21 research outputs found

    A No-Go Theorem for the Consistent Quantization of Spin 3/2 Fields on General Curved Spacetimes

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    It is well-known that coupling a spin 32\frac32-field to a gravitational or electromagnetic background leads to potential problems both in the classical and in the quantum theory. Various solutions to these problems have been proposed so far, which are all restricted to a limited class of backgrounds. On the other hand, negative results for general gravitational backgrounds have been reported only for a limited set of couplings to the background to date. Hence, to our knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of all possible couplings to the gravitational field and general gravitational backgrounds including off-shell ones has not been performed so far. In this work we analyse whether it is possible to couple a spin 32\frac32-field to a gravitational field in such a way that the resulting quantum theory is consistent on arbitrary gravitational backgrounds. We find that this is impossible as all couplings require the background to be an Einstein spacetime for consistency. This enforces the widespread belief that supergravity theories are the only meaningful models which contain spin 32\frac32 fields as in these models such restrictions of the gravitational background appear naturally as on-shell conditions.Comment: 8 pages, substantially abridged, results unchange

    From Purification to Drug Screening: CFTR TM3/4 Mutants as Models for Membrane Protein Misfolding in Disease

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    Membrane proteins are of undeniable importance for cell physiology across all domains of life and a loss of their function, e.g., due to mutations in their coding sequence, is almost always linked to disease. In humans, mutations in the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an ATP-gated anion channel in epithelia, give rise to cystic fibrosis (CF). Over 2100 mutations of the CFTR gene are known, however, their disease liability remains mostly undetermined. Causal therapies, i.e., small-molecule drugs that target CFTR itself, have improved the lives of people with the most common mutations (e.g. ΔF508, G551D) over the last decade. In contrast, many rare CF-phenotypic mutations are not eligible for these novel treatments and would benefit from in vitro evaluation of their molecular consequences. In vitro studies of membrane proteins are often complicated by the intrinsic hydrophobicity and aggregation susceptibility of this protein group. However, this can be avoided by using short membrane protein fragments corresponding to the smallest in vivo folding unit of the respective protein at the ER membrane. These model proteins can be easily genetically modified, expressed and purified, making them a suitable tool to pinpoint the effects of mutations. This thesis demonstrates the utility of such a reductionist model system: TM3/4, the second helical hairpin of CFTR’s transmembrane domain 1, was used to study protein folding with a focus on disease-causing missense mutations of CFTR, which may cause CFTR misfolding in vivo. TM3/4 purification was first optimized by using a thioredoxin tag, which allowed heat purification of the fusion protein even after initial purification steps. Optimal heat treatment for maximal protein purity and recovery were determined for TM3/4 and another helical hairpin, ATP synthase subunit c. Moreover, tertiary folding of a CF-phenotypic loop mutation, E217G, introducing a non-native GXXXG interaction motif was analyzed by single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) in different lipid bilayer conditions, showing unusually increased stability in comparison to wild type (WT) TM3/4. Furthermore, smFRET was