428 research outputs found
Stadt entwickeln mit Methoden der Guerilla? : Von der Wirkung des Irregulären
Seit einiger Zeit begegnet einem das Wort Guerilla in überraschenden Zusammenhängen und seltsamen Kombinationen. Unzweifelhaft handelt es sich derzeit um ein Modewort, das gerne genutzt wird, um eigene Ideen und Vorstellungen attraktiv „zu labeln“ und von der Anziehungskraft des Wortes zu profitieren. Der Begriff aus der Kriegstheorie steht für eine asymmetrische Kriegsführung, bei der ein machtloser gegen einen stärkeren Kontrahenten irregulär zu Felde zieht, was sich vornehmlich auf der taktischen Ebene zeigt. Zudem besitzt das Wort neben militärischen Inhalten auch eine ideologisch und mythologische Beladung, hervorgerufen durch erfolgreiche Guerillas, die im Deckmantel des Kommunismus geführt wurden. Eine Guerilla ist grundsätzlich ein Kampf für eine schwächere, alternative Idee oder für eine Befreiung von bestehenden Strukturen und Vorstellungen. Zu konfliktreichen Prozessen der Stadtentwicklung, passt der Begriff erstaunlich gut. Neben aktivistischen Bürgerinitiativen und Eigenschaften von kulturellen Interventionen im Stadtraum, kann man auch den „Kampf“ von Zwischennutzungen um ihre Verstetigung mit dem taktischen Vorgehen und den strategischen Zielen einer Guerilla vergleichen. Werden die ursprünglich militanten Methoden aus dem militärischen Kontext gezogen, lässt sich die charakteristische Irregularität einer Guerilla beim Kommunikations- und Kooperationsvermögen der zeitgenössischen Guerilleros erkennen. Die irreguläre Kommunikation soll neben Aufmerksamkeitsgewinn auch Rezipienten in ihrer Wahrnehmung stören und sie so zur Reflexion und letztendlich zur Unterstützung bringen. Mit dem Eingehen taktischer Kooperationen wiederum können die schwächeren Guerilleros einen Mangel an Ressourcen ausgleichen und an Stärke gewinnen. Bei der Verwendung des Wortes Guerilla muss immer auch der „Initiator“ bzw. die „Initiatorin“ betrachtet werden. Entweder will vom konnotativen Glanz des Wortes profitiert oder einem Konflikt, eine besondere Qualität zuweisen werden. Das irreguläre Vorgehen, das nun teilweise mit Guerilla tituliert wird, ist indes nichts Neues. Systemische Veränderungen bedürfen solchen Impulsen von „Außen“ und verlangen von den „Machthaber“ nach entsprechender Anpassung oder nach adäquaten Anti-Guerilla Methoden. Eine auf irreguläre Weise dargelegte Alternative kann sich in bestehende Systeme integrieren und in ihnen aufgehen. Viele alternative Ideen galten anfangs als Spinnerei und sind heute beispielsweise in der Stadtplanung gängige Praxis. Online-Version im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin (www.univerlag.tu-berlin.de) erschienenThe word Guerrilla confronts us nowadays in surprising contexts and peculiar constellations. Its trendiness makes it an attractive label for ideas and beliefs that hope to profit from the word’s appeal. Originating in war theory, the term refers primarily to the tactical level and denotes asymmetrical warfare in which a powerless body advances irregularly against a stronger opponent. In addition to its military connotations, the word also carries an ideological and mythological weight, evoked most succinctly by the successful Guerrillas who fought under the cloak of Communism. The Guerrilla fundamentally represents the struggle for a weaker, alternative idea or for the liberation from extant structures or beliefs. The concept suits conflictual processes of urban development surprisingly well. Besides activist citizen initiatives and elements of cultural intervention in urban space, we can also compare a temporary use’s “battle” to secure its continuation with the tactical approach and strategic goals of a Guerilla. Though the original military methods have been extracted from their original context, we can still recognize the irregularity characteristic of Guerrillas in the communication strategy and capacity for cooperation of today’s Guerrilleros. Irregular communication serves both to grab attention as well as to disrupt the recipient’s usual perception of things, urging him or her to reflect on new ideas and ultimately support them. By engaging in tactical cooperation, weaker Guerrilleros can compensate for any paucity of resources and gain strength in numbers. Today’s concept of Guerrilla cannot be separated from the individuals behind it, who either hope to profit from the word’s connotative glamour or to imbue their conflict with a special quality. Irregular lines of action, now so often dubbed Guerrilla, are in fact nothing new. Systemic changes require external impetus, and they demand commensurate adaptation or adequate anti-Guerrilla methods of those in power. An alternative demonstrated in an irregular way can be integrated into extant systems and bear fruit there. Numerous alternative ideas, originally considered unconventional or even crazy, have been absorbed as typical practice, for instance in urban planning. Online-Version published by Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin (www.univerlag.tu-berlin.de)
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The limitations of extending nature’s color palette in correlated, disordered systems
Living organisms have developed a wide range of appearances
from iridescent to matte textures. Interestingly, angular independent
structural colors, where isotropy in the scattering structure is
present, only produce coloration in the blue wavelength region of the
visible spectrum. One might, therefore, wonder if such observation
is a limitation of the architecture of the palette of materials available
in nature. Here, by exploiting numerical modeling, we discuss the
origin of isotropic structural colors without restriction to a specific
light scattering regime. We show that high color purity and color saturation
cannot be reached in isotropic short-range order structures
for red hues. This conclusion holds even in the case of advanced
scatterer morphologies, such as core-shell particles or inverse photonic
glasses — explaining recent experimental findings reporting
very poor performances of visual appearance for such systems
Tunable high-index photonic glasses
Materials with extreme photonic properties such as maximum diffuse
reflectance, high albedo, or tunable band gaps are essential in many current
and future photonic devices and coatings. While photonic crystals, periodic
anisotropic structures, are well established, their disordered counterparts,
photonic glasses (PGs), are less understood despite their most interesting
isotropic photonic properties. Here, we introduce a controlled high index model
PG system. It is made of monodisperse spherical TiO colloids to exploit
strongly resonant Mie scattering for optimal turbidity. We report spectrally
resolved combined measurements of turbidity and light energy velocity from
large monolithic crack-free samples. This material class reveals pronounced
resonances enabled by the possibility to tune both the refractive index of the
extremely low polydisperse constituents and their radius. All our results are
rationalized by a model based on the energy coherent potential approximation,
which is free of any fitting parameter. Surprisingly good quantitative
agreement is found even at high index and elevated packing fraction. This class
of PGs may be the key to optimized tunable photonic materials and also central
to understand fundamental questions such as isotropic structural colors, random
lasing or strong light localization in 3D.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 4 figures; Supporting Information: 5 pages, 5
Manufacturing Large-scale Materials with Structural Color
Living organisms frequently use structural color for coloration as an alternative mechanism to chemical pigmentation. Recently there has been a growing interest to translate structural color into synthetic materials as a more durable and less hazardous alternative to conventional pigments. Efforts to fabricate structurally colored materials take place in different fronts, from 3D printing to spray-coating and roll-to-roll casting. Stability, performance, and quality of the color, the environmental impact of the materials or their manufacturing methods are some of the heavily researched topics we discuss. First, we highlight recent examples of large-scale manufacturing technologies to fabricate structurally colored objects. Second, we discuss the current challenges to be tackled to create perfect appearances which aim at the full color gamut while caring for environmental concerns. Finally, we discuss possible scenarios that could be followed in order to involve other manufacturing methods for creating structurally colored objects
Câncer de mama triplo negativo e sua relação com o sistema imune
INTRODUÇÃO O câncer de mama triplo negativo consiste em uma doença agressiva e heterogênea com prognóstico reservado e sem terapia alvo estabelecida. Evidências mostram que o microambiente tumoral exerce papel fundamental no desenvolvimento e progressão da doença e que o infiltrado linfocítico tumoral (TILs) seria capaz de predizer resposta à quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Através deste estudo, buscamos validar esta relação e compreender melhor o comportamento deste tumor. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS Foram avaliadas as pacientes com diagnóstico histológico de carcinoma mamário invasor (CMI) submetidas à quimioterapia neoadjuvante (QN) no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre no período de 2007 a 2019. Foram selecionadas aquelas classificadas por imuno-histoquímica como triplo-negativo. A análise dos TILS foi realizada através da leitura de lâminas em hematoxilina-eosina (HE) de core biópsia prévia ao tratamento, por dois patologistas independentes. Os TILs foram classificados entre baixo (0-10%), intermediário (10,1-40%) e alto (>40%) através das diretrizes do International Working Group. O índice de TILS foi correlacionado com as características clínico-patológicas e com a resposta tumoral à QN. RESULTADOS Foram avaliadas 406 pacientes submetidas a quimioterapia