12 research outputs found

    CD26-negative and CD26-positive tissue-resident fibroblasts contribute to functionally distinct CAF subpopulations in breast cancer

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    The origin of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in cancer remains to be identified. Here, single-cell transcriptomics, in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that CD26+ and CD26- normal fibroblasts transform into distinct CAF subpopulations in mouse models of breast cancer

    Monitoring AKT activity and targeting in live tissue and disease contexts using a real-time Akt-FRET biosensor mouse

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    Aberrant AKT activation occurs in a number of cancers, metabolic syndrome, and immune disorders, making it an important target for the treatment of many diseases. To monitor spatial and temporal AKT activity in a live setting, we generated an Akt-FRET biosensor mouse that allows longitudinal assessment of AKT activity using intravital imaging in conjunction with image stabilization and optical window technology. We demonstrate the sensitivity of the Akt-FRET biosensor mouse using various cancer models and verify its suitability to monitor response to drug targeting in spheroid and organotypic models. We also show that the dynamics of AKT activation can be monitored in real time in diverse tissues, including in individual islets of the pancreas, in the brown and white adipose tissue, and in the skeletal muscle. Thus, the Akt-FRET biosensor mouse provides an important tool to study AKT dynamics in live tissue contexts and has broad preclinical applications

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    The mammary gland consists of a bilayered epithelial structure with an extensively branched morphology. The majority of this epithelial tree is laid down during puberty, during which actively proliferating terminal end buds repeatedly elongate and bifurcate to form the basic structure of the ductal tree. Mammary ducts consist of a basal and luminal cell layer with a multitude of identified sub-lineages within both layers. The understanding of how these different cell lineages are cooperatively driving branching morphogenesis is a problem of crossing multiple scales, as this requires information on the macroscopic branched structure of the gland, as well as data on single-cell dynamics driving the morphogenic program. Here we describe a method to combine genetic lineage tracing with whole-gland branching analysis. Quantitative data on the global organ structure can be used to derive a model for mammary gland branching morphogenesis and provide a backbone on which the dynamics of individual cell lineages can be simulated and compared to lineage-tracing approaches. Eventually, these quantitative models and experiments allow to understand the couplings between the macroscopic shape of the mammary gland and the underlying single-cell dynamics driving branching morphogenesis

    A Unifying Theory of Branching Morphogenesis

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    The morphogenesis of branched organs remains a subject of abiding interest. Although much is known about the underlying signaling pathways, it remains unclear how macroscopic features of branched organs, including their size, network topology, and spatial patterning, are encoded. Here, we show that, in mouse mammary gland, kidney, and human prostate, these features can be explained quantitatively within a single unifying framework of branching and annihilating random walks. Based on quantitative analyses of large-scale organ reconstructions and proliferation kinetics measurements, we propose that morphogenesis follows from the proliferative activity of equipotent tips that stochastically branch and randomly explore their environment but compete neutrally for space, becoming proliferatively inactive when in proximity with neighboring ducts. These results show that complex branched epithelial structures develop as a self-organized process, reliant upon a strikingly simple but generic rule, without recourse to a rigid and deterministic sequence of genetically programmed events

    A Unifying Theory of Branching Morphogenesis

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    The morphogenesis of branched organs remains a subject of abiding interest. Although much is known about the underlying signaling pathways, it remains unclear how macroscopic features of branched organs, including their size, network topology, and spatial patterning, are encoded. Here, we show that, in mouse mammary gland, kidney, and human prostate, these features can be explained quantitatively within a single unifying framework of branching and annihilating random walks. Based on quantitative analyses of large-scale organ reconstructions and proliferation kinetics measurements, we propose that morphogenesis follows from the proliferative activity of equipotent tips that stochastically branch and randomly explore their environment but compete neutrally for space, becoming proliferatively inactive when in proximity with neighboring ducts. These results show that complex branched epithelial structures develop as a self-organized process, reliant upon a strikingly simple but generic rule, without recourse to a rigid and deterministic sequence of genetically programmed events

    Identity and dynamics of mammary stem cells during branching morphogenesis

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    During puberty, the mouse mammary gland develops into a highly branched epithelial network. Owing to the absence of exclusive stem cell markers, the location, multiplicity, dynamics and fate of mammary stem cells (MaSCs), which drive branching morphogenesis, are unknown. Here we show that morphogenesis is driven by proliferative terminal end buds that terminate or bifurcate witwh near equal probability, in a stochastic and time-invariant manner, leading to a heterogeneous epithelial network. We show that the majority of terminal end bud cells function as highly proliferative, lineage-committed MaSCs that are heterogeneous in their expression profile and short-term contribution to ductal extension. Yet, through cell rearrangements during terminal end bud bifurcation, each MaSC is able to contribute actively to long-term growth. Our study shows that the behaviour of MaSCs is not directly linked to a single expression profile. Instead, morphogenesis relies upon lineage-restricted heterogeneous MaSC populations that function as single equipotent pools in the long term

    Annexin A1 is a polarity cue that directs mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian epithelial morphogenesis

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    Regulation of oriented cell divisions during development is important to position daughter cells and build a structured and functional tissue. Here the authors show that Annexin A1 is a key polarity protein that regulates planar orientation of the cell division axis to guide mammary epithelial morphogenesis

    Annexin A1 is a polarity cue that directs planar mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian epithelial morphogenesis

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    Abstract Oriented cell divisions are critical for the formation and maintenance of structured epithelia. Proper mitotic spindle orientation relies on polarised anchoring of force generators to the cell cortex by the evolutionarily conserved G αi -LGN-NuMA complex. However, the polarity cues that control cortical patterning of this ternary complex remain largely unknown in mammalian epithelia. Here we identify the membrane-associated protein Annexin A1 (ANXA1) as a novel interactor of LGN in mammary epithelial cells. ANXA1 acts independently of G αi to instruct the accumulation of LGN and NuMA at the lateral cortex to ensure cortical anchoring of Dynein-Dynactin and astral microtubules and thereby planar alignment of the mitotic spindle. Loss of ANXA1 randomises mitotic spindle orientation, which in turn disrupts epithelial architecture and luminogenesis in three-dimensional cultures of primary mammary epithelial cells. Our findings establish ANXA1 as an upstream cortical cue that regulates LGN to direct planar cell divisions during mammalian epithelial morphogenesis