used in tandem with circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy to assess the effect of a specific membrane lipid, cholesterol, on TM3/4 variants showing significant changes on secondary but not tertiary structure. Lastly, a mutant library of 13 TM3/4 mutants was established to perform drug screenings with CFTR correctors – a class of small molecules rescuing or preventing misfolding of CFTR. This screening study demonstrated that (i) not all CF-phenotypic missense mutations are locally misfolded at a lipid bilayer comparable to the ER membrane; and (ii) in vitro restoration of a native WT-like conformation of locally misfolded TM3/4 mutants is not only possible but different drug-mutant pairings can be identified related to folding rescue efficiency of a given corrector on a respective mutant. The latter identified drug-mutant pairings may lead to drug repurposing if the effect can be confirmed in cell culture experiments. In conclusion, the TM3/4 minimal model of CFTR and biophysical methods, such as smFRET, proved as versatile tools not only for investigation of mutation and lipid effects on membrane protein folding but also for drug screenings in a disease context.:1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 MEMBRANE PROTEINS AND THEIR NATIVE ENVIRONMENTS 2.1.1 Membrane protein families and their role in human health 2.1.2 Fundamental folding models of α-helical membrane proteins 2.1.3 Co-translational folding at the ER supported by the translocon 2.1.4 Folding-relevant interactions within membrane proteins 2.1.5 Biological membranes and lipid classes 2.1.6 Physical properties of lipid bilayers impacting membrane proteins 2.1.7 Membrane models for in vitro studies 2.2 CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND CFTR 2.2.1 Pathology of cystic fibrosis 2.2.2 Structure and function of the CFTR channel 2.2.3 A minimal model of CFTR to study rare CF mutations 2.2.4 Missense mutations within the CFTR segmental model TM3/4 2.2.5 Novel modulator therapies for the treatment of cystic fibrosis 2.3 IN VITRO ASSESSMENT OF MEMBRANE PROTEIN FOLDING 2.3.1 Expression and purification of membrane proteins 2.3.2 Single-molecule FRET in single- and multi-well mode for protein folding 3 HEAT PURIFICATION OF TRX MEMBRANE PROTEIN FUSIONS 3.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 3.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 IMPACT OF A CFTR LOOP MUTATION WITH ATYPICAL STABILITY 4.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 4.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 EFFECTS OF CHOLESTEROL ON LOCAL CFTR FOLDING 5.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 5.2 RESULTS 5.2.1 Folding of TM3/4 hairpins in the presence of cholesterol 5.2.2 Folding of TM3/4 hairpins in the presence of Lumacaftor 5.2.3 Impact of Lumacaftor on membrane fluidity 5.3 DISCUSSION 6 CFTR CORRECTOR SCREENINGS WITH SINGLE-MOLECULE FRET 6.1 PRESCREENING TO IDENTIFY MISFOLDED TM3/4 VARIANTS 6.2 SCREENING OF MISFOLDED TM3/4 VARIANTS WITH CFTR CORRECTORS 7 CONCLUSIONS 8 OUTLOOK 9 MATERIALS AND METHODS 9.1 CONSTRUCT DESIGN OF HELICAL TRANSMEMBRANE HAIRPINS 9.2 PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 9.3 HEAT TREATMENT OF HELICAL TRANSMEMBRANE CONSTRUCTS 9.4 SINGLE-MOLECULE FRET EXPERIMENTS 9.4.1 Labeling of TM3/4 constructs 9.4.2 Liposome preparation and reconstitution of labeled protein constructs 9.4.3 Single-molecule FRET measurements in manual mode 9.4.4 Single-molecule FRET measurements in multi-well screening mode 9.5 CIRCULAR DICHROISM SPECTROSCOPY 9.5.1 Circular dichroism to determine protein heat stability 9.5.2 Circular dichroism to study protein structure in different lipid bilayers 9.6 FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY 9.6.1 Vesicle leakage assay to test lipid bilayer stability 9.6.2 Examining lipid bilayer fluidity with fluorescent probes 10 APPENDIX 10.1 GENERATION OF A TM3/4 MUTANT LIBRARY 10.2 TM3/4 SCREENINGS WITH CFTR CORRECTORS 10.2.1 SmFRET control screenings and supporting data 10.2.2 Extracted closed state fractions from smFRET screenings 10.2.3 DLS to measure vesicle integrity after corrector addition 11 REFERENCES 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13 ERKLÄRUNG GEMÄß §5 ABS. 1 S. 3 DER PROMOTIONSORDNUNGMembranproteine sind fĂŒr die Zellphysiologie aller biologischen DomĂ€nen von unbestreitbarer Bedeutung und ein Verlust ihrer Funktion, z.B. durch Mutationen in ihrer kodierenden Sequenz, ist fast immer Auslöser von Krankheiten. Beim Menschen fĂŒhren Mutationen im Gen fĂŒr den Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR), einen ATP-abhĂ€ngigen Anionenkanal in Epithelien, zu Mukoviszidose (CF). Über 2100 Mutationen des CFTR-Gens sind bekannt – ob jedoch alle Mutationen tatsĂ€chlich CF auslösen, ist weitgehend ungeklĂ€rt. Kausale Therapien, d.h. niedermolekulare Medikamente, die auf CFTR selbst abzielen, haben in den letzten zehn Jahren die LebensqualitĂ€t von Menschen mit den hĂ€ufigsten Mutationen (z.B. ΔF508, G551D) verbessert. DemgegenĂŒber stehen jedoch viele seltene CF-phĂ€notypische Mutationen, fĂŒr welche diese neuartigen Behandlungen nicht zugelassen sind, wodurch diese Mutationen von einer In-vitro-Analyse ihrer molekularen Konsequenzen profitieren wĂŒrden. In-vitro-Untersuchungen von Membranproteinen werden oft durch die intrinsische HydrophobizitĂ€t und AggregationsanfĂ€lligkeit dieser Proteine erschwert. Dies kann jedoch vermieden werden, indem kurze Membranproteinfragmente verwendet werden, die der kleinsten in vivo Faltungseinheit des jeweiligen Proteins an der ER-Membran entsprechen. Diese Modellproteine können routiniert genetisch verĂ€ndert, exprimiert und aufgereinigt werden, was sie zu einem geeigneten Werkzeug macht, um die Auswirkungen von Mutationen zu genau festzustellen. Diese Dissertation demonstriert die NĂŒtzlichkeit eines solchen reduktionistischen Modellsystems: TM3/4, das zweite helikale Haarnadel-Motiv der TransmembrandomĂ€ne 1 von CFTR, wurde verwendet, um Proteinfaltung mit Schwerpunkt auf krankheitsverursachende Missense-Mutationen von CFTR zu untersuchen, welche eine CFTR-Fehlfaltung in vivo verursachen können. Die TM3/4-Aufreinigung wurde zunĂ€chst durch die Verwendung eines Thioredoxin-Tags optimiert, der eine Hitzeaufreinigung des Fusionsproteins auch nach anfĂ€nglichen Reinigungsschritten ermöglichte. Die optimale Hitzebehandlung fĂŒr maximale Proteinreinheit und -ausbeute wurde fĂŒr TM3/4 und ein weiteres helikales Haarnadelprotein, die ATP-Synthase-Untereinheit c, bestimmt. Weiterhin wurde die tertiĂ€re Faltung einer CF-phĂ€notypischen Mutation, E217G, die ein nicht-natives GXXXG-Interaktionsmotiv einfĂŒhrt, mittels einzelmolekularem Förster-Resonanzenergietransfer (smFRET) in verschiedenen Lipiddoppelschichten analysiert, welche eine ungewöhnlich erhöhte StabilitĂ€t im Vergleich zum TM3/4-Wildtyp (WT) zeigte. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde smFRET in Verbindung mit Circulardichroismus und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie verwendet, um die Wirkung eines spezifischen Membranlipids, Cholesterin, auf TM3/4-Varianten zu untersuchen, welches signifikante Auswirkungen auf die sekundĂ€re, aber nicht auf die tertiĂ€re Proteinstruktur hatte. Schließlich wurde eine Mutantenbibliothek von 13 TM3/4-Mutanten eingerichtet, um Wirkstoffscreenings mit CFTR-Korrektoren durchzufĂŒhren – einer Klasse kleiner MolekĂŒle, die die Fehlfaltung von CFTR verhindern können. Diese Screening-Studie zeigte, dass (i) nicht alle CF-phĂ€notypischen Missense-Mutationen lokal an einer Lipiddoppelschicht fehlgefaltet sind, die mit der ER-Membran vergleichbar ist; und (ii) die In-vitro-Wiederherstellung einer nativen WT-Ă€hnlichen Konformation von lokal fehlgefalteten TM3/4-Mutanten ist nicht nur möglich, sondern es können auch verschiedene Wirkstoff-Mutanten-Paare identifiziert werden, die mit der Faltungsrettungseffizienz eines Korrektors auf eine bestimmte Mutante zusammenhĂ€ngen. Die letztgenannten Wirkstoff-Mutanten-Paare können zu Drug-Repurposings fĂŒhren, wenn die Wirkung in Zellkulturexperimenten bestĂ€tigt werden kann. Im Allgemeinen, haben sich das TM3/4-Minimalfaltungsmodell von CFTR sowie biophysikalische Methoden, wie z.B. smFRET, als vielseitige Werkzeuge nicht nur fĂŒr die Untersuchung von Mutations- und Lipideffekten auf die Membranproteinfaltung, sondern auch fĂŒr das Screening von Medikamenten im Krankheitskontext erwiesen.:1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 MEMBRANE PROTEINS AND THEIR NATIVE ENVIRONMENTS 2.1.1 Membrane protein families and their role in human health 2.1.2 Fundamental folding models of α-helical membrane proteins 2.1.3 Co-translational folding at the ER supported by the translocon 2.1.4 Folding-relevant interactions within membrane proteins 2.1.5 Biological membranes and lipid classes 2.1.6 Physical properties of lipid bilayers impacting membrane proteins 2.1.7 Membrane models for in vitro studies 2.2 CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND CFTR 2.2.1 Pathology of cystic fibrosis 2.2.2 Structure and function of the CFTR channel 2.2.3 A minimal model of CFTR to study rare CF mutations 2.2.4 Missense mutations within the CFTR segmental model TM3/4 2.2.5 Novel modulator therapies for the treatment of cystic fibrosis 2.3 IN VITRO ASSESSMENT OF MEMBRANE PROTEIN FOLDING 2.3.1 Expression and purification of membrane proteins 2.3.2 Single-molecule FRET in single- and multi-well mode for protein folding 3 HEAT PURIFICATION OF TRX MEMBRANE PROTEIN FUSIONS 3.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 3.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4 IMPACT OF A CFTR LOOP MUTATION WITH ATYPICAL STABILITY 4.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 4.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 EFFECTS OF CHOLESTEROL ON LOCAL CFTR FOLDING 5.1 PREAMBLE AND SUMMARY 5.2 RESULTS 5.2.1 Folding of TM3/4 hairpins in the presence of cholesterol 5.2.2 Folding of TM3/4 hairpins in the presence of Lumacaftor 5.2.3 Impact of Lumacaftor on membrane fluidity 5.3 DISCUSSION 6 CFTR CORRECTOR SCREENINGS WITH SINGLE-MOLECULE FRET 6.1 PRESCREENING TO IDENTIFY MISFOLDED TM3/4 VARIANTS 6.2 SCREENING OF MISFOLDED TM3/4 VARIANTS WITH CFTR CORRECTORS 7 CONCLUSIONS 8 OUTLOOK 9 MATERIALS AND METHODS 9.1 CONSTRUCT DESIGN OF HELICAL TRANSMEMBRANE HAIRPINS 9.2 PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 9.3 HEAT TREATMENT OF HELICAL TRANSMEMBRANE CONSTRUCTS 9.4 SINGLE-MOLECULE FRET EXPERIMENTS 9.4.1 Labeling of TM3/4 constructs 9.4.2 Liposome preparation and reconstitution of labeled protein constructs 9.4.3 Single-molecule FRET measurements in manual mode 9.4.4 Single-molecule FRET measurements in multi-well screening mode 9.5 CIRCULAR DICHROISM SPECTROSCOPY 9.5.1 Circular dichroism to determine protein heat stability 9.5.2 Circular dichroism to study protein structure in different lipid bilayers 9.6 FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY 9.6.1 Vesicle leakage assay to test lipid bilayer stability 9.6.2 Examining lipid bilayer fluidity with fluorescent probes 10 APPENDIX 10.1 GENERATION OF A TM3/4 MUTANT LIBRARY 10.2 TM3/4 SCREENINGS WITH CFTR CORRECTORS 10.2.1 SmFRET control screenings and supporting data 10.2.2 Extracted closed state fractions from smFRET screenings 10.2.3 DLS to measure vesicle integrity after corrector addition 11 REFERENCES 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13 ERKLÄRUNG GEMÄß §5 ABS. 1 S. 3 DER PROMOTIONSORDNUN

