40 research outputs found

    Technology Learning Curves for Energy Policy Support

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    The European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) organised an expert workshop on 'Learning Curves for Policy Support' in Amsterdam on 8 March 2012. It aimed to assess the challenges in the application of the two-factor learning curve, or alternative solutions in supporting policy decision making in the framework of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan, and explored options for improvement. The workshop gathered distinguished experts in the field of scientific research on learning curves and policy researchers from the European Commission and ECN to assess the challenges in the application of the two-factor-learning curve, or alternative solutions in supporting policy decision making, and to provide options for improvement. This paper forms the summary of outcomes from the workshop. Due to the very different nature of the One-Factor-Learning concept and the Two-Factor-Learning concept, these are discussed in separate parts. In each of these parts the context and the methodology are introduced, methodological and data challenges are described and the problems associated with the application of the concept in models is discussed.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    POLES-JRC model documentation

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    This report is a public manual of the POLES-JRC model, the in-house tool of the European Commission for global and long-term analysis of GHG mitigation policies and evolution of energy markets. The model includes a comprehensive description of the energy system and related GHG emissions for a large set of significant economies and residual regions, covering the World and including international bunkers. Through linkage with specialized tools it also provides a full coverage of GHG emissions, including from land use and agriculture, as well as of air pollutants emissions. The POLES-JRC model builds on years of development of the POLES model (Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems) while adding specific features developed internally to the JRC. Latest modelling upgrades - compared to the 2017 edition of the model documentation - include final energy demand, electricity production, the role of hydrogen as an energy vector, the oil, gas and coal international markets and GHG emission projections. This document presents the Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems (POLES) model of the Joint Research Centre, as used in the 2018 edition of the Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO).JRC.C.6-Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transpor

    Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte in Aufsätzen ‒ bisher erschienene Bände

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    Der vierte Teil der Hamburgischen Kirchengeschichte in Aufsätzen ist dem 19. Jahrhundert gewidmet. Angesichts der folgenreichen Auf- und Umbrüche, der vielen wichtigen Themen und prägenden Gestalten bilden die hier wieder abgedruckten oder neu verfassten Texte nur einige der für die Kirchengeschichte Hamburgs in dieser bewegten Epoche einschlägigen Ereignisse und Entwicklungen ab. Ungeachtet aller Ergänzungsmöglichkeiten bietet dieser Band zahlreiche neue wie erhellende Einblicke in den spannenden Urbanisierungsprozess einer Großstadt und ihrer Kirchen auf ihrem von Katastrophen und Glücksfällen, von Reformeifer und Konservativismus gleichermaßen gezeichneten Weg in die Moderne.The fourth part of Hamburg\u27s church history in essays is dedicated to the 19th century. Considering the momentous upheavals and upheavals and the variety of important themes and formative figures, the texts reprinted or newly written here reflect only some of the events and developments relevant to Hamburg\u27s church history in this eventful epoch. Irrespective of all possible additions, this volume offers numerous new and enlightening insights into the exciting urbanization process of a city and its churches on their path to modernity, marked by catastrophes and fortunes, reformist zeal and conservatism

    Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank

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    9 páginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved: the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe

    The James Webb Space Telescope

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large (6.6m), cold (50K), infrared-optimized space observatory that will be launched early in the next decade. The observatory will have four instruments: a near-infrared camera, a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph, and a tunable filter imager will cover the wavelength range, 0.6 to 5.0 microns, while the mid-infrared instrument will do both imaging and spectroscopy from 5.0 to 29 microns. The JWST science goals are divided into four themes. The End of the Dark Ages: First Light and Reionization theme seeks to identify the first luminous sources to form and to determine the ionization history of the early universe. The Assembly of Galaxies theme seeks to determine how galaxies and the dark matter, gas, stars, metals, morphological structures, and active nuclei within them evolved from the epoch of reionization to the present day. The Birth of Stars and Protoplanetary Systems theme seeks to unravel the birth and early evolution of stars, from infall on to dust-enshrouded protostars to the genesis of planetary systems. The Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life theme seeks to determine the physical and chemical properties of planetary systems including our own, and investigate the potential for the origins of life in those systems. To enable these observations, JWST consists of a telescope, an instrument package, a spacecraft and a sunshield. The telescope consists of 18 beryllium segments, some of which are deployed. The segments will be brought into optical alignment on-orbit through a process of periodic wavefront sensing and control. The JWST operations plan is based on that used for previous space observatories, and the majority of JWST observing time will be allocated to the international astronomical community through annual peer-reviewed proposal opportunities.Comment: 96 pages, including 48 figures and 15 tables, accepted by Space Science Review

    Die Spiritualität der pfingstlichen und charismatischen Bewegungen

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    Im diesem September befasste sich die AGTS nun erstmals mit einem weltweit sehr bedeutenden, doch von den evangelischen wie katholischen Kirchen in deutschsprachigen Raum im allgemeinen wenig beachteten Phänomen, dem der Spiritualität pfingstlicher und charismatischer Gemeinschaften.Der vorliegende Band enthält die Vorträge,die auf der Jahrestagung 2016 in Würzburg gehalten wurden3, und die versuchten, auf eine solche Horizonterweiterung hinzuwirken,aus katholischer wie evangelischer Sicht, aus der Außen- wie aus der Innenperspektive, mit der Analyse des Gesamtphänomens und einzelner seiner Aspekte wie aus der Erfahrung, die innerhalb der Bewegung gemacht und für die Außenstehenden reflektiert beschrieben wurden

    Qualifikationsanforderungen im IT-Bereich Wunsch und Wirklichkeit; Ergebnisse einer Inserentenbefragung im Rahmen des Frueherkennungssystems Qualifikationsentwicklung

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    Das Bundesinstitut fuer Berufsbildung hat im Mai 2000 eine Nachbefragung von Inserenten im IT-Bereich durchgefuehrt. Grundlage der Untersuchung sind ueber 20.000 Stellenanzeigen, die im Juli und Oktober des Jahres 1999 erhoben wurden. Fuer den IT-Bereich liegen ca. 240 Stelleninserate im Volltext vor, die fuer eine quantitative/ qualitative Inhaltsanalyse und als Adressenpool fuer die Inserentennachbefragung herangezogen wurden. Die Befunde geben Hinweise, welche Qualifikationen im IT-Bereich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt nachgefragt werden, welche Qualifikationsanforderungen bei der Stellenbesetzung letztlich realisiert werden konnten und welche neuen Taetigkeitsfelder sich im IT-Bereich abzeichnen. (BIBB2)SIGLEAvailable from IAB-92-774-33 BK 898 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman