663 research outputs found

    NGF-response of EGF-dependent progenitor cells obtained from human sympathetic ganglia

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    SIGNALLING molecules are thought to play a significant role in determining the fate of neural crest progenitor cells. The human sympathetic chain was identified at 6.5, 7.5, 8.2, 10.2 and 11.4 postconception (PC) weeks demonstrating low affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors, and was processed for tissue culture. In the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF), floating spheres of proliferating progenitor cells were developed in vitro. In the absence of EGF progenitor cells differentiated into tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neuronal and TH-negative flat cells. NGF treatment significantly increased neurite outgrowth and survival of TH-immunoreactive cells. The multipotent cells we isolated differ from previously reported sympathoadrenal progenitors in that they give rise to TH immunoreactive neurones precociously sensitive to NGF

    Feeling the heat: The campylobacter jejuni HrcA transcriptional repressor is an intrinsic protein thermosensor

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    The heat-shock response, a universal protective mechanism consisting of a transcriptional reprogramming of the cellular transcriptome, results in the accumulation of proteins which coun-teract the deleterious effects of heat-stress on cellular polypeptides. To quickly respond to thermal stress and trigger the heat-shock response, bacteria rely on different mechanisms to detect temperature variations, which can involve nearly all classes of biological molecules. In Campylobacter jejuni the response to heat-shock is transcriptionally controlled by a regulatory circuit involving two re-pressors, HspR and HrcA. In the present work we show that the heat-shock repressor HrcA acts as an intrinsic protein thermometer. We report that a temperature upshift up to 42°C negatively affects HrcA DNA-binding activity to a target promoter, a condition required for de-repression of regu-lated genes. Furthermore, we show that this impairment of HrcA binding at 42°C is irreversible in vitro, as DNA-binding was still not restored by reversing the incubation temperature to 37°C. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the DNA-binding activity of HspR, which controls, in combi-nation with HrcA, the transcription of chaperones’ genes, is unaffected by heat-stress up to 45°C, portraying this master repressor as a rather stable protein. Additionally, we show that HrcA binding activity is enhanced by the chaperonin GroE, upon direct protein–protein interaction. In conclu-sion, the results presented in this work establish HrcA as a novel example of intrinsic heat-sensing transcriptional regulator, whose DNA-binding activity is positively modulated by the GroE chap-eronin

    Slaves, Soldiers, Citizens: African American Artifacts of the Civil War Era

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    Based on the exhibit Slaves, Soldiers, Citizens: African American Artifacts of the Civil War Era, this book provides the full experience of the exhibit, which was on display in Special Collections at Musselman Library November 2012- December 2013. It also includes several student essays based on specific artifacts that were part of the exhibit. Table of Contents: Introduction Angelo Scarlato, Lauren Roedner ’13 & Scott Hancock Slave Collars & Runaways: Punishment for Rebellious Slaves Jordan Cinderich ’14 Chancery Sale Poster & Auctioneer’s Coin: The Lucrative Business of Slavery Tricia Runzel ’13 Isaac J. Winters: An African American Soldier from Pennsylvania Who Fought at Petersburg Avery Lentz ’14 Basil Biggs: A Prominent African American in Gettysburg after the Battle Lauren Roedner ’13 Linton Ingram: A Former Slave Who Became a Notable African American Educator in Georgia Brian Johnson & Lincoln Fitch ’14 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Theatre Poster: Racism in Post-Emancipation Entertainment Michelle Seabrook ’13 Essay Bibliographies Grand Army of the Republic Exhibit Inventory Acknowledgmentshttps://cupola.gettysburg.edu/libexhibits/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Теоретичні аспекти та проблеми вивчення давньоруських бібліотек

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    У статті відбито сучасну тенденцію в гуманітарній науці, де відбувається подальша міждисциплінарна інтеграція, спостерігається застосування різних методологічних підходів, які доповнюють та збагачують один одного; інтеграція спеціальних історичних дисциплін, їх поступова трансформація в замкнену галузь знання. У нашому випадку це – історичне бібліотекознавство і його новий напрям, який пропонує автор статті, – бібліотечне пам’яткознавство.В статье отображена современная тенденция в гуманитарной науке, где происходит дальнейшая междисциплинарная интеграция, наблюдается применение различных методологических подходов, которые дополняют и обогащают друг друга: интеграция специальных исторических дисциплин, их постепенная трансформация в замкнутую отрасль знаний. В нашем случае это историческое библиотековедение и его новое направление, которое предлага- ет автор статьи, – библиотечное памятниковедение.The article reflects the modern trends in humanitarian science for further interdisciplinary integration, and the use of different methodological approaches that complement each other, as well as describes an integration of special historical disciplines, and graduate transformation into the sphere of the general knowledge. In our case we look at the historical librarian studies and specifically at the branch offered by the author, – librarian study of monuments

    Stable hybrid myotubes: a new model for studying re-expression of enzymatic activities in vitro

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    Heterokaryons represent a stable and reproducible model system for the study of biochemical and molecular aspects responsible for muscle gene activation. Previous experiments have used this fusion system to demonstrate human gene activation in hybrids formed between human and non-human cells. The aim of this research was to apply this experimental model to the correction of a cytoplasmic activity, namely glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), in vitro, in hybrid myotubes formed between G6PD-negative and positive myoblasts. Different identification methods were used (Hoechst stain and Fluorescent Latex Microspheres, FLMs) to identify hybrid myotubes formed. We demonstrated the restoration of G6PD activity in all hybrid myotubes formed; we then tried to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the restoration of this specific activity and apply the results obtained to the understanding of more complex mechanisms involved in muscle gene activation

    The application of ecologically intensive principles to the systemic redesign of livestock farms on native grasslands: A case of co-innovation in Rocha, Uruguay

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    CONTEXT: Family-run cow-calf farms based on native grasslands exhibit low economic and social sustainability, as reflected in low family incomes and high workloads. Experimental results have shown that pasture–herd interaction management could improve native grasslands and animal productivity OBJECTIVE: This paper analyzes the extent to which the sustainability of family-run livestock farms based on native grasslands could be enhanced by a systemic redesign informed by ecological intensification practices. The research questions address the initial state of farm sustainability, key bottlenecks to improving farm sustainability, and changes in sustainability criteria achieved over three years of farm redesign. METHODS: The study was executed as part of a multi-level co-innovation project in Uruguay in which a team of scientist-practitioners and seven farm families participated in farm characterization, diagnosis, and redesign. The farm characterization took the form of indicators to describe the farms’ management and bio-physical subsystems. Redesign plans were negotiated between the research team and the farmers. Frequent monitoring and evaluation cycles enabled finetuning across the years of implementation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Improvements were observed in the economic indicators gross margin (+55%), return to labor (+71%), and family income (+53%) and in the social indicator workload ( 22%), and the environmental indicators bird diversity and ecosystem integrity index were maintained or increased slightly. These changes were explained by the uptake of coherent sets of ecological intensification practices causing changes in forage height (+30%), forage allowance (+69%), pregnancy (+22), weight of weaning calf per mating cow (+32%), and presence of tussocks (+65%). Ecological intensification principles resulted in synergistic positive effects between productivity–biodiversity tradeoffs and the scope for enhanced farm resilience and stability. SIGNIFICANCE: Cow-calf family-run farms can be transformed to produce positive environmental and social effects and viable economic results. The implementation of projects in a co-innovation context may be taken as a guide to scaling up and scaling out the ecological intensification of livestock production on native grasslands, contributing to an extension system at the national level with the aim of improving cow-calf systems sustainability.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Ruggia, Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Dogliotti, Santiago. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Produccion Vegetal; UruguayFil: Aguerre, Maria Veronica. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Albicette, Maria Marta. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Blumetto, Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Cardozo, Geronimo. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Pasturas y Forrajes. Estacion Experimental INIA Treinta y Tres; UruguayFil: Leoni, Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Quintans, Graciela. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Carne y Lana. Estacion Experimental INIA Treinta y Tres; UruguayFil: Scarlato, Santiago. nstituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Nacional de Investigacion en Produccion Familiar. Estacion Experimental INIA Las Brujas; UruguayFil: Tittonell, Pablo Adrian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Tittonell, Pablo Adrian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Rossing, Walter A.H. Wageningen University and Research. Farming Systems Ecology, Plant Sciences Group; Holand

