101 research outputs found
Global and local brand positioning
Diese Diplomarbeit untersucht die Thematik globaler und lokaler Markenpositionierung, indem beide Perspektiven erfolgreichen Brandings adressiert werden: Die Management-Kontrollieren Prozesse (z.B. die Entwickeling von Brand Vision und Werten) und jene, die vom Konsumenten kontrolliert werden (z.B. das Formen von Assoziationen und eines Brand Images). Dabei wird auf existierende Konzepte wie beispielsweise ‚Perceived Brand Globalness’ und ‚Consumer Culture Positioning Strategies’ aufgebaut, während bestehende Theorien in einem umfassenden Review zusammengeführt werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zwei empirische Studien unternommen. Die erste Studie untersucht die Unternehmensperspektive von Branding durch Interviews mit Brandmanagern international tätiger Unternehmen und erfasst dabei das Ausmaß der globalen, lokalen oder foreign Brandimage Assoziationen in deren Positionierungsstrategie. Die zweite Studie behandelt die Konsumentenwahrnehmung, die durch diese Positionierungsstrategien hervorgerufen werden. Hierbei wurden Verbraucher über ihre Wahrnehmung von acht verschiedenen österreichischen und ausländischen Marken befragt.
Die Analysen beider Studien verdeutlichen, dass die Verwendung von speziellen kulturellen Positionierungsstrategien innerhalb von Unternehmen stark abhängig von der Produktkategorie ist, und dass diese Strategien einen starken Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmungen der Konsumenten ausüben. Dies verdeutlicht sich unter anderem darin, dass manche lokale Brands als globaler angesehen werden, als deren globale Counterparts und manche globale Brands von den Konsumenten als lokal wahrgenommen wurden. Die Untersuchungen gewähren zudem Einblick in die Konzepte von Perceived Brand Localness und Globalness durch Analyse ihrer zugrundeliegenden Faktoren und Folgen. So wurde zum Beispiel die Rolle affektive und kognitive Dimensionen als elementare Komponenten beider Konzepte analysiert.This thesis seeks to address the issue of local and global brand strategy by investigating both perspectives of successful branding; the processes under the control of management (e.g. developing a vision and brand values) and those controlled by consumers (e.g. forming associations, images and perceiving usage situations). It seeks to build upon extant concepts such as perceived brand globalness and consumer culture positioning strategies, while tying together existing theories in a broad review of recent branding literature. It accomplishes this by means of two empirical studies. The first study investigates the company perspective of branding through executive interviews with brand managers of internationally operating firms and addresses the extent to which they employ global, local or foreign brand image associations in their positioning strategy. The second study investigates the consumer perceptions caused by such positioning strategies by questioning consumers about their perceptions of eight different Austrian and foreign brands.
Analyses of the two studies reveal that the use of specific cultural positioning strategies among firms is highly dependent on the product category the brand is operating in, and that these can have a powerful influence on consumers’ brand perceptions. As a result of positioning strategies, certain local brands included in the study were perceived as more global than their global counterparts and some global brands seen as more local than local brands. The findings also reveal insights into the concepts of perceived brand localness and globalness, such as their drivers, outcomes, and the role that affective and cognitive dimensions play in the constructs
Частотно-регулируемый электропривод трубопроводной арматуры
Объектом исследования является частотно-регулируемый электропривод трубопроводной арматуры. Цель работы – имитационное моделирование частотно-регулируемого электропривода трубопроводной арматуры. В результате исследования был исследован частотно-регулируемый электропривод трубопроводной арматуры. Достигнутые технико-эксплуатационные показатели, полностью соответствующие заданию.The object of the study is a frequency-controlled electric drive of pipeline valves. The purpose of the work is simulation of frequency-controlled electric drive of pipeline valves. As a result of the study, the frequency-controlled electric drive of the pipeline valves was investigated. Achieved technical and operational indicators, fully corresponding to the task
Электропривод литцекрутильной машины
Целью ВКР является рассмотрение законов регулирования скорости системы Преобразователь частоты – Асинхронный двигатель для построения имитационной модели во вращающейся системе координат с возможной реализацией в системе регулируемого электропривода литцекрутильной машины.The purpose of the WRC is to consider the laws of regulating the speed of the system of a frequency converter - an asynchronous motor for constructing a simulation model in a rotating coordinate system with a possible implementation of a twisting machine in a controlled electric system
Dynamic Power Management for Neuromorphic Many-Core Systems
This work presents a dynamic power management architecture for neuromorphic
many core systems such as SpiNNaker. A fast dynamic voltage and frequency
scaling (DVFS) technique is presented which allows the processing elements (PE)
to change their supply voltage and clock frequency individually and
autonomously within less than 100 ns. This is employed by the neuromorphic
simulation software flow, which defines the performance level (PL) of the PE
based on the actual workload within each simulation cycle. A test chip in 28 nm
SLP CMOS technology has been implemented. It includes 4 PEs which can be scaled
from 0.7 V to 1.0 V with frequencies from 125 MHz to 500 MHz at three distinct
PLs. By measurement of three neuromorphic benchmarks it is shown that the total
PE power consumption can be reduced by 75%, with 80% baseline power reduction
and a 50% reduction of energy per neuron and synapse computation, all while
maintaining temporary peak system performance to achieve biological real-time
operation of the system. A numerical model of this power management model is
derived which allows DVFS architecture exploration for neuromorphics. The
proposed technique is to be used for the second generation SpiNNaker
neuromorphic many core system
Электропривод скипового подъемника
В работе был разработан и спроектирован электропривод главного скипового подъёмника доменной печи на основе устройства преобразования тока SIMOREG- К. В ходе проектирования были рассчитаны параметры силовой цепи привода, произведён расчёт регулировочных характеристик преобразователя, параметров оптимальной настройки и логарифмических амплитудно-частотных и фазочастотных характеристик электропривода. Также был произведён расчёт переходных характеристик регулируемого электропривода методом математического моделирования и определены показатели качества, которые полностью удовлетворяют требованиям технического задания.The electric drive of the main skip hoist of the blast furnace was designed and designed on the basis of the SIMOREG-K current conversion device. During the design, the parameters of the drive power circuit were calculated, the converter adjusting characteristics, the optimum tuning parameters and the logarithmic amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the drive were calculated. The calculation of the transient characteristics of the regulated electric drive by the method of mathematical modeling was also carried out, and quality indicators were determined that fully satisfy the requirements of the technical assignment
VLSI Implementation of a 2.8 Gevent/s Packet-Based AER Interface with Routing and Event Sorting Functionality
State-of-the-art large-scale neuromorphic systems require sophisticated spike event communication between units of the neural network. We present a high-speed communication infrastructure for a waferscale neuromorphic system, based on application-specific neuromorphic communication ICs in an field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)-maintained environment. The ICs implement configurable axonal delays, as required for certain types of dynamic processing or for emulating spike-based learning among distant cortical areas. Measurements are presented which show the efficacy of these delays in influencing behavior of neuromorphic benchmarks. The specialized, dedicated address-event-representation communication in most current systems requires separate, low-bandwidth configuration channels. In contrast, the configuration of the waferscale neuromorphic system is also handled by the digital packet-based pulse channel, which transmits configuration data at the full bandwidth otherwise used for pulse transmission. The overall so-called pulse communication subgroup (ICs and FPGA) delivers a factor 25–50 more event transmission rate than other current neuromorphic communication infrastructures
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