89 research outputs found

    Der Konflikt zwischen dem Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und den Persönlichkeitsrechten in der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte

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    Sowohl das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit als auch die Persönlichkeitsrechte stellen grundlegende Rechte des Einzelnen dar, welche für die Selbstverwirklichung in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft unbedingt notwendig sind. Allerdings führt die Ausübung der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit auch regelmäßig zu Konflikten mit den einzelnen Persönlichkeitsrechten. Das Recht auf Achtung des Privatlebens, das Recht auf Unschuldsvermutung sowie der gute Ruf einer Person können sowohl durch Werturteile als auch durch Tatsachenbehauptungen eines anderen entschieden beeinträchtigt werden. Das Aufeinandertreffen dieser widerstreitenden Interessen unterschiedlicher Personen zwingt den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte dazu Abwägungsentscheidungen zu treffen, aus welchen systematisch betrachtet Grundregeln ableitbar sind, die für die Bewertung dieser Grundrechtskonflikte herangezogen werden können.The right to freedom of expression as well as personality rights are fundamental individual rights, which are an absolute requirement to achieve self-fulfilment in a democratic society. However, the practice of one's right to freedom of expression can regularly come into conflict with particular personality rights. The right to privacy, the presumption of innocence as well as an individual's reputation can be severely affected by value judgements and factual statements of others. The clash of these conflicting interests of different persons has forced the European Court of Human Rights to render deliberate judgements, from which, after systematic examination, basic rules can be deducted, that can be used for the evaluation of those conflicts of fundamental rights

    Developing ESD Competences in Higher Education Institutions—Staff Training at the University of Vechta

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    Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) competences have been widely discussed over the past decade. A number of frameworks have been developed, and the Erasmus+ Project “A Rounder Sense of Purpose” (RSP) set out to establish a profound and practical framework of competences to be used in any European context to enable in-service and pre-service educators to demonstrate their competence in ESD. Over the course of two years at the University of Vechta, staff training was provided using the RSP competences model as a guiding framework. Data were collected through a focus group and a self-assessment survey in order to answer the research question, “Which competences do university teachers need in order to work with the concept of ESD in higher education and how can these be developed in a series of staff training workshops?” The results show that all 12 RSP competences are indeed relevant for higher education teaching, but the potential for developing them into a staff training programme is limited. There are multiple trigger points and settings that are beneficial to and necessary for the development of ESD competences. If those conditions are not met there is limited opportunity for applying ESD methods within higher education

    ESD Curriculum Framework for School Development in Europe

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    The development of students' and teachers' competences is seen as a prerequisite for responsible behaviour that promotes sustainable development. The framework draws on relevant UNESCO and European Commission documents to provide a strategic context and conceptual background and to set out the learning outcomes to be developed in schools. The desired learning outcomes are in the cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural domains, all of which are important for a holistic education. The transdisciplinary themes associated with the SDGs provide a suitable ground for the development of competences - both in the way they are understood in different school subjects, and in the way they pursue the goal of promoting authentic, value-based behaviour. To assess the development of such competences, the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy can be used, which describes progressively increasing levels of learning outcomes achieved by students, with an emphasis on increasing complexity. The Framework presented here is intended to be a flexible guide that can be used to transform the curriculum towards competence-based and transformative learning according to the country's context