15 research outputs found

    Thermal versus quantum fluctuations of optical-lattice fermions

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    We show that, for fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice, the fraction of atoms in doubly occupied sites is a highly nonmonotonic function of temperature. We demonstrate that this property persists even in the presence of realistic harmonic confinement, and that it leads to a suppression of entropy at intermediate temperatures that offers a route to adiabatic cooling. Our interpretation of the suppression is that such intermediate temperatures are simultaneously too high for quantum coherence and too low for significant thermal excitation of double occupancy thus offering a clear indicator of the onset of quantum fluctuations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Structures for Interacting Composite Fermions: Stripes, Bubbles, and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    Much of the present day qualitative phenomenology of the fractional quantum Hall effect can be understood by neglecting the interactions between composite fermions altogether. For example the fractional quantum Hall effect at ν=n/(2pn±1)\nu=n/(2pn\pm 1) corresponds to filled composite-fermion Landau levels,and the compressible state at ν=1/2p\nu=1/2p to the Fermi sea of composite fermions. Away from these filling factors, the residual interactions between composite fermions will determine the nature of the ground state. In this article, a model is constructed for the residual interaction between composite fermions, and various possible states are considered in a variational approach. Our study suggests formation of composite-fermion stripes, bubble crystals, as well as fractional quantum Hall states for appropriate situations.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Mixed States of Composite Fermions Carrying Two and Four Vortices

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    There now exists preliminary experimental evidence for some fractions, such as ν\nu = 4/11 and 5/13, that do not belong to any of the sequences ν=n/(2pn±1)\nu=n/(2pn\pm 1), pp and nn being integers. We propose that these states are mixed states of composite fermions of different flavors, for example, composite fermions carrying two and four vortices. We also obtain an estimate of the lowest-excitation dispersion curve as well as the transport gap; the gaps for 4/11 are smaller than those for 1/3 by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: Accepted for PRB rapid communication (scheduled to appear in Nov 15, 2000 issue

    Magnetoroton instabilities and static susceptibilities in higher Landau levels

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    We present analytical results concerning the magneto-roton instability in higher Landau levels evaluated in the single mode approximation. The roton gap appears at a finite wave vector, which is approximately independent of the LL index n, in agreement with numerical calculations in the composite-fermion picture. However, a large maximum in the static susceptibility indicates a charge density modulation with wave vectors q0(n)∼1/2n+1q_0(n)\sim 1/\sqrt{2n+1}, as expected from Hartree-Fock predictions. We thus obtain a unified description of the leading charge instabilities in all LLs.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spontaneous Pseudospin Spiral Order in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

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    Using exact diagonalization of bilayer quantum Hall systems at total filling factor νT=1\nu_T=1 in the torus geometry, we show that there is a new long-range interlayer phase coherence due to spontaneous pseudospin spiral order at interlayer distances larger than the critical value at which the pseudospin ferromagnetic order is destroyed. We emphasize the distinction between the interlayer phase coherence and the pseudospin ferromagnetic order.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Replaced by a new extended version published in Phys. Rev.

    Fermion Chern Simons Theory of Hierarchical Fractional Quantum Hall States

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    We present an effective Chern-Simons theory for the bulk fully polarized fractional quantum Hall (FQH) hierarchical states constructed as daughters of general states of the Jain series, {\it i. e.} as FQH states of the quasi-particles or quasi-holes of Jain states. We discuss the stability of these new states and present two reasonable stability criteria. We discuss the theory of their edge states which follows naturally from this bulk theory. We construct the operators that create elementary excitations, and discuss the scaling behavior of the tunneling conductance in different situations. Under the assumption that the edge states of these fully polarized hierarchical states are unreconstructed and unresolved, we find that the differential conductance GG for tunneling of electrons from a Fermi liquid into {\em any} hierarchical Jain FQH states has the scaling behavior G∼VαG\sim V^\alpha with the universal exponent α=1/ν\alpha=1/\nu, where ν\nu is the filling fraction of the hierarchical state. Finally, we explore alternative ways of constructing FQH states with the same filling fractions as partially polarized states, and conclude that this is not possible within our approach.Comment: 10 pages, 50 references, no figures; formerly known as "Composite Fermions: The Next Generation(s)" (title changed by the PRB thought police). This version has more references and a discussion of the stability of the new states. Published version. One erroneous reference is correcte

    Competition between quantum-liquid and electron-solid phases in intermediate Landau levels

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    On the basis of energy calculations we investigate the competition between quantum-liquid and electron-solid phases in the Landau levels n=1,2, and 3 as a function of their partial filling factor. Whereas the quantum-liquid phases are stable only in the vicinity of quantized values 1/(2s+1) of the partial filling factor, an electron solid in the form of a triangular lattice of clusters with a few number of electrons (bubble phase) is energetically favorable between these fillings. This alternation of electron-solid phases, which are insulating because they are pinned by the residual impurities in the sample, and quantum liquids displaying the fractional quantum Hall effect explains a recently observed reentrance of the integral quantum Hall effect in the Landau levels n=1 and 2. Around half-filling of the last Landau level, a uni-directional charge density wave (stripe phase) has a lower energy than the bubble phase.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; calculation of exact exchange potential for n=1,2,3 included, energies of electron-solid phases now calculated with the help of the exact potential, and discussion of approximation include

    Fractional Quantum Hall States of Clustered Composite Fermions

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    The energy spectra and wavefunctions of up to 14 interacting quasielectrons (QE's) in the Laughlin nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state are investigated using exact numerical diagonalization. It is shown that at sufficiently high density the QE's form pairs or larger clusters. This behavior, opposite to Laughlin correlations, invalidates the (sometimes invoked) reapplication of the composite fermion picture to the individual QE's. The series of finite-size incompressible ground states are identified at the QE filling factors nu_QE=1/2, 1/3, 2/3, corresponding to the electron fillings nu=3/8, 4/11, 5/13. The equivalent quasihole (QH) states occur at nu_QH=1/4, 1/5, 2/7, corresponding to nu=3/10, 4/13, 5/17. All these six novel FQH states were recently discovered experimentally. Detailed analysis indicates that QE or QH correlations in these states are different from those of well-known FQH electron states (e.g., Laughlin or Moore-Read states), leaving the origin of their incompressibility uncertain. Halperin's idea of Laughlin states of QP pairs is also explored, but is does not seem adequate.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; revision: 1 new figure, some new references, some new data, title chang

    Analytical approach to bit-string models of language evolution

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    A formulation of bit-string models of language evolution, based on differential equations for the population speaking each language, is introduced and preliminarily studied. Connections with replicator dynamics and diffusion processes are pointed out. The stability of the dominance state, where most of the population speaks a single language, is analyzed within a mean-field-like approximation, while the homogeneous state, where the population is evenly distributed among languages, can be exactly studied. This analysis discloses the existence of a bistability region, where dominance coexists with homogeneity as possible asymptotic states. Numerical resolution of the differential system validates these findings.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    First-principles quantum transport modeling of thermoelectricity in single-molecule nanojunctions with graphene nanoribbon electrodes

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    We overview nonequilibrium Green function combined with density functional theory (NEGF-DFT) modeling of independent electron and phonon transport in nanojunctions with applications focused on a new class of thermoelectric devices where a single molecule is attached to two metallic zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) via highly transparent contacts. Such contacts make possible injection of evanescent wavefunctions from ZGNRs, so that their overlap within the molecular region generates a peak in the electronic transmission. Additionally, the spatial symmetry properties of the transverse propagating states in the ZGNR electrodes suppress hole-like contributions to the thermopower. Thus optimized thermopower, together with diminished phonon conductance through a ZGNR/molecule/ZGNR inhomogeneous structure, yields the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT~0.5 at room temperature and 0.5<ZT<2.5 below liquid nitrogen temperature. The reliance on evanescent mode transport and symmetry of propagating states in the electrodes makes the electronic-transport-determined power factor in this class of devices largely insensitive to the type of sufficiently short conjugated organic molecule, which we demonstrate by showing that both 18-annulene and C10 molecule sandwiched by the two ZGNR electrodes yield similar thermopower. Thus, one can search for molecules that will further reduce the phonon thermal conductance (in the denominator of ZT) while keeping the electronic power factor (in the nominator of ZT) optimized. We also show how often employed Brenner empirical interatomic potential for hydrocarbon systems fails to describe phonon transport in our single-molecule nanojunctions when contrasted with first-principles results obtained via NEGF-DFT methodology.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; mini-review article prepared for the special issue of the Journal of Computational Electronics on "Simulation of Thermal, Thermoelectric, and Electrothermal Phenomena in Nanostructures", edited by I. Knezevic and Z. Aksamij