291 research outputs found

    Fruit crops 1990: a summary of research

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    Orchard temperature profiles in spring frost conditions / R. D. Brazee, R. D. Fox and D. C. Ferree -- Orchard sprayers: how much spray moves out of the orchard? / R. D. Fox, D. L. Reichard, R. D. Brazee, and F. R. Hall -- Influence of pruning treatments on mature spur-bound 'Starkrimson Delicious' apple trees / D. C. Ferree, J. C. Schmid, J. R. Schupp and I. J. Warrington -- The winter of 1983-84: a test winter for Ohio's fruit crops / C. K. Chandler and D. C. Ferree -- Performance of apple roostock, cultivars and cultural treatments under the stress of the 1988 drought / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Performance of a spur and standard Delicious strain in a slender spindle system / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Survey of Ohio strawberry growers: present practice and future directions / J. C. Scheerens and G. L. Brenneman -- Orchard crop loss assessments: a precondition for improved crop protection decisions / F. R. Hall -- Evaluation of compounds for control of foliar grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) in Ohio / M. J. McLeod and R. N. Williams -- Marketing Ohio Strawberries / W. T. Rhodus and R. C. Fun

    Automatische Impedantie Manometrie (AIM): objectieve diagnostiek van oro-faryngale dysfagie

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    Dit overzichtsartikel wil het klinisch potentieel aantonen van Automatische Impedantie Manometrie (AIM) als nieuwe, nietradiologische techniek voor screening en diagnostiek van faryngale dysfagie, zijnde slikstoornissen in de mond, keelholte en bovenste slokdarm. Deze AIM-techniek maakt gebruik van een katheter met druksensoren en impedantie-elektroden om slikken kwantitatief te beschrijven. Een geïntegreerde – eerder dan afzonderlijke – analyse van de gemeten druk- en impedantiepatronen die ontstaan bij het doorslikken van een voedselbolus, kan een zinvolle aanvulling zijn op de dynamische beeldvormingsonderzoeken die vandaag de dag als gouden standaard worden gezien. Belangrijke voordelen zijn het objectieve karakter van de techniek en de geautomatiseerde berekening van diverse slikparameters. Een globale maat voor de slikfunctie kan worden bekomen (Slik Risico Index, SRI) en houdt verband met (de ernst van) het aspiratierisico van de patiënt en de aanwezigheid van bolusresidu. Zo kan een accurate detectie van aspiratie met een sensitiviteit van 0,88 en specificiteit van 0,96 niet via radiologisch onderzoek bereikt worden. Verschillende slikparameters zijn ook voldoende gevoelig om veranderingen in voedselconsistentie te detecteren en om de effecten van slikmanoeuvres objectief te beschrijven. Recent werd ook aangetoond dat deze AIM-analyse snel en betrouwbaar kan worden uitgevoerd door clinici met variërende ervaring en opleiding. Bovendien worden in verschillende patiëntengroepen andere patronen van afwijkende slikparameters aangetroffen. Of deze observatie aanleiding kan geven tot specifieke slikdiagnoses en dus meer gerichte behandelingen is momenteel onderwerp van onderzoek

    Fruit crops 1994: a summary of research

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    Effects of nitrogen fertilization on total yield, different yield components, and foliar levels of 'Heritage' raspberry / D. R. Baral, G. A. Cahoon -- Influence of training stakes and various pruning and bending techniques on early performance of 'Fuji' apple trees / D. C. Ferree, J. C. Schmid -- Pilot project for integrated pest management in Ohio apple orchards / C. Welty -- Relationship of canopy micro-climate and apple tree fruit and leaf performance / D. Ferree, J. Tew, D. Miller, R. Brazee, R. Fox -- Effect of root pruning on shoot tip ethylene production and xylem concentrations of cytokinln and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in young apple trees / J. R. Schupp, D. C. Ferree -- Rootstock effects on spur characteristics, spur leaf nitrogen content and early production of apple trees / M. Rottgerman, D. Ferree, J. Schmid -- Inhibition of growth of crown-gall-causing bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) by polyamine synthesis inhibitors / T. Ponappa, A. R. Miller -- Relationships among apple weight, seed number, seed weight, germination date and apple seedling vigor / D. D. Miller, K. Kaiser -- Evaluation of organic and conventional fungicide programs for control of apple scab in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, L. V. Madden, L. L. Wilson, D. C. Ferree -- Evaluation of commercially available serological test kits for diagnosis of apple crown and root rot caused by Phytophthora spp in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, S. A. Miller -- A survey of the pest management practices, information sources, needs, and decision making criteria of Ohio apple growers / F. A. Hale, F. R. Hall -- Effects of cultural systems on the horticultural performance and fruit quality of strawberries / J. C. Scheerens, G. L. Brenneman -- Performance of new or uncommon strawberry cultivars grown under Ohio cultural conditions / G. L. Brenneman, J. C. Scheerens -- A comparison of spray drift deposited on ground and airborne spray collectors and on soybean plants / R. D. Fox, S. M. Hussein, D. L. Reichard, R. D. Brazee, F. R. Hall -- Experimental vs. computer-predicted air velocities for a cross-flow sprayer / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, S. A. Svensson, D. L. Reichar

    Teacher quality in the twenty first century: new lives, old truths

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    This chapter is based upon a keynote address to the first global teacher education summit, organised by Beijing Normal University in 2011, in which research across the world about influences which affect teachers' sense of professional identity, capacity for compassion, commitment, resilience and effectiveness long after they have graduated from their pre-service education and training programmes in universities and colleges were shared. The findings suggest that teaching pre-service students about how the conditions in which they work may enhance or diminish their capacity to teach to their best and how they might act to mediate these is a key part of the work of all teacher educators and an important focus for the work of educational researchers

    Fruit crops: a summary of research, 1998

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    Pesticide deposition in orchards: effects of pesticide type, tree canopy, timing, cultivar, and leaf type / Franklin R. Hall, Jane A. Cooper, and David C. Ferree -- The influence of a synthetic foraging attractant, Bee-Scentâ„¢, on the number of honey bees visiting apple blossoms and on subsequent fruit production / James E. Tew and David C. Ferree -- The reliability of three traps vs. a single trap for determining population levels of codling moth in commercial northern Ohio apple orchards / Ted W. Gastier -- Evaluation of an empirical model for predicting sooty blotch and flyspeck of apples in Ohio / Michael A. Ellis, Laurence V. Madden, and L. Lee Wilson -- Influence of pesticides and water stress on photosynthesis and transpiration of apple / David C. Ferree, Franklin R. Hall, Charles R. Krause, Bruce R. Roberts, and Ross D. Brazee -- Influence of temporary bending and heading on branch development and flowering of vigorous young apple trees / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- The effect of apple fruit bruising on total returns / Richard C. Funt, Ewen A. Cameron, and Nigel H. Banks -- Yield, berry quality, and economics of mechanical berry harvest in Ohio / Richard C. Funt, Thomas E. Wall, and Joseph C. Scheerens -- Monitoring flower thrips activities in strawberry fields at two Ohio locations / Roger N. Williams, M. Sean Ellis, Dan S. Fickle, and Carl M. Pelland -- Cluster thinning effects on fruit weight, juice quality, and fruit skin characteristics in 'Reliance' grapes / Yu Gao and Garth A. Cahoon -- Effects of various fungicide programs on powdery mildew control, percent berry sugar, yield, and vine vigor of 'Concord' grapes in Ohio / Michael A. Ellis, Laurence V. Madden, L. Lee Wilson, and Gregory R. Johns -- Influence of growth regulators, cropping, and number on replacement trunks of winter-injured 'Vidal Blanc' grapes / David C. Ferree, David M. Scurlock, and Rick Evans -- Effect of new herbicides on tissue-cultured black raspberry plants / Richard C. Funt, Thomas E. Wall, and B. Dale Stokes -- Investigating the relationship between vine vigor and berry set of field-grown 'Seyval Blanc' grapevines / Steven J. McArtney and David C. Ferree -- Summary of Ohio Fruit Growers Society apple cider competition, 1993-1997 / Winston Bash and Diane Mille
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