237 research outputs found

    The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network: Results of the naturalistic follow-up study after 2.5 years of follow-up in the German centres

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    The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network (SFBN) is an international, multisite network investigating the characteristics and course of bipolar disorder. Methods (history, ratings and longitudinal follow-up) are standardized and equally applied in all 7 centres. This article describes demographics and illness characteristics of the first 152 German patients enrolled in them SFBN as well as the results of 2.5 years of follow-up. Patients in Germany were usually enrolled after hospitalisation. More than 72% of the study population suffered from bipolar I disorder and 25% from bipolar 11 disorder. The mean +/- SD age of the study participants was 42.08 +/- 13.5 years, and the mean SD age of onset 24.44 +/- 10.9 years. More than 40% of the sample reported a rapid-cycling course in history, and even more a cycle acceleration overtime. 37% attempted suicide at least once. 36% had an additional Axis I disorder, with alcohol abuse being the most common one, followed by anxiety disorders. During the follow-up period, only 27% remained stable, 56% had a recurrence, 12.8% perceived subsyndromal symptoms despite treatment and regular visits. 27% suffered from a rapid-cycling course during the follow-up period. Recurrences were significantly associated with bipolar I disorder, an additional comorbid Axis I disorder, rapid cycling in history, a higher number of mood stabilizers and the long-term use of typical antipsychotics. Rapid cycling during follow-up was only associated with a rapidcycling course in history, a higher number of mood stabilizers and at least one suicide attempt in history. Copyright (c) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    KMOS LENsing Survey (KLENS) : morpho-kinematic analysis of star-forming galaxies at z∌2z \sim 2

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    We present results from the KMOS lensing survey-KLENS which is exploiting gravitational lensing to study the kinematics of 24 star forming galaxies at 1.4<z<3.51.4<z<3.5 with a median mass of log(M⋆/M⊙)=9.6\rm log(M_\star/M_\odot)=9.6 and median star formation rate (SFR) of 7.5 M⊙ yr−1\rm 7.5\,M_\odot\,yr^{-1}. We find that 25% of these low-mass/low-SFR galaxies are rotation dominated, while the majority of our sample shows no velocity gradient. When combining our data with other surveys, we find that the fraction of rotation dominated galaxies increases with the stellar mass, and decreases for galaxies with a positive offset from the main sequence. We also investigate the evolution of the intrinsic velocity dispersion, σ0\sigma_0, as a function of the redshift, zz, and stellar mass, M⋆\rm M_\star, assuming galaxies in quasi-equilibrium (Toomre Q parameter equal to 1). From the z−σ0z-\sigma_0 relation, we find that the redshift evolution of the velocity dispersion is mostly expected for massive galaxies (log(M⋆/M⊙)>10\rm log(M_\star/M_\odot)>10). We derive a M⋆−σ0\rm M_\star-\sigma_0 relation, using the Tully-Fisher relation, which highlights that a different evolution of the velocity dispersion is expected depending on the stellar mass, with lower velocity dispersions for lower masses, and an increase for higher masses, stronger at higher redshift. The observed velocity dispersions from this work and from comparison samples spanning 0<z<3.50<z<3.5 appear to follow this relation, except at higher redshift (z>2z>2), where we observe higher velocity dispersions for low masses (log(M⋆/M⊙)∌9.6\rm log(M_\star/M_\odot)\sim 9.6) and lower velocity dispersions for high masses (log(M⋆/M⊙)∌10.9\rm log(M_\star/M_\odot)\sim 10.9) than expected. This discrepancy could, for instance, suggest that galaxies at high-zz do not satisfy the stability criterion, or that the adopted parametrisation of the specific star formation rate and molecular properties fail at high redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 10 figure

    The formation of the first galaxies and the transition to low-mass star formation

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    The formation of the first galaxies at redshifts z ~ 10-15 signaled the transition from the simple initial state of the universe to one of ever increasing complexity. We here review recent progress in understanding their assembly process with numerical simulations, starting with cosmological initial conditions and modelling the detailed physics of star formation. In this context we emphasize the importance and influence of selecting appropriate initial conditions for the star formation process. We revisit the notion of a critical metallicity resulting in the transition from primordial to present-day initial mass functions and highlight its dependence on additional cooling mechanisms and the exact initial conditions. We also review recent work on the ability of dust cooling to provide the transition to present-day low-mass star formation. In particular, we highlight the extreme conditions under which this transition mechanism occurs, with violent fragmentation in dense gas resulting in tightly packed clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, appeared in the conference proceedings for IAU Symposium 255: Low-Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Stars to Dwarf Galaxies, a high resolution version (highly recommended) can be found at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~tgreif/files/greif08.pd

    High-Resolution Imaging of Molecular Gas and Dust in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Super Giant Molecular Complexes

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    We present new aperture synthesis CO maps of the Antennae (NGC 4038/39) obtained with the Caltech Millimeter Array. These sensitive images show molecular emission associated with the two nuclei and a partial ring of star formation to the west of NGC 4038, as well as revealing the large extent of the extra-nuclear region of star formation (the ``overlap region''), which dominates the CO emission from this system. The largest molecular complexes have masses of 3-6x10^8 M_sun, typically an order of magnitude larger than the largest structures seen to date in more quiescent galaxy disks. The extremely red luminous star clusters identified previously with HST are well-correlated with the CO emission, which supports the conclusion that they are highly embedded young objects rather than old globular clusters. There is an excellent correlation between the CO emission and the 15 micron emission seen with ISO, particularly for the brightest regions. The most massive complexes in the overlap region have similar [NeIII]/[NeII] ratios, which implies that all these regions are forming many massive stars. However, only the brightest mid-infrared peak shows strong, rising continuum emission longward of 10 microns, indicative of very small dust grains heated to high temperatures by their proximity to nearby luminous stars. Since these grains are expected to be removed rapidly from the immediate environment of the massive stars, it is possible that this region contains very young (< 1 Myr) sites of star formation. Alternatively, fresh dust grains could be driven into the sphere of influence of the massive stars, perhaps by the bulk motions of two giant molecular complexes. The kinematics and morphology of the CO emission in this region provide some support for this second scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 13 pages, 5 figures, higher quality color images available at http://www.astro.cornell.edu/staff/vassilis/papers/ngc4038_co.ps.g

    Discovery and quantitative spectral analysis of an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    We have discovered an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11 following Smith et al.) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300, the first object of this class found outside the Local Group, during a recent spectroscopic survey of blue supergiant stars obtained at the ESO VLT. The light curve over a five-month period in late 1999 displays a variability at the 0.1 mag level. The intermediate resolution spectra (3800-7200 A) show a very close resemblance to the Galactic LBV AG Car during minimum. We have performed a detailed non-LTE analysis of the stellar spectrum, and have derived a chemical abundance pattern which includes H, He, C, N, O, Al, Si and Fe, in addition to the stellar and wind parameters. The derived stellar properties and the He and N surface enrichments are consistent with those of other Local Group WN11 stars in the literature, suggesting a similar quiescent or post-LBV evolutionary status.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Discovery of a rich proto-cluster at z=2.9 and associated diffuse cold gas in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS)

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    [Abridged] We characterise a massive proto-cluster at z=2.895 that we found in the COSMOS field using the spectroscopic sample of the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS). This is one of the rare structures at z~3 not identified around AGNs or radio galaxies, so it is an ideal laboratory to study galaxy formation in dense environments. The structure comprises 12 galaxies with secure spectroscopic redshift in an area of 7'x8', in a z bin of Dz=0.016. The measured galaxy number overdensity is delta_g=12+/-2. This overdensity has total mass of M~8.1x10^(14)M_sun in a volume of 13x15x17 Mpc^3. Simulations indicate that such an overdensity at z~2.9 is a proto-cluster that will collapse in a cluster of total mass M~2.5x10^(15)M_sun at z=0. We compare the properties of the galaxies within the overdensity with a control sample at the same z but outside the overdensity. We did not find any statistically significant difference between the properties (stellar mass, SFR, sSFR, NUV-r, r-K) of the galaxies inside and outside the overdensity. The stacked spectrum of galaxies in the overdensity background shows a significant absorption feature at the wavelength of Lya redshifted at z=2.895 (lambda=4736 A), with a rest frame EW = 4+/- 1.4 A. Stacking only background galaxies without intervening sources at z~2.9 along their line of sight, we find that this absorption feature has a rest frame EW of 10.8+/-3.7 A, with a detection S/N of ~4. These EW values imply a high column density (N(HI)~3-20x10^(19)cm^(-2)), consistent with a scenario where such absorption is due to intervening cold gas streams, falling into the halo potential wells of the proto-cluster galaxies. However, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that this absorption is due to the diffuse gas within the overdensity.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (revised version after referee's comments and language editing

    Discovering extremely compact and metal-poor, star-forming dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey

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    We report the discovery of 31 low-luminosity (-14.5 > M_{AB}(B) > -18.8), extreme emission line galaxies (EELGs) at 0.2 < z < 0.9 identified by their unusually high rest-frame equivalent widths (100 < EW[OIII] < 1700 A) as part of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). VIMOS optical spectra of unprecedented sensitivity (IABI_{AB} ~ 25 mag) along with multiwavelength photometry and HST imaging are used to investigate spectrophotometric properties of this unique sample and explore, for the first time, the very low stellar mass end (M* < 10^8 M⊙_{\odot}) of the luminosity-metallicity (LZR) and mass-metallicity (MZR) relations at z < 1. Characterized by their extreme compactness (R50 < 1 kpc), low stellar mass and enhanced specific star formation rates (SFR/M* ~ 10^{-9} - 10^{-7} yr^{-1}), the VUDS EELGs are blue dwarf galaxies likely experiencing the first stages of a vigorous galaxy-wide starburst. Using T_e-sensitive direct and strong-line methods, we find that VUDS EELGs are low-metallicity (7.5 < 12+log(O/H) < 8.3) galaxies with high ionization conditions, including at least three EELGs showing HeII 4686A emission and four EELGs of extremely metal-poor (<10% solar) galaxies. The LZR and MZR followed by EELGs show relatively large scatter, being broadly consistent with the extrapolation toward low luminosity and mass from previous studies at similar redshift. However, we find evidences that galaxies with younger and more vigorous star formation -- as characterized by their larger EWs, ionization and sSFR -- tend to be more metal-poor at a given stellar mass.Comment: Letter in A&A 568, L8 (2014). This replacement matches the published versio
