158 research outputs found

    Zur Eigenart religiöser Überzeugungen

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    Gewöhnlich ordnet die intensionale Semantik epistemologischer\ud Termini den Ausdruck »Überzeugung« in den\ud Bereich des rationalen Glaubens ein oder verwendet den\ud Überzeugungsbegriff synonym mit dem Begriff des rationalen\ud Glaubens (vgl. hierzu beispielsweise Kutschera\ud 1981, 2). Allerdings erweist sich eine epistemische Logik\ud als reichhaltiger und mit anderen "Logiken" (wie etwa der\ud deontischen Logik) verzahnbarer, wenn sie neben den\ud Termen »glauben« und »wissen« auch einen eigenen\ud Überzeugungsbegriff zuläßt, der weder mit Glauben noch\ud mit Wissen zusammenfällt. Die eigene Kontur des Überzeugungsbegriffes\ud erhellt aus den alltagssprachlichen Verwendungsweisen:\ud Wenn eine Person a von einem Sachverhalt\ud p überzeugt ist, dann steht sie in einer besonderen\ud epistemischen Relation zu p, die weder erschöpfend mit\ud einem Führwahrhalten noch bereits plausibel mit einem\ud Wissen beschrieben ist (vgl. Searle 1987, 49-58)

    Production capacity and capital budgeting for state forest management planning

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    What UV Is What You Get

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    Vitamin D deficiency affects people differently and causes multiple health problems. Supplements may help when UV exposure is insufficient to generate Vitamin D in the body

    From "Thumbs Up" to "10 out of 10": Reconsidering Scalar Feedback in Interactive Reinforcement Learning

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    Learning from human feedback is an effective way to improve robotic learning in exploration-heavy tasks. Compared to the wide application of binary human feedback, scalar human feedback has been used less because it is believed to be noisy and unstable. In this paper, we compare scalar and binary feedback, and demonstrate that scalar feedback benefits learning when properly handled. We collected binary or scalar feedback respectively from two groups of crowdworkers on a robot task. We found that when considering how consistently a participant labeled the same data, scalar feedback led to less consistency than binary feedback; however, the difference vanishes if small mismatches are allowed. Additionally, scalar and binary feedback show no significant differences in their correlations with key Reinforcement Learning targets. We then introduce Stabilizing TEacher Assessment DYnamics (STEADY) to improve learning from scalar feedback. Based on the idea that scalar feedback is muti-distributional, STEADY re-constructs underlying positive and negative feedback distributions and re-scales scalar feedback based on feedback statistics. We show that models trained with \textit{scalar feedback + STEADY } outperform baselines, including binary feedback and raw scalar feedback, in a robot reaching task with non-expert human feedback. Our results show that both binary feedback and scalar feedback are dynamic, and scalar feedback is a promising signal for use in interactive Reinforcement Learning

    Thermomagnetic convection of magnetic fluids in a cylindrical geometry

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    The thermomagnetic convection of magnetic fluids in a cylindrical geometry subjected to a homogeneous magnetic field is studied. The study is motivated by a novel thermal instability [W. Luo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4134 (1999)]. As model system a composite cylinder with inner heating is considered which reflects the symmetry of the experimentally setup. The general condition for the existence of a potentially unstable stratification in the magnetic fluid is derived. Within a linear stability analysis the critical external induction for the onset of thermomagnetic convection is determined for dilute and nondilute magnetic fluids. The difference between both thresholds allows to test experimentally whether a test sample is a dilute fluid or not.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure