48 research outputs found

    The effect of compressive strain on the Raman modes of the dry and hydrated BaCe0.8Y0.2O3 proton conductor

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    The BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-{\delta} proton conductor under hydration and under compressive strain has been analyzed with high pressure Raman spectroscopy and high pressure x-ray diffraction. The pressure dependent variation of the Ag and B2g bending modes from the O-Ce-O unit is suppressed when the proton conductor is hydrated, affecting directly the proton transfer by locally changing the electron density of the oxygen ions. Compressive strain causes a hardening of the Ce-O stretching bond. The activation barrier for proton conductivity is raised, in line with recent findings using high pressure and high temperature impedance spectroscopy. The increasing Raman frequency of the B1g and B3g modes thus implies that the phonons become hardened and increase the vibration energy in the a-c crystal plane upon compressive strain, whereas phonons are relaxed in the b-axis, and thus reveal softening of the Ag and B2g modes. Lattice toughening in the a-c crystal plane raises therefore a higher activation barrier for proton transfer and thus anisotropic conductivity. The experimental findings of the interaction of protons with the ceramic host lattice under external strain may provide a general guideline for yet to develop epitaxial strained proton conducting thin film systems with high proton mobility and low activation energy

    Independent and combined influence of healthy lifestyle factors on academic performance in adolescents: DADOS Study

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    BACKGROUND. Few studies have analyzed the combined effect of lifestyle factors on academic performance (AP) in adolescents. The aim of this study was to analyze the independent and combined effects of weight status, screen time, sleep quality, daily meal frequency, cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity (PA) on AP in adolescents. METHODS. A total of 262 adolescents (13.9±0.3 years) from the DADOS study were included in the analysis. Weight status was assessed through body mass index (kg/m 2 ). Participants completed questionnaires to evaluate screen time, sleep quality and daily meal frequency. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run test. PA was evaluated by a wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometer. AP was assessed through the final academic grades and a validated questionnaire. RESULTS. Non-overweight status, low screen time, good sleep quality and proper meal frequency showed independent, positive influence on AP. Moreover, adolescents achieving at least 3 healthy lifestyles were more likely to be in the high-performance group for academic grades than those achieving ≤ 1 (math OR: 3.02-9.51, language OR: 3.51-6.76 and grade point average OR: 4.22-9.36). CONCLUSIONS. Although individual healthy lifestyles are independently and positively associated with AP, the cumulative effect of multiple healthy lifestyles have a stronger impact

    Experience of joint stay of mother and the child In office of pathology of newborns together with other members of the family.

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    Резюме. В роботі представлені дослідження динаміки психо-емоційного стану матерів під час перебування разом з дітьми у відділенні патології новонароджених. Встановлено, що спільне перебування у відділенні не тільки матері, але й інших членів родини сприяє поліпшенню емоційного статусу матері, набуттю почуття впевненості у власних силах. Тому у відділеннях патології новонароджених необхідно створювати сприятливі умови перебування разом з дитиною не тільки матері, але й інших членів її родини; Резюме. В работе представлены исследования динамики психоэмоционального состояния матерей во время пребывания вместе с детьми в отделении патологии новорожденных. Установлено, что общее пребывание в отделении вместе с ребенком не только матери, но и других членов семьи, способствует улучшению эмоционального статуса матери, приобретению ощущения уверенности в собственных силах. Поэтому в отделениях патологии новорожденных необходимо создавать благоприятные условия для пребывания вместе с ребенком не только матери, но и других членов ее семьи; Summary. In work researches of dynamics of a psychoemotional condition of mothers in a response time together with children in office of pathology of newborns are presented. It is established that the common stay in office together the child not only mothers, but also other members of the family, promotes improvement of the emotional status of mother, acquisition of feeling of confidence of characteristic forces. Therefore in offices of pathology of newborns it is necessary to create the favorable conditions for stay together with the child not only mothers, but also other terms of her family