neoadjuvante, onde 79 eram triplo-negativos. Após revisão de prontuário, 50 pacientes foram selecionadas para leitura de TILs. A média de idade no diagnóstico foi de 49.4 anos (±1.3), sendo a maior parte das pacientes em pré-menopausa. Mais da metade encontrava-se em estadiamento clínico avançado do tumor (EC III) e recebeu quimioterapia contendo antraciclina. Vinte e uma (26.6%) pacientes apresentaram resposta patológica completa (pCR). A pCR esteve associada a menor risco de óbito e recidiva (p≤0.05), sendo a sobrevida global de 34 meses e a sobrevida livre de doença de 27 meses. O TILs era baixo em 21 (26.6%) e 31 (39.2%) das pacientes e alto em 4 (5.1%) e 9 (11,4%), havendo concordância entre as avaliações por dois patologistas independentes. Foi identificada correlação inversa entre o status menopausal e a quantidade de TILs, embora a relação entre TILs e pCR não tenha apresentado significância estatística CONCLUSÃO A busca por um tratamento específico para tumores triplo negativos permanece um desafio à ciência. Através desta coorte transversal, foi analisado o perfil clínico das pacientes e o follow-up por período de doze anos. Nossos resultados, demonstraram que a pCR está relacionada com melhores taxas de sobrevida global e livre de doença. Além disso, demonstramos que os TILs estão associados a pacientes mais jovens, em estadio pré-menopausal. Não foi encontrada relação significativa entre TILs e pCR o que pode se justificar pela amostragem reduzida, mas também pela hipótese de redução no número de TILs em estadiamento avançado da doença. Embora mais estudos sejam necessários para demonstrar o real impacto dos TILs na resposta aos tratamentos, eles constituem um exemplo da relação entre defesa natural e carcinogênese e representam um pequeno retrato do cenário tumoral, facilmente replicável no dia a dia.Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an heterogeneous disease with poor prognostic and lack of target therapy. Evidence showed that the immune system plays a fundamental role in the development and progression of the disease. As a response of the immune system, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) would be able to predict neoadjuvant chemotherapy response. This leads to new treatment strategies with immune checkpoint inhibitors. In this cross-sectional study we aim to validate this relation. Methods We analyzed 406 patients submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and selected 76 with triple negative breast cancer. TILs were performed in 50 pre therapeutic TNBC core biopsies between 2007 and 2019. TILs were classified in low (0- 10%), intermediate (11-39%) and high (40-100%) according to the International TIL working group. TILs were analyzed as a continuous parameter. Univariable and multivariable statistical models were used to assess the association between TILs concentration and pathological complete response (pCR), disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Results pCR were achieved in 21 patients (26.6%) and associated with better DFS and OS. TILs did not have direct significant association with pCR, nodal involvement or tumor size. Conclusion Tumor microenvironment is involved in prognosis and response to therapy but to define a biomarker remains a challenge in clinical practice. Further research is warranted to define the real role of TILS in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Uso da tomografia computadorizada cone beam para tecidos moles (ST-CBCT) no planejamento de cirurgias estéticas de aumento de coroa clínica
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2014.O objetivo do presente estudo foi propor um protocolo para a aplicação da
técnica de tomografia computadorizada cone beam para tecidos moles (ST- CBCT)
como um método não-invasivo para avaliar o comprimento da coroa anatômica dos
dentes anteriores e planejar cirurgias estéticas de aumento de coroa clínica,
evitando a exposição indesejada da porção radicular. Dez pacientes jovens (média
de idade de 22,8 anos) com indicação para cirurgias estéticas de aumento de coroa
clínica, mas sem indicação de procedimentos restauradores, foram incluídos neste estudo. As imagens de ST-CBCT foram analisados com um software de edição e análise de imagens (Pixelmator 3.2), a coroa clínica, a coroa anatômica e a quantidade de gengiva que recobre o esmalte foram medidos. O valor médio do
comprimento das coroas anatômicas dos incisivos centrais, incisivos laterais e
caninos foi de 11,06mm, 9,55mm e 9,77mm, respectivamente. Os caninos demonstraram ser aproximadamente 1,3mm mais curtos do que os incisivos centrais. A ST-CBCT provou ser útil para avaliar o comprimento real da coroa anatômica e a quantidade de tecido gengival que precisa de ser removido cirurgicamente. Portanto, a técnica demonstrou ser útil para evitar a exposição indesejada raiz como resultado da cirurgia estética de aumento de coroa clínica, uma vez que permite que seja estimada a quantidade de coroa que está recoberta por tecido gengival. Sendo assim, um procedimento não-invasivo, útil para o planejamento de cirurgias estéticas aumento de coroa clínica.The aim of the present report is to propose a protocol for the application of
soft tissue - cone beam computed tomography (ST-CBCT) as a non-invasive
method to assess the length of the anatomical crown and plan esthetic crown
lengthening surgeries avoiding undesired root exposure. Ten young patients (mean
age of 22.8 years) with indication for esthetic crown lengthening surgeries but no indication for restorative procedures were included in this study. The images from the ST-CBCT were analyzed with an image editor and analysis software (Pixelmator 3.2) and the clinical crown, the anatomical crown and the amount of gingiva covering the enamel were measured. The mean value of the length of the anatomical crowns of the central incisors, lateral incisors and canines were 11.06mm, 9.55mm and 9.77mm, respectively. Thus, the canines were approximately 1.3mm shorter
than the central incisors. The ST-CBCT technic proved to be useful to assess the
actual length of the anatomical crown and the amount of gingival tissue that needs
to be surgically removed, and therefore to prevent undesired root exposure. Thus it
is a helpful non-invasive procedure for the planning of esthetic crown lengthening
O controle de condutas no direito concorrencial brasileiro : características e especificidades
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Direito, 2013.O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar as características do controle antitruste de condutas no direito brasileiro, que revela uma série de peculiaridades quando contraposto a outros campos do direito sancionador estatal. Para tanto, inicialmente examinam-se, a partir da experiência internacional, quatro aspectos distintivos do direito antitruste sancionador: a) a indeterminação normativa existente nos dispositivos legais definidores do conceito do ilícito concorrencial; b) a interdisciplinaridade entre direito e economia; c) a forte imprecisão inerente ao processo decisório antitruste; e d) o amplo espaço decisório conferido às autoridades julgadoras. Depois de se estabelecer que o desenvolvimento do controle antitruste de condutas ocorre em grande parte pela via jurisprudencial, o trabalho volta-se a compreender como as autoridades competentes pela aplicação do direito antitruste desempenham a difícil tarefa de diferenciar condutas lícitas e ilícitas na seara concorrencial. Aqui se analisa como determinados fatores – como a preocupação das autoridades competentes com os erros passíveis de serem cometidos em investigações antitruste e a necessidade de construção de regras de licitude passíveis de implementação prática – são determinantes no processo de densificação jurisprudencial da legalidade no campo antitruste. O último capítulo examina a estrutura legal do controle antitruste de condutas no Brasil e afirma que ele reveste-se de duas características centrais: (i) a opção legislativa por uma técnica de normatização marcada pela indeterminação, abrangência e flexibilidade para conceituação do ilícito antitruste e (ii) o amplo espaço de atuação conferido ao CADE para definir os limites da legalidade na esfera concorrencial. Ao final, destaca-se a relevância da reflexão dogmática crítica acerca da atividade judicante do CADE para o desenvolvimento de uma política consistente de repressão a condutas anticompetitivas. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis dissertation analyzes the characteristics of the Brazilian control of anticompetitive conducts, considering its particularities when compared to other mechanisms of public sanctions. To fulfill this purpose, four aspects of the antitrust sanctions are initially examined: a) the indetermination of legal provisions concerning an unlawful antitrust practice; b) the interface between Law and Economics; c) the strong imprecision inherent to antitrust proceedings; and d) the wide range given to decision-taking instances. Then, after demonstrating that the control of conducts is widely developed by case law, the paper addresses how competition authorities face the difficult task of drawing a distinction between lawful and unlawful anticompetitive conducts. At this moment, some key factors to the consolidation of an antitrust case law are analyzed, such as the concerns raised by competition authorities with possible errors during the investigation phase, as well as the need for clear rules to indentify lawful conducts in practice. The last chapter gives an overview of the Brazilian legal system for the control of anticompetitive conducts, which has two main elements: (i) the legislative choice for a normative technique based on indetermination, vagueness, and flexibility, for the definition of an unlawful anticompetitive practice; and (ii) the wide range given to CADE for shaping the limits of this definition. At last, the importance of dogmatic studies on CADE’s case law is highlighted for the development of a consistent policy for sanctions of anticompetitive conducts
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