    Continuous Flow as an Enabling Technology: A Fast and Versatile Entry to Functionalized Glyoxal Derivatives

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    Organometallic chemistry is a remarkable opportunity for continuous processing and has been applied to demonstrated effect in the industrial landscape. We herein report two complementary strategies employing organolithium chemistry for the synthesis of glyoxal derivatives. Micro-mixer technology allows for the generation of unstable organometallic intermediates and their instantaneous in-line quench with esters as electrophiles. Selective mono-addition was observed via putative stabilized tetrahedral intermediates. Advantages offered by flow chemistry technologies facilitate a direct and efficient access to masked 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds while mitigating undesired by-product formation. These two approaches enable the production of advanced and valuable synthetic building blocks for heterocyclic chemistry with throughputs of grams per minute

    Dichloromethyl lithium: A valuable reagent in organic synthesis handled in continuous flow mode

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    A simple and robust procedure for the synthesis and usage of thermally unstable dichloromethyl lithium in continuous flow mode is described. By utilizing residence times in the range of milliseconds for the generation and electrophilic quench of dichloromethyl lithium, the straightforward synthesis of dichloro carbinols and benzylic pinacol esters was realized at reaction temperatures of −30°C whereas typical temperature in traditional batch mode are below −78°C. The excellent purity profile obtained from the flow process allows to directly telescope the exiting flow stream into semi-batch quenches for further modifications. All transformations gave the desired product in remarkable purity and yield on multigram scale without the necessity for any chromatography

    A simple scale-up strategy for organolithium chemistry in flow mode: From feasibility to kilogram quantities

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    A platform for conducting organolithium chemistry in continuous flow mode, covering the scales from medicinal chemistry to later phase process development, is described. The use of this flow setup which mimics the concept of flash chemistry on scale, has been demonstrated by the exemplary, large-scale preparation of (4-fluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)boronic acid following a reaction sequence of halogen/lithium exchange, borylation and semi-batch workup. Furthermore, the key factors and corresponding practical assessments required for the streamlined and seamless scale-up from lab environment to higher productivity are highlighted

    Visible Light Activation of Boronic Esters Enables Efficient Photoredox C(sp2)–C(sp3) Cross-Couplings in Flow

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    We report herein a new method for the photoredox activation of boronic esters. Using these reagents, an efficient and high throughput continuous flow process was developed to perform a dual iridium and nickel catalysed C(sp2)–C(sp3) coupling by circumventing solubility issues associated with potassium trifluoroborate salts. Formation of an adduct with a pyridine-derived Lewis base was found to be essential for the photoredox activation of the boronic esters. Based on these results we were able to develop a further simplified visible light mediated C(sp2)–C(sp3) coupling method using boronic esters and cyano heteroarenes under continuous flow conditions

    Impact of cholesterol and Lumacaftor on the folding of CFTR helical hairpins

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the gene that codes for the chloride channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Recent advances in CF treatment have included use of small-molecule drugs known as modulators, such as Lumacaftor (VX-809), but their detailed mechanism of action and interplay with the surrounding lipid membranes, including cholesterol, remain largely unknown. To examine these phenomena and guide future modulator development, we prepared a set of wild type (WT) and mutant helical hairpin constructs consisting of CFTR transmembrane (TM) segments 3 and 4 and the intervening extracellular loop (termed TM3/4 hairpins) that represent minimal membrane protein tertiary folding units. These hairpin variants, including CF-phenotypic loop mutants E217G and Q220R, and membrane-buried mutant V232D, were reconstituted into large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine (POPC) vesicles, and into corresponding vesicles containing 70 mol% POPC +30 mol% cholesterol, and studied by single-molecule FRET and circular dichroism experiments. We found that the presence of 30 mol% cholesterol induced an increase in helicity of all TM3/4 hairpins, suggesting an increase in bilayer cross-section and hence an increase in the depth of membrane insertion compared to pure POPC vesicles. Importantly, when we added the corrector VX-809, regardless of the presence or absence of cholesterol, all mutants displayed folding and helicity largely indistinguishable from the WT hairpin. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements suggest that the corrector alters lipid packing and water accessibility. We propose a model whereby VX-809 shields the protein from the lipid environment in a mutant-independent manner such that the WT scaffold prevails. Such ‘normalization’ to WT conformation is consistent with the action of VX-809 as a protein-folding chaperone