62 research outputs found

    Measuring teacher identity of physicians – a validation study of a questionnaire instrument

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    Background Teacher identity is defined as a continuum of a person’s self-conviction (‘Identity is something I have’) and a context-dependent action (‘Identity is something I do in a context’) (Lankveld et al. 2021). It has been identified a relevant contributor to physicians’ teaching commitment. In this study, we further improve the currently only existing questionnaire instrument (37 items) measuring physicians’ teacher identity. Methods Survey data on 147 clinicians at a German university hospital were (1) analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). We tested (a) the model fits of the originally suggested scales and (b) potential for improvement of model fits by item reduction. As this could not reveal satisfactory fits for all scales, we (2) applied a principal axis factoring as an exploratory approach. Last, we combined findings from (1) and (2) with a theoretical item content discussion and suggest (3) reassembled scales which were again checked using CFA. Findings (1a) Two scales from the original instrument were successfully confirmed. (1b) Some scales benefited from item reduction. (2) The exploratory analysis identified three factors that explained at least 5% variance. (3) By integrating confirmatory and exploratory findings with a content analysis of the items, we propose a partially rearranged questionnaire instrument, comprising seven scales: (1) Feeling intrinsic satisfaction from teaching; (2) Feeling responsibility to teach; (3) Exchange of teaching experience; (4) Identification and enjoyment of the teaching role; (5) Development of teaching; (6) Teaching self-concept of ability; (7) Desired rewards for teaching. Four items were kept as single items. Conclusion We suggest that when assessing teacher identity in physicians, all items should be constructed to allow for responses, even from physicians who are presently not actively involved in teaching. The scales benefited from categorizing items based on the continuum of teacher identity as outlined by van Lankveld et al. (2021)

    3D-Printed Scanning-Probe Microscopes with Integrated Optical Actuation and Read-Out

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    Scanning‐probe microscopy (SPM) is the method of choice for high‐resolution imaging of surfaces in science and industry. However, SPM systems are still considered as rather complex and costly scientific instruments, realized by delicate combinations of microscopic cantilevers, nanoscopic tips, and macroscopic read‐out units that require high‐precision alignment prior to use. This study introduces a concept of ultra‐compact SPM engines that combine cantilevers, tips, and a wide variety of actuator and read‐out elements into one single monolithic structure. The devices are fabricated by multiphoton laser lithography as it is a particularly flexible and accurate additive nanofabrication technique. The resulting SPM engines are operated by optical actuation and read‐out without manual alignment of individual components. The viability of the concept is demonstrated in a series of experiments that range from atomic‐force microscopy engines offering atomic step height resolution, their operation in fluids, and to 3D printed scanning near‐field optical microscopy. The presented approach is amenable to wafer‐scale mass fabrication of SPM arrays and capable to unlock a wide range of novel applications that are inaccessible by current approaches to build SPMs

    The need for tumor surveillance of children and adolescents with cancer predisposition syndromes: a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary-care children’s hospital

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    Expert recommendations for the management of tumor surveillance in children with a variety of cancer predisposition syndromes (CPS) are available. We aimed (1) at identifying and characterizing children who are affected by a CPS and (2) at comparing current practice and consensus recommendations of the American Association for Cancer Research workshop in 2016. We performed a database search in the hospital information system of the University Children’s Hospital for CPS in children, adolescents, and young adults and complemented this by review of electronic patients’ charts. Between January 1, 2017, and December 3, 2019, 272 patients with 41 different CPS entities were identified in 20 departments (144 [52.9%] male, 128 [47.1%] female, median age 9.1 years, range, 0.4–27.8). Three (1.1%) patients died of non-malignancy-associated complications of the CPS; 49 (18.0%) patients were diagnosed with malignancy and received regular follow-up. For 209 (95.0%) of the remaining 220 patients, surveillance recommendations were available: 30/220 (13.6%) patients received CPS consultations according to existing consensus recommendations, 22/220 (10.0%) institutional surveillance approaches were not complying with recommendations, 84/220 (38.2%) patients were seen for other reasons, and 84/220 (38.2%) were not routinely cared for. Adherence to recommendations differed extensively among CPS entities. Conclusion: The spectrum of CPS patients at our tertiary-care children’s hospital is manifold. For most patients, awareness of cancer risk has to be enhanced and current practice needs to be adapted to consensus recommendations. Offering specialized CPS consultations and establishing education programs for patients, relatives, and physicians may increase adherence to recommendations

    Blood parameters in pediatric myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disorders

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    Background and objectives Patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disorders (MOGAD) clinically present e.g. with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), optic neuritis (ON), transverse myelitis (TM) or aquaporin-4-IgG (AQP4-IgG) negative neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD)-like phenotypes. We aimed to analyze and compare blood parameters in children with MOGAD, AQP4-IgG-positive NMOSD (hence NMOSD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and healthy controls (HC). Methods We evaluated differences in complete blood counts (CBC), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) between these four groups and within the groups between clinical attack, during acute treatment and in remission. Results Our cohort consisted of 174 children and adolescents with a total of 550 timepoints: 66 patients had MOGAD (202 timepoints), 11 NMOSD (76 timepoints), 58 MS (219 timepoints) and 39 were HC (53 timepoints). At clinical attack, leukocyte counts were elevated in MOGAD compared to remission (p < 0.001) and compared to all other groups (p < 0.001). NLR was high in MOGAD and NMOSD, and PLR was high in NMOSD, however, after correction for multiple testing these findings did not remain significant. While glucocorticoids caused an increase of leukocyte counts and NLR in NMOSD and MS, these values remained stable during acute treatment in MOGAD. In remission, NLR normalized in MOGAD, while it stayed high in NMOSD. PLR increased in NMOSD and was significantly higher compared to all other groups. Discussion Some blood parameters, mainly leukocyte and differential counts, might help clinicians to evaluate disease activity, differentiate relapses from pseudo-relapses and even distinguish between different disease entities

    Comparative study of virus and lymphocyte distribution with clinical data suggests early high dose immunosuppression as potential key factor for the therapy of patients with BoDV-1 infection

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    Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) was just recently shown to cause predominantly fatal encephalitis in humans. Despite its rarity, bornavirus encephalitis (BVE) can be considered a model disease for encephalitic infections caused by neurotropic viruses and understanding its pathomechanism is of utmost relevance. Aim of this study was to compare the extent and distribution pattern of cerebral inflammation with the clinical course of disease, and individual therapeutic procedures. For this, autoptic brain material from seven patients with fatal BVE was included in this study. Tissue was stained immunohistochemically for pan-lymphocytic marker CD45, the nucleoprotein of BoDV-1, as well as glial marker GFAP and microglial marker Iba1. Sections were digitalized and counted for CD45-positive and BoDV-1-positive cells. For GFAP and Iba1, a semiquantitative score was determined. Furthermore, detailed information about the individual clinical course and therapy were retrieved and summarized in a standardized way. Analysis of the distribution of lymphocytes shows interindividual patterns. In contrast, when looking at the BoDV-1-positive glial cells and neurons, a massive viral involvement in the brain stem was noticeable. Three of the seven patients received early high-dose steroids, which led to a significantly lower lymphocytic infiltration of the central nervous tissue and a longer survival compared to the patients who were treated with steroids later in the course of disease. This study highlights the potential importance of early high-dose immunosuppressive therapy in BVE. Our findings hint at a promising treatment option which should be corroborated in future observational or prospective therapy studies

    Neurological manifestations in children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis type-1-implications for management and surveillance [Abstract]

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    INTRODUCTION: We aimed to (1) characterize the spectrum of clinical phenotypes of NF1 in a random pediatric population, (2) correlate genotype with phenotypic expression for those with a genetic diagnosis, and (3) explore radiological features of NF1 in the central nervous system (CNS) by radiomics analyses to predict clinical course. METHODS: We performed a database search in the hospital information system of the University Childrenâ€Čs Hospital between January 2017 and December 2020 for patients with NF1 and evaluated the clinical phenotype by retrospective chart review. RESULTS: 75 children/adolescents were identified with suspicion/clinical diagnosis of NF1 (median age 10.0 years (range, 1.1-22.6); 35 female), confirmatory revised “diagnostic criteria” were met in 57 patients at the last follow-up. Per number of documented items, major signs were detected as 73/75 cafĂ©-au-lait macules, 31/63 freckling, 38/71 neurofibromas (thereof 21 plexiform neurofibromas), 18/43 optic pathway glioma, 5/66 Lisch nodules, and two patients with sphenoid dysplasia. Genetic analysis (31/75) identified pathogenic NF1 variants in 27 patients. In 20/66 cases a parent met diagnostic criteria. Cognitive symptoms included developmental delay (28/68), learning deficits (12/48), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (3/53), and behavior anomalies (7/63). Classical unidentified bright objects were seen in 29/43, other intracranial tumors in 7/43, and cerebrovascular abnormalities in 5/43. Analysis of imaging features of the CNS in these patients will involve lesion segmentation and radiomics features. Symptomatic/progressive low-grade glioma necessitated neurosurgical resection (4/25) and/or chemotherapy (12/25). In 10/25 neuropsychological functions were assessed by the German neuropsychological basic diagnostic instrument. Until June 30th, 2021, one patient died of progressive plexiform neurofibroma. CONCLUSIONS: A wide range of neurological manifestations, including neuropsychological deficits, should raise the suspicion of NF1 in an unselected pediatric population. We expect imaging features of the CNS to better predict the clinical course and enhance decision-making

    Gegenbilder - literarisch/filmisch/fotografisch

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    Gegenbilder in Literatur, Film und Fotografie. Die moderne Welt ist voller Bilder. Auch die wissenschaftliche BeschĂ€ftigung mit ihnen erfĂ€hrt Konjunktur. Dennoch fĂ€llt es eminent schwer, allgemeingĂŒltig zu definieren, was ein Bild ausmacht. Zu verschieden scheint das, was dem Menschen als „Bild“ entgegentritt: Das kann ein Foto, ein GemĂ€lde oder ein Film sein, aber auch ein Gedanke, eine sprachliche Metapher, ein literarisches Motiv. Im Zentrum dieses Sammelbands stehen literatur- und medienwissenschaftliche BeitrĂ€ge, die unter dem Leitbegriff „Gegenbilder“ ihren Fokus auf AusprĂ€gungen des WiderstĂ€ndigen innerhalb einer polymorphen Bildlichkeit richten. Untersucht werden dabei die Inszenierungen von Gegenbildern auf der Figurenebene sowie die Rolle von Bildern bei der Darstellung von sozialer Zugehörigkeit, der Herstellung nationaler IdentitĂ€t und der Konstruktion kollektiver GedĂ€chtnisorte. Welche traditionellen Motive, Topoi und Figurenmodelle transportieren Literatur, Film und Fotografie, gegen welche kĂ€mpfen sie an? Tragen konventionelle Beschreibungsmuster das Potential zum Widerstand gegen das Etablierte bereits in sich? Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmen sich die Autoren aus interdisziplinĂ€rer Perspektive und mit einem zeitgemĂ€ĂŸen VerstĂ€ndnis von Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, das Geschriebenes sowie visuell prĂ€sente Bilder als gleichrangige Lesetexte auffasst und ebenso die Grenzen zwischen Hoch- und PopulĂ€rkultur ĂŒberwindet