    Effect of glass on the frictional behavior of basalts at seismic slip rates

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    We performed 31 friction experiments on glassy basalts (GB) and glass-free basalts (GFB) at slip rates up to 6.5 m s−1 and normal stress up to 40 MPa (seismic conditions). Frictional weakening was associated to bulk frictional melting and lubrication. The weakening distance (Dw) was about 3 times shorter in GB than in GFB, but the steady state friction was systematically higher in GB than in GFB. The shorter Dw in GB may be explained by the thermal softening occurring at the glass transition temperature (Tg ~500°C), which is lower than the bulk melting temperature (Tm ~1250°C) of GFB. Postexperiment microanalyses suggest that the larger crystal fraction measured in GB melts results in the higher steady state friction value compared to the GFB melts. The effect of interstitial glass is to facilitate frictional instability and rupture propagation in GB with respect to GFB

    Decarbonation and thermal microcracking under magmatic P-T-fCO2 conditions: the role of skarn substrata in promoting volcanic instability

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    We present a systematic study on the influence of pressure (0.1-600 MPa), temperature (750- 1200oC), carbon dioxide fugacity (logfCO2 = -4.41 to 3.60) and time (2-12 hr) on the chemical and physical properties of carbonate rock. Our experiments aim to reproduce the conditions at the periphery of magma chamber where carbonate host rock is influenced by, but not readily assimilated by, magma. This permits the investigation of the natural conditions at which circulating fluids/gases promote infiltration reactions typical of metasomatic skarns that can involve large volumes of subvolcanic carbonate basements. Results show that, providing that carbon dioxide is retained in the pore space, decarbonation does not proceed at any magmatic pressure and temperature. However, when the carbon dioxide is free to escape, decarbonation can occur rapidly and is not hindered by a low initial porosity or permeability. Together with carbon dioxide and lime, portlandite, a mineral commonly found in voluminous metasomatic skarns, readily forms during carbonate decomposition. Post-experimental analyses highlight that thermal microcracking, a result of the highly anisotropic thermal expansion of calcite, exerts a greater influence on rock physical properties (porosity, ultrasonic wave velocities and elastic moduli) than decarbonation. Our data suggest that this will be especially true at the margins of dykes or magma bodies, where temperatures can reach up to 1200oC. However, rock compressive strength is significantly reduced by both thermal cracking and decarbonation, explained by the relative weakness of lime + portlandite compared to calcite, and an increase in grain size with increasing temperature. Metasomatic skarns, whose petrogenetic reactions may involve a few tens of cubic kilometres, could therefore represent an important source of volcanic instability. © The Authors 2013 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society

    Absence of protein A expression is associated with higher capsule production in staphylococcal isolates

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen, and a leading cause of soft tissue and blood stream infections. One of the causes of its success as a pathogen is the peculiar array of immune evasion factors through which the bacterium avoids host defenses, where the staphylococcal protein A (SpA) plays a major role thanks to its IgG binding activities. Moreover, SpA has recently been proposed as a promising vaccine antigen. In this study, we evaluated the expression of SpA in a collection of staphylococcal strains, about 7% of which did not express SpA (SpA- strains), despite the presence of the gene. By a comparative genomic analysis, we identified that a mutation in the spa 5′ UTR sequence affecting the RBS is responsible for the loss of SpA in a subset of SpA- strains. Using a high-throughput qRT-PCR approach on a selected panel of virulence-related genes, we identified that the SpA- phenotype is associated with lower spa transcript levels and increased expression and production of capsule as well as other changes in the transcription of several key virulence factors. Our data suggest that the SpA- phenotype has occurred in geographically distinct strains through