45 research outputs found

    A Striational Muscle Antigen and Myasthenia Gravis-Associated Thymomas Share an Acetylcholine-Receptor Epitope

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    The coincidence of autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) and muscle striational antigens (SA) is a characteristic finding in thymoma-associated myasthenia gravis (MG), but their origins are still unresolved. Some common muscle antigens that were shown to be targets of anti-SA autoantibodies in thymoma-associated MG have also been detected in normal or neoplastic thymic epithelial cells, suggesting that the release of (eventually altered) antigens from the thymic tumors could elicit SA autoimmunity. In contrast to this model, we report here that titin, which is a recently reported target of SA autoimmunity, is not expressed in thymomas. In addition, we show that skeletal muscle type-II fibers exhibit a striational immunoreactivity with monoclonal antibody mAb155, which was previously identified to label a very immunogenic cytoplasmic epitope of the AChR and neoplastic epithelial cells of MGassociated thymomas. We conclude from these findings that titin autoimmunity in thymoma-associated MG is either due to a molecular mimicry mechanism involving tumor antigens (other than titin) or is a secondary phenomenon following release of titin from muscle. Based on the common immunoreactivity of the AChR, a striational antigen and thymoma, we suggest as the pathogenetic mechanism of thymoma-associated MGa "circulus vitiosus" in which SA autoimmunity could help maintain the AChR autoimmunity that is primarily elicited by the thymomas

    Radical surgical resection of advanced thymoma and thymic carcinoma infiltrating the heart or great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass support

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    Background Radical surgical resection of advanced thymic tumors invading either the heart or great vessels facing towards the heart is uncommonly performed because of the potential morbidity and mortality. To achieve a complete tumor resection, the use of cardiolpulmonary bypass (CPB) support might be necessary. Methods Retrospective analysis of the results in six patients, who underwent radical tumor resection with CBP support. Results Mean age was 46 years (27 to 66 years) and five patients were male. Tumor infiltration of the heart or the great vessels was evident in all patients. Five patients underwent induction therapy. Two patients were operated in complete cardioplegic arrest (antegrade cerebral perfusion: n = 1). Arterial cannulation of the ascending aorta (n = 5) or the femoral artery (n = 1) and venous cannulation of the right atrium (n = 4) or the femoral vein (n = 2) were performed. Resection of the left brachiocephalic vein (n = 6), resection of the superior caval vein (n = 2), the ascending aorta (n = 1) and the complete aortic arch with outgoing branches (n = 1) were performed. A macroscopic complete resection (R0/R1) was achieved in five patients, whereas one patient was resected incompletely (R2). In-hospital mortality was 0 %. Three (50 %) patients needed operative revision (hematothorax: n = 2, chylothorax: n = 1). All patients had a complicated postoperative course and developed respiratory insufficiency. Conclusions Locally advanced thymoma/thymic carcinoma invading the heart or great vessels can be treated with radical surgical resection alongside with increased perioperative morbidity. The usage of CBP improves the chance of complete tumor resection in selected patients and might lead to a prolonged survival

    Evaluation of Surgical Therapy in Advanced Thymic Tumors

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    A complete resection of thymic tumors is known to be the most important prognostic factor, but it is often difficult to perform, especially in advanced stages. In this study, 73 patients with advanced thymic tumors of UICC stages III and IV who underwent radical resection were examined retrospectively. The primary endpoint was defined as the postoperative resection status. Secondary endpoints included postoperative morbidity, mortality, recurrence/progression-free, and overall survival. In total, 31.5% of patients were assigned to stage IIIa, 9.6% to stage IIIb, 47.9% to stage IVa, and 11% to stage IVb. In stages III a R0 resection was achieved in 53.3% of patients. In stages IV a R0/R1 resection was documented in 76.7% of patients. Surgical revision was necessary in 17.8% of patients. In-hospital mortality was 2.7%. Median recurrence/progression-free interval was 43 months (p = 0.19) with an overall survival of 79 months. The 5-year survival rate was 61.3%, respectively. Median survival after R2 resection was 25 months, significantly shorter than after R0 or R1 resection (115 months; p = 0.004). Advanced thymic tumors can be resected with an acceptable risk of complications and low mortality. In stage III as well as in stage IV the promising survival rates are dependent on the resection-status

    The Autoimmune Regulator AIRE in Thymoma Biology: Autoimmunity and Beyond

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    Abstract:Thymomas are tumors of thymic epithelial cells. They associate more often than any other human tumors with various autoimmune diseases; myasthenia gravis is the commonest, occurring in 10–50% of thymoma patients, depending on the World Health Organization-defined histologic subtype. Most thymomas generate many polyclonal maturing T lymphocytes but in disorganized microenvironments Failure to induce self-tolerance may be a key factor leading to the export of potentially autoreactive CD4+ progeny, thus predisposing to autoimmune diseases. Normally, the master Autoimmune Regulator promotes expression of peripheral tissue-restricted antigens such as insulin by medullary thymic epithelial cells and induction of tolerance to them. The failure of ∼95% of thymomas to express autoimmune regulator is another feature potentially contributing to autoimmunity

    WNT4 overexpression and secretion in thymic epithelial tumors drive an autocrine loop in tumor cells in vitro

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    BackgroundWNT4-driven non-canonical signaling is crucial for homeostasis and age-related involution of the thymus. Abnormal WNT signaling is important in many cancers, but the role of WNT signaling in thymic tumors is largely unknown.Materials & MethodsExpression and function of WNT4 and FZD6 were analyzed using qRT–PCR, Western blot, ELISA, in biopsies of non-neoplastic thymi (NT), thymoma and thymic carcinomas. ShRNA techniques and functional assays were used in primary thymic epithelial cells (pTECs) and TC cell line 1889c. Cells were conventionally (2D) grown and in three-dimensional (3D) spheroids.ResultsIn biopsy, WHO classified B3 thymomas and TCs showed increased WNT4 expression compared with NTs. During short-term 2D culture, WNT4 expression and secretion declined in neoplastic pTECs but not in 3D spheroids or medium supplemented with recombinant WNT4 cultures. Under the latter condition, the growth of pTECs was accompanied by increased expression of non-canonical targets RAC1 and JNK. Down-regulation of WNT4 by shRNA induced cell death in pTECs derived from B3 thymomas and led to decreased RAC1, but not JNK protein phosphorylation. Pharmacological inhibition of NF-κB decreased both RAC1 and JNK phosphorylation in neoplastic pTECs.ConclusionsLack of the age-related decline of non-canonical WNT4 expression in TETs and restoration of declining WNT4 expression through exogeneous WNT4 or 3D culture of pTECs hints at an oncogenic role of WNT4 in TETs and is compatible with the WNT4 autocrine loop model. Crosstalk between WNT4 and NF-κB signaling may present a promising target for combined interventions in TETs

    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in APECED or thymoma patients correlates with autoimmunity to Th17-associated cytokines

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is frequently associated with T cell immunodeficiencies. Specifically, the proinflammatory IL-17A–producing Th17 subset is implicated in protection against fungi at epithelial surfaces. In autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, or autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome 1), CMC is often the first sign, but the underlying immunodeficiency is a long-standing puzzle. In contrast, the subsequent endocrine features are clearly autoimmune, resulting from defects in thymic self-tolerance induction caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE). We report severely reduced IL-17F and IL-22 responses to both Candida albicans antigens and polyclonal stimulation in APECED patients with CMC. Surprisingly, these reductions are strongly associated with neutralizing autoantibodies to IL-17F and IL-22, whereas responses were normal and autoantibodies infrequent in APECED patients without CMC. Our multicenter survey revealed neutralizing autoantibodies against IL-17A (41%), IL-17F (75%), and/ or IL-22 (91%) in >150 APECED patients, especially those with CMC. We independently found autoantibodies against these Th17-produced cytokines in rare thymoma patients with CMC. The autoantibodies preceded the CMC in all informative cases. We conclude that IL-22 and IL-17F are key natural defenders against CMC and that the immunodeficiency underlying CMC in both patient groups has an autoimmune basis

    Optic neuritis with visual field defect--possible Ibuprofen-related toxicity

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    OBJECTIVE: To report a case of optic neuritis with visual field defect associated with ibuprofen. CASE SUMMARY: A 41-year-old white man developed blurred vision in his right eye and pain with eye and head movements that lasted 2 days after use of ibuprofen 400 mg 3 times daily during the preceding 3 weeks. Medical and family histories were negative for significant related disease. Ophthalmologic examination revealed a marked decrease in visual acuity to 20/200 in the right eye with quadrant visual field loss and absent responses in visual evoked potential (VEP). After discontinuation of the drug and treatment with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone and subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin, the patient's vision improved to 20/70, the visual field defect vanished, and the VEP returned to almost normal values during a 1 year follow-up period. An objective causality assessment revealed that the adverse reaction was possibly related to ibuprofen. DISCUSSION: Ocular toxicity with blurred vision and centrocecal visual field defects have been rarely associated with long-term ibuprofen intake. We report a case of retrobulbar optic neuritis with quadrant visual field defect following short-term but regular ibuprofen intake. Although idiopathic optic neuritis cannot be completely ruled out, the absence of other risk factors and additional findings plus the improvement after discontinuation of the drug speak for isolated toxic optic neuritis of the right eye. CONCLUSIONS: Drug toxicity is an important differential diagnosis in retrobulbar optic neuritis. Clinicians should be aware of the potential optic toxicity, even with short-term use of a drug, and perform a thorough medication history in every patient with visual disturbances without a clear cause

    A lightning strike to the head causing a visual cortex defect with simple and complex visual hallucinations

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    The case of a 23‐year‐old mountaineer who was hit by a lightning strike to the occiput causing a large central visual field defect and bilateral tympanic membrane ruptures is described. Owing to extreme agitation, the patient was set to a drug‐induced coma for 3 days. After extubation, she experienced simple and complex visual hallucinations for several days, but otherwise recovered largely. Neuropsychological tests revealed deficits in fast visual detection tasks and non‐verbal learning, and indicated a right temporal lobe dysfunction, consistent with a right temporal focus on electroencephalography. Four months after the accident, she developed a psychological reaction consisting of nightmares with reappearance of the complex visual hallucinations and a depressive syndrome. Using the European Cooperation for Lightning Detection network, a meteorological system for lightning surveillance, the exact geographical location and nature of the lightning flash were retrospectively retraced

    The different roles of the thymus in the pathogenesis of the various myasthenia gravis subtypes

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    The thymus plays distinct roles in the pathogenesis of the different Myasthenia gravis (MG) subtypes. Inflammatory, neoplastic and age-related alterations of the thymus are of pivotal relevance for the initiation of antiacetylcholine receptor (AChR) autoimmunity in early onset MG, thymoma-associated MG and, likely, late onset MG, respectively. By contrast the thymus is presumably not related to MG that is due to autoantibodies to the muscle specific kinase, MuSK. Finally, the role of the thymus is still obscure in MG defined by antibodies against the agrin receptor LRP4 and in MG without all of the above autoantibdies (triple sero-negative MG) since these MG subtypes have been described only recently and thymectomy has not been their standard treatment This review aims to give an update on intrathymic mechanisms of tolerance breakdown in MG, including abnormal T cell selection and activation, the role of thymic myoid cells, the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) and regulatory T cells. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved