866 research outputs found

    Проблемы и перспективы развития агропромышленного комплекса Украины

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    In dit onderzoek wordt onderzocht of de negatieve reacties op morele weigeraars voortkomen uit de weigering, of uit de morele gronden voor deze weigering. Bovendien wordt onderzocht of deze negatieve reacties vooral optreden bij mensen met een sterke morele identiteit en of lichamelijke reiniging de bedreigde identiteit kan herstellen. Participanten (N = 110) werden gevraagd om een stuk worst te proeven, wasten al dan niet hun handen en werden geconfronteerd met een weigeraar die de worst niet had gegeten vanuit morele of niet-morele redenen. Resultaten zijn in overeenstemming met de verwachtingen en laten zien dat mensen zich meer bedreigd voelen door morele weigeraars dan niet-morele weigeraars en dat dit speciaal geldt voor mensen met een sterke morele identiteit. Wanneer participanten echter hun handen hebben gewassen verdwijnt dit negatieve effect van morele weigeraars op het zelfbeeld

    The combinatorics of the Baer-Specker group

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    Denote the integers by Z and the positive integers by N. The groups Z^k (k a natural number) are discrete, and the classification up to isomorphism of their (topological) subgroups is trivial. But already for the countably infinite power Z^N of Z, the situation is different. Here the product topology is nontrivial, and the subgroups of Z^N make a rich source of examples of non-isomorphic topological groups. Z^N is the Baer-Specker group. We study subgroups of the Baer-Specker group which possess group theoretic properties analogous to properties introduced by Menger (1924), Hurewicz (1925), Rothberger (1938), and Scheepers (1996). The studied properties were introduced independently by Ko\v{c}inac and Okunev. We obtain purely combinatorial characterizations of these properties, and combine them with other techniques to solve several questions of Babinkostova, Ko\v{c}inac, and Scheepers.Comment: To appear in IJ

    Гуманізуючий потенціал дистанційного навчання у контексті демократизації мовної освіти

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    У статті розглядається питання гуманізації мовної освіти за допомогою дистанційного навчання. Зроблено висновок про те, що слід активно використовувати сучасні інформаційні технології для гуманізації і демократизації сфери освіти.В статье рассмотрен вопрос гуманизации языкового образования с помощью дистанционного обучения. Сделан вывод о том, что следует активно использовать современные информационные технологии для гуманизации и демократизации сферы образования.The question of humanization of language education through distant teaching is considered. It is concluded that modern information technologies should be actively used for humanization and democratization of the educational sphere

    How effortful is cognitive control? Insights from a novel method measuring single-trial evoked beta-adrenergic cardiac reactivity

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    The ability to adjust attentional focus to varying levels of task demands depends on the adaptive recruitment of cognitive control processes. The present study investigated for the first time whether the mobilization of cognitive control during response-conflict trials in a flanker task is associated with effort-related sympathetic activity as measured by changes in the RZinterval at a single-trial level, thus providing an alternative to the pre-ejection period (PEP) which can only be reliably measured in ensemble-averaged data. We predicted that response conflict leads to a physiological orienting response (i.e. heart rate slowing) and increases in effort as reflected by changes in myocardial beta-adrenergic activity (i.e. decreased RZ interval). Our results indeed showed that response conflict led to cardiac deceleration and decreased RZ interval. However, the temporal overlap of the observed heart rate and RZ interval changes suggests that the effect on the latter reflects a change in cardiac pre-load (Frank-Starling mechanism). Our study was thus unable to provide evidence for the expected link between cognitive control and cardiovascular effort. However, it demonstrated that our single-trial analysis enables the assessment of transient changes in cardiac sympathetic activity, thus providing a promising tool for future studies that aim to investigate effort at a single-trial level

    Value alignment and public perceived legitimacy of the European Union and the Court of Justice

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    The present study aims to extend research on the role of values for the perceived legitimacy of legal authorities by focusing on (1) supranational legal authorities and (2) a broad range of values. We examine how (alignment between) people’s personal values and their perception of the values of the European Union (EU) are related to perceived legitimacy of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the EU more broadly. Inspired by moral foundations theory, we distinguish between individualizing (i.e., “democracy”, “liberty”, and “fairness”) and binding values (i.e., “rule of law”, “respect for national authority”, and “respect for tradition”). An online survey was conducted in six EU member states (N = 1,136). A factor analysis confirmed a two-factor model (individualizing vs. binding values) for both personal values and perceived EU values. Four regression models were run for each of the value factors, including personal values, perceived EU values, and their interaction, on each of the outcomes (i.e., perceived CJEU and EU legitimacy). Perceived endorsement by the EU of both individualizing and binding values predicted higher legitimacy perceptions of the CJEU and EU. Furthermore, personal binding values had a negative effect on perceived EU legitimacy when participants perceived the EU to weakly support binding values, but a positive effect when the EU was perceived to strongly support binding values. The results suggest that value alignment plays an important role in perceived legitimacy of the CJEU and EU, and that better representing binding values might be a strategy to improve perceived EU legitimacy.Social decision makin

    House of Traditional Leaders: Role, Problems and Future

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    A national House of Traditional Leaders and provincial Houses of Traditional Leaders have been established in terms of Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993.  The role of Traditional leaders at provincial and national level in the National House of Traditional Leaders and the Provincial Houses of Traditional Leaders has not yet been clearly defined in South Africa. The National and Provincial Houses of Traditional Leaders experience various problems that hamper their functioning.  The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significant role of the National House of Traditional Leaders and the Provincial Houses of Traditional Leaders as Constitutional institutions at national and provincial levels and to make proposals regarding their future role and functioning. It can be expected of Constitutional institutions to function properly and effectively.  That is, however, not the case with the National House and the various provincial Houses of Traditional Leaders. In the rural areas are the poorest of the poor.  This is a result not only of the former apartheid policy but also of a lack of interest by former governments to invest in rural areas.  Attention and investment were focused mostly on the development of urban areas.  People in rural areas had no voice.  It should be ensured that their comments on legislation are for example taken seriously and are not discarded as a mere formality. The 1996 Constitution gives them this voice, but for the intended institutions to function properly, they must be effective. In this article a brief overview of the recognition of traditional institutions in the 1993 and 1996 Constitutions is given, whereafter the National House and Provinical Houses of Traditional Leaders are discussed with regard to their composition, role and the problems they experience in order to make recommendations with regard to their problems and future role.  &nbsp