracellular milieu. Patch clamp experiments on nuclei devoid of external nuclear membrane reveal the existence of channel activity compatible with KV10.1. We hypothesize that KV10.1 channels at the nuclear envelope might participate in the homeostasis of nuclear K+, or indirectly interact with heterochromatin, both factors known to affect gene expression

    Telomere elongation through hTERT immortalization leads to chromosome repositioning in control cells and genomic instability in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome fibroblasts, expressing a novel SUN1 isoform

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    © 2018 The Authors. Immortalising primary cells with hTERT has been common practice to enable primary cells to be of extended use in the laboratory since they avoid replicative senescence. Studying exogenously expressed hTERT in cells also affords scientists models of early carcinogenesis and telomere behaviour. Control and the premature ageing disease - Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome primary dermal fibroblasts, with and without the classical G608G mutation have been immortalised with exogenous hTERT. However, hTERT immortalisation surprisingly elicits genome reorganisation, in disease cells but also in the normal control cells, such that whole chromosome territories normally located at the nuclear periphery in proliferating fibroblasts become mis-localised in the nuclear interior. This includes chromosome 18 in the control fibroblasts and both chromosomes 18 and X in HGPS cells, which physically express an isoform of the LINC complex protein SUN1 that has previously only been theoretical. Additionally, this HGPS cell line has also become genomically unstable and has a tetraploid karyotype, which could be due to the novel SUN1 isoform. Long term treatment with the hTERT inhibitor BIBR1532 enabled the reduction of telomere length in the immortalised cells and resulted in these mis-localised internal chromosomes to be located at the nuclear periphery, as assessed in actively proliferating cells. Taken together, these findings reveal that elongated telomeres lead to dramatic chromosome mis-localisation, which can be restored with a drug treatment that results in telomere re-shortening and that a novel SUN1 isoform combined with elongated telomeres leads to genomic instability. Thus, care should be taken when interpreting data from genomic studies in hTERT immortalised cell lines.Brunel Progeria Research Fun

    First results from GeMS/GSAOI for project SUNBIRD: Supernovae UNmasked By Infra-Red Detection

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    Core collapse supernova (CCSN) rates suffer from large uncertainties as many CCSNe exploding in regions of bright background emission and significant dust extinction remain unobserved. Such a shortfall is particularly prominent in luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), which have high star formation (and thus CCSN) rates and host bright and crowded nuclear regions, where large extinctions and reduced search detection efficiency likely lead to a significant fraction of CCSNe remaining undiscovered. We present the first results of project SUNBIRD (Supernovae UNmasked By Infra-Red Detection), where we aim to uncover CCSNe that otherwise would remain hidden in the complex nuclear regions of LIRGs, and in this way improve the constraints on the fraction that is missed by optical seeing-limited surveys. We observe in the near-infrared 2.15 mu m Ks-band, which is less affected by dust extinction compared to the optical, using the multiconjugate adaptive optics imager GeMS/GSAOI on Gemini South, allowing us to achieve a spatial resolution that lets us probe close in to the nuclear regions. During our pilot program and subsequent first full year we have discovered three CCSNe and one candidate with projected nuclear offsets as small as 200 pc. When compared to the total sample of LIRG CCSNe discovered in the near-IR and optical, we show that our method is singularly effective in uncovering CCSNe in nuclear regions and we conclude that the majority of CCSNe exploding in LIRGs are not detected as a result of dust obscuration and poor spatial resolution

    Subcellular Localization of SUN2 Is Regulated by Lamin A and Rab5

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    SUN2 is an inner nuclear membrane protein with a conserved Sad1/UNC-84 homology SUN-domain at the C-terminus. Intriguingly, SUN2 has also been reported to interact with Rab5, which localizes in early endosomes. To clarify the dual subcellular localization of SUN2, we investigated its localization in lamin A/C deficient cells rescued with lamin A or lamin C isoform, and in HeLa cells transfected with Rab5 or its mutants. We found that expression of lamin A but not lamin C partly restored the nuclear envelope localization of SUN2. SUN2 was redistributed to endosomes upon overexpression of Rab5, but remained on the nuclear envelope when the SUN domain was deleted. To explore the physiological function of SUN2 in vesicle trafficking and endocytosis, we demonstrated the colocalization of endogenous SUN2 and Rab5. Moreover, overexpression of SUN2 stimulated the uptake of transferrin while suppression of SUN2 expression attenuated the process. These findings support a role of SUN2 in endocytosis

    Embryonic and adult isoforms of XLAP2 form microdomains associated with chromatin and the nuclear envelope

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    Laminin-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) proteins are alternatively spliced products of a single gene; they belong to the LEM domain family and, in mammals, locate to the nuclear envelope (NE) and nuclear lamina. Isoforms lacking the transmembrane domain also locate to the nucleoplasm. We used new specific antibodies against the N-terminal domain of Xenopus LAP2 to perform immunoprecipitation, identification and localization studies during Xenopus development. By immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), we identified the embryonic isoform XLAP2γ, which was downregulated during development similarly to XLAP2ω. Embryonic isoforms XLAP2ω and XLAP2γ were located in close association with chromatin up to the blastula stage. Later in development, both embryonic isoforms and the adult isoform XLAP2β were localized in a similar way at the NE. All isoforms colocalized with lamin B2/B3 during development, whereas XLAP2β was colocalized with lamin B2 and apparently with the F/G repeat nucleoporins throughout the cell cycle in adult tissues and culture cells. XLAP2β was localized in clusters on chromatin, both at the NE and inside the nucleus. Embryonic isoforms were also localized in clusters at the NE of oocytes. Our results suggest that XLAP2 isoforms participate in the maintenance and anchoring of chromatin domains to the NE and in the formation of lamin B microdomains

    The use of tumour necrosis factor alpha-blockers in daily routine. An Austrian consensus project

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    To define relevant disease parameters and their respective limits indicating the initiation of TNF-α-blockers in individual patients. Subsequently, to analyze retrospectively patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS), who started TNF-α inhibition in 2006. Points to consider, regarded relevant for individual treatment decisions as well as their assessment methods, were ascertained by experts’ consensus applying the Delphi technique. Subsequently, these parameters’ thresholds with respect to the initiation of a TNF-α-blocker were identified. Thereafter, the rheumatologists representing 12 centres all over Austria agreed to retrospectively analyze their patients started on a TNF-α-blocker in 2006. Experts’ opinion regarding disease parameters relevant to initiate TNF-α-blockers in RA patients only slightly differed from those applied in clinical trials, but the parameters’ threshold values were considerably lower. For PsA patients, some differences and for AS patients, considerable differences between experts’ opinion and clinical studies appeared, which held also true for decisive parameters’ means and thresholds. Six hundred and fifty patients, started on TNF-blockers in 2006, could be analyzed retrospectively, 408 RA patients (53.3 years mean, 340 females), 93 PsA patients (48.9 years mean, 59 males) and 149 AS patients AS (42.2 years mean, 108 males), representing approximately 25% of all Austrian patients initiated on a TNF-blocker in this respective year. Far more individualized, patient-oriented treatment approaches, at least in part, are applied in daily routine compared with those derived from clinical trials or recommendations from investigative rheumatologists

    Outcome after acute ischemic stroke is linked to sex-specific lesion patterns

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    Acute ischemic stroke affects men and women differently. In particular, women are often reported to experience higher acute stroke severity than men. We derived a low-dimensional representation of anatomical stroke lesions and designed a Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework tailored to estimate possible sex differences in lesion patterns linked to acute stroke severity (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale). This framework was developed in 555 patients (38% female). Findings were validated in an independent cohort (n = 503, 41% female). Here, we show brain lesions in regions subserving motor and language functions help explain stroke severity in both men and women, however more widespread lesion patterns are relevant in female patients. Higher stroke severity in women, but not men, is associated with left hemisphere lesions in the vicinity of the posterior circulation. Our results suggest there are sex-specific functional cerebral asymmetries that may be important for future investigations of sex-stratified approaches to management of acute ischemic stroke