8 research outputs found

    Comparison of N-terminal pro-atrial natriuretic peptide and atrial natriuretic peptide in human plasma as measured with commercially available radioimmunoassay kits

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    Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has become an important parameter for assessing the condition of patients with cardia disease. Recently, attention has also focused on N-terminal pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (NtproANP) in this context. NtproANP circulates in plasma in higher concentration, is more stable ex vivo, and may be a better parameter for cardiac function over time. We have evaluated a new commercially available radioimmunoassay kit for NtproANP and compared results and method withthose of ANP measurements. The NtproANP kit was found to be reliable and easy to use (no plasma extraction step is necessary), with good reproducibility (coefficients of variation 7-15%). Normal values in 15 healthy laboratory workers, 25 healthy elderly subjects and 25 patients with heart failure were 207 ± 70, 368 ± 134 and 1206 ± 860 pmol/l, respectively, 8.3, 11.8 and 13.0 times higher, respectively, than corresponding ANP concentrations. NtproANP correlated well with ANP (r 0.64-0.78). We conclude that plasma NtproANP measurement may be a good alternative to plasma ANP measurement: technically, it is easier to perform, and NtproANP is more stable in plasma. Whether NtproANP is a better diagnostic and prognostic parameter than ANP remains to be further established

    Human renal and systemic hemodynamic, natriuretic, and neurohumoral responses to different doses of L-NAME

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    Experimental evidence indicates that the renal circulation is more sensitive to the effects of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibition than other vascular beds. To explore whether in men the NO-mediated vasodilator tone is greater in the renal than in the systemic circulation, the effects of three different intravenous infusions of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 1, 5, and 25 microg. kg-1. min-1 for 30 min) or placebo on mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), renal blood flow (RBF), renal vascular resistance (RVR), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and fractional sodium and lithium excretion (FENa and FELi) were studied in 12 healthy subjects, each receiving randomly two of the four treatments on two different occasions. MAP was measured continuously by means of the Finapres device, and stroke volume was calculated by a model flow method. GFR and RBF were estimated from the clearances of radiolabeled thalamate and hippuran. Systemic and renal hemodynamics were followed for 2 h after start of infusions. During placebo, renal and systemic hemodynamics and FENa and FELi remained stable. With the low and intermediate L-NAME doses, maximal increments in SVR and RVR were similar: 20.4 +/- 19.6 and 23.5 +/- 16.0%, respectively, with the low dose and 31.4 +/- 26.7 and 31.2 +/- 14.4%, respectively, with the intermediate dose (means +/- SD). With the high L-NAME dose, the increment in RVR was greater than the increment in SVR. Despite a decrease in RBF, FENa and FELi did not change with the low L-NAME dose, but they decreased by 31.2 +/- 11.0 and 20.2 +/- 6.3%, respectively, with the intermediate dose and by 70.8 +/- 8.1 and 31.5 +/- 15.9% with the high L-NAME dose, respectively. It is concluded that in men the renal circulation is not more sensitive to the effects of NO synthesis inhibition than the systemic circulation and that the threshold for NO synthesis inhibition to produce antinatriuresis is higher than the threshold level to cause renal vasoconstriction

    A Duality Based 2-Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Agreement Forest

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    We give a 2-approximation algorithm for the Maximum Agreement Forest problem on two rooted binary trees. This NP-hard problem has been studied extensively in the past two decades, since it can be used to compute the rooted Subtree Prune-and-Regraft (rSPR) distance between two phylogenetic trees. Our algorithm is combinatorial and its running time is quadratic in the input size. To prove the approximation guarantee, we construct a feasible dual solution for a novel linear programming formulation. In addition, we show this linear program is stronger than previously known formulations, and we give a compact formulation, showing that it can be solved in polynomial tim

    Split scheduling with uniform setup times

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    We study a scheduling problem in which jobs may be split into parts, where the parts of a split job may be processed simultaneously on more than one machine. Each part of a job requires a setup time, however, on the machine where the job part is processed. During setup, a machine cannot process or set up any other job. We concentrate on the basic case in which setup times are job-, machine- and sequence-independent. Problems of this kind were encountered when modelling practical problems in planning dis- aster relief operations. Our main algorithmic result is a polynomial-time algorithm for minimising total completion time on two parallel identical machines. We argue, why the same problem with threemachines is not an easy extension of the two-machine case, leaving the complexity of this case as a tantalising open problem. We give a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the general case with any number of machines and a polynomial-time approximation scheme for a fixed number of machines. For the version with the objective to minimise total weighted completion time, we prove NP-hardness. Finally, we conclude with an overview of the state of the art for other split scheduling problems with job-, machine- and sequence-independent setup times

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevent cardiac remodeling in pigs after myocardial infarction: role of tissue angiotensin II

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade after myocardial infarction (MI) are not fully elucidated but may include interference with tissue angiotensin II (Ang II). METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-nine pigs underwent coronary artery ligation or sham operation and were studied up to 6 weeks. To determine coronary angiotensin I (Ang I) to Ang II conversion and to distinguish plasma-derived Ang II from locally synthesized Ang II, (125)I-labeled and endogenous Ang I and II were measured in plasma and in infarcted and noninfarcted left ventricle (LV) during (125)I-Ang I infusion. Ang II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor-mediated uptake of circulating (125)I-Ang II was increased at 1 and 3 weeks in noninfarcted LV, and this uptake was the main cause of the transient elevation in Ang II levels in the noninfarcted LV at 1 week. Ang II levels and AT(1) receptor-mediated uptake of circulating Ang II were reduced in the infarct area at all time points. Coronary Ang I to Ang II conversion was unaffected by MI. Captopril and the AT(1) receptor antagonist eprosartan attenuated postinfarct remodeling, although both drugs increased cardiac Ang II production. Captopril blocked coronary conversion by >80% and normalized Ang II uptake in the noninfarcted LV. Eprosartan did not affect coronary conversion and blocked cardiac Ang II uptake by >90%. CONCLUSIONS: Both circulating and locally generated Ang II contribute to remodeling after MI. The rise in tissue Ang II production during angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and AT(1) receptor blockade suggests that the antihypertrophic effects of these drugs result not only from diminished AT(1) receptor stimulation but also from increased stimulation of growth-inhibitory Ang II type 2 receptors

    Scheduling over Scenarios on Two Machines

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    We consider scheduling problems over scenarios where the goal is to find a single assignment of the jobs to the machines which performs well over all possible scenarios. Each scenario is a subset of jobs that must be executed in that scenario and all scenarios are given explicitly. The two objectives that we consider are minimizing the maximum makespan over all scenarios and minimizing the sum of the makespans of all scenarios. For both versions, we give several approximation algorithms and lower bounds on their approximability. With this research into optimization problems over scenarios, we have opened a new and rich field of interesting problems

    Abstracts of papers and posters Pharmacological Meeting

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    Abstracts of papers Pharmacological Meeting

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