180 research outputs found

    Concealed fertility and extended female sexuality in a non-human primate (Macaca assamensis)

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    In numerous primates living in mixed-sex groups, females display probabilistic cues of fertility to simultaneously concentrate paternity to dominant males while diluting it amongst others as a means to reduce the risk of infanticide and to increase male care for offspring. A few species, however, lack these cues and potentially conceal fertility from males; yet, to date, little is known about mating patterns and their underlying proximate mechanisms in such species. Here, we investigated mating activity and sexual consortships relative to female reproductive state in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis), a species where females lack prominent anogenital swellings and copulation calls. During two mating seasons (2837 contact hours) we recorded sexual and social behaviors, sexual consortships, and collected 1178 fecal samples (n = 15 females) which were analyzed for progestogen concentrations to assess female reproductive state and to determine the timing of ovulation and conception. Although mostly conceiving in their first ovarian cycle, females were sexually receptive throughout the entire 4-month mating season, and within-cycle mating frequencies were not increased during fertile phases. Dominant males did not monopolize fertile matings, and consortships by high-ranking males lasted for long periods, which were not exclusively linked to female fertile phases. Furthermore, females copulated promiscuously but not randomly, i.e. for almost every female, matings were concentrated to a certain male, irrespective of male rank. Collectively, we demonstrate that fertility is undisclosed to males. The extreme extended female sexuality facilitated by concealed fertility may allow females to create differentiated mating relationships within a promiscuous mating system. Our study provides important new insight into the plasticity of female sexuality in non-human primates

    Magnetic Excitations in La2CuO4 probed by Indirect Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    Recent experiments on La2_2CuO4_4 suggest that indirect resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) might provide a probe for transversal spin dynamics. We present in detail a systematic expansion of the relevant magnetic RIXS cross section by using the ultrashort core-hole lifetime (UCL) approximation. We compute the scattering intensity and its momentum dependence in leading order of the UCL expansion. The scattering is due to two-magnon processes and is calculated within a linear spin-wave expansion of the Heisenberg spin model for this compound, including longer range and cyclic spin interactions. We observe that the latter terms in the Hamiltonian enhance the first moment of the spectrum if they strengthen the antiferromagnetic ordering. The theoretical spectra agree very well with experimental data, including the observation that scattering intensity vanishes for the transferred momenta q=(0,0){\bf q} = (0,0) and q=(π,π){\bf q} = (\pi,\pi). We show that at finite temperature there is an additional single-magnon contribution to the scattering with a spectral weight proportional to T3T^3. We also compute the leading corrections to the UCL approximation and find them to be small, putting the UCL results on a solid basis. All this univocally points to the conclusion that the observed low temperature RIXS intensity in La2_2CuO4_4 is due to two-magnon scattering.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, Phys. Rev. B 77, 134428 (2008) (v4: corrected figs 7

    Short-time dynamics in the 1D long-range Potts model

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    We present numerical investigations of the short-time dynamics at criticality in the 1D Potts model with power-law decaying interactions of the form 1/r^{1+sigma}. The scaling properties of the magnetization, autocorrelation function and time correlations of the magnetization are studied. The dynamical critical exponents theta' and z are derived in the cases q=2 and q=3 for several values of the parameter σ\sigma belonging to the nontrivial critical regime.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, minor changes - several typos fixed, one reference change

    Multiplet ligand-field theory using Wannier orbitals

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    We demonstrate how ab initio cluster calculations including the full Coulomb vertex can be done in the basis of the localized, generalized Wannier orbitals which describe the low-energy density functional (LDA) band structure of the infinite crystal, e.g. the transition metal 3d and oxygen 2p orbitals. The spatial extend of our 3d Wannier orbitals (orthonormalized Nth order muffin-tin orbitals) is close to that found for atomic Hartree-Fock orbitals. We define Ligand orbitals as those linear combinations of the O 2p Wannier orbitals which couple to the 3d orbitals for the chosen cluster. The use of ligand orbitals allows for a minimal Hilbert space in multiplet ligand-field theory calculations, thus reducing the computational costs substantially. The result is a fast and simple ab initio theory, which can provide useful information about local properties of correlated insulators. We compare results for NiO, MnO and SrTiO3 with x-ray absorption, inelastic x-ray scattering, and photoemission experiments. The multiplet ligand field theory parameters found by our ab initio method agree within ~10% to known experimental values

    Personality structure and social style in macaques.

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    Why regularities in personality can be described with particular dimensions is a basic question in differential psychology. Nonhuman primates can also be characterized in terms of personality structure. Comparative approaches can help reveal phylogenetic constraints and social and ecological patterns associated with the presence or absence of specific personality dimensions. We sought to determine how different personality structures are related to interspecific variation in social style. Specifically, we examined this question in 6 different species of macaques, because macaque social style is well characterized and can be categorized on a spectrum of despotic (Grade 1) versus tolerant (Grade 4) social styles. We derived personality structures from adjectival ratings of Japanese (Macaca fuscata; Grade 1), Assamese (M. assamensis; Grade 2), Barbary (M. sylvanus; Grade 3), Tonkean (M. tonkeana; Grade 4), and crested (M. nigra; Grade 4) macaques and compared these species with rhesus macaques (M. mulatta; Grade 1) whose personality was previously characterized. Using a nonparametric method, fuzzy set analysis, to identify commonalities in personality dimensions across species, we found that all but 1 species exhibited consistently defined Friendliness and Openness dimensions, but that similarities in personality dimensions capturing aggression and social competence reflect similarities in social styles. These findings suggest that social and phylogenetic relationships contribute to the origin, maintenance, and diversification of personality

    The evolution of social philopatry in female primates

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    The transition from solitary life to sociality is considered one of the major transitions in evolution. In primates, this transition is currently not well understood. Traditional verbal models appear insufficient to unravel the complex interplay of environmental and demographic factors involved in the evolution of primate sociality, and recent phylogenetic reconstructions have produced conflicting results. We therefore analyze a theoretical model for the evolution of female social philopatry that sheds new light on the question why most primates live in groups. In individual-based simulations, we study the evolution of dispersal strategies of both resident females and their offspring. The model reveals that social philopatry can evolve through kin selection, even if retention of offspring is costly in terms of within-group resource competition and provides no direct benefits. Our model supports the role of predator avoidance as a selective pressure for group-living in primates, but it also suggests that a second benefit of group-living, communal resource defense, might be required to trigger the evolution of sizable groups. Lastly, our model reveals that seemingly small differences in demographic parameters can have profound effects on primate social evolution

    X-ray Raman scattering study of aligned polyfluorene

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    We present a non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study at the carbon K-edge on aligned poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-fluorene-2,7-diyl] and show that the x-ray Raman scattering technique can be used as a practical alternative to x-ray absorption measurements. We demonstrate that this novel method can be applied to studies on aligned π\pi-conjugated polymers complementing diffraction and optical studies. Combining the experimental data and a very recently proposed theoretical scheme we demonstrate a unique property of x-ray Raman scattering by performing the symmetry decomposition on the density of unoccupied electronic states into ss- and pp-type symmetry contributions.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    The effect of dominance rank on the distribution of different types of male–infant–male interactions in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    In several cercopithecine species males exhibit a specific type of male–infant–male interaction during which two males briefly manipulate an infant. These interactions typically occur after a male carrying an infant (infant holder) approaches or is approached by another male who is not holding an infant (infant nonholder). The agonistic buffering and relationship management hypotheses explain these interactions as a tool to establish and maintain social bonds among males. Both hypotheses predict that males preferentially use the opportunity to interact and bond with males dominant to themselves. However, the agonistic buffering hypothesis predicts that males preferentially initiate male–infant–male interactions with the highest ranking males available, whereas the relationships management hypothesis predicts that males are more likely to interact with males that are close to them in rank. To test these predictions, we collected data on 1562 male–infant–male interactions during 1430 hours of focal observation of 12 infants in one group of wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in Morocco. Using generalized linear mixed-effect models we found that males preferably initiated interactions with males that were dominant to them. However, we observed this effect only for interactions initiated by the infant holder. In interactions initiated by non-holders, the receiver’s relative rank did not predict the frequency of interactions.Males also initiated more interactions with males close in rank to themselves than distantly ranked males. Our results support the relationship management hypothesis, but also indicate that the different types of male–infant–male interactions may require different explanations

    The male and female perspective in the link between male infant care and mating behaviour in Barbary macaques

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    Infant care from adult males is unexpected in species with high paternity uncertainty. Still, males of several polygynandrous primates engage in frequent affiliative interactions with infants. Two non‐exclusive hypotheses link male infant care to male mating strategies. The paternal investment hypothesis views infant care as a male strategy to maximize the survival of sired offspring, while the mating effort hypothesis predicts that females reward males who cared for their infant by preferably mating with them. Both hypotheses predict a positive relationship between infant care and matings with a particular female. However, the paternal investment hypothesis predicts that increased matings come before infant care whereas the mating effort hypothesis predicts that infant care precedes an increase in matings. Both hypotheses are usually tested from the perspective of the proportion of matings and care that individual females engage in and receive, rather than from the perspective of the care and mating behaviour of individual males. We tested the relationships between care and mating from both female and male perspectives in Barbary macaques. Mating predicted subsequent care and care predicted subsequent mating when viewed from the male but not the female perspective. Males mainly cared for infants of their main mating partners, but infants were not mainly cared for by their likely father. Males mated more with the mothers of their favourite infants, but females did not mate more with the main caretakers of their infants. We suggest that females do not choose their mating partners based on previous infant care, increasing paternity confusion. Males might try to increase paternal investment by distributing the care according to their own instead of female mating history. Further, males pursue females for mating opportunities based on previous care

    Updated Checklist of Arthropods from Azores (Portugal)

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    The data we present consists in an updated checklist of the Azorean arthropods. The checklist compile known records based on published literature, unpublished data, and new records at archipelago and island levels. This publication represents the most recent information about distribution of introduced, native and endemic arthropods in the Azores archipelago. Currently the total number of terrestrial arthropod taxa (species and subspecies) in the Azores is estimated of about 2417 belonging to 14 classes, 53 orders, 438 families, 1554 genera and 2397 species and 149 individual subspecies. The most diverse orders of Azorean arthropods are: Coleoptera (585 taxa), Diptera (422 taxa), Hemiptera (338 taxa), Hymenoptera (162 taxa), Lepidoptera (159 taxa) and Araneae (132 taxa). A total of 275 endemic taxa are currently known (231 species and 44 subspecies), belonging to 8 classes and 22 orders. São Miguel, Terceira and Pico are the islands with higher number of endemic species and subspecies. Compared to the other nearest Macaronesian archipelagos (Madeira and Canaries), the Azorean arthropod fauna is characterized by a lower percentage of endemism and a high proportion of exotic introduced species.FUNDING: This work was financed by two main projects: FEDER - AZORESBIOPORTAL –PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072) and Portal da Biodiversidade dos Açores (2022-2023) - PO Azores Project - M1.1.A/INFRAEST CIENT/001/2022. Open access was funded by the project FCT-UIDB/00329/2020-2024 (Thematic Line 1 – integrated ecological assessment of environmental change on biodiversity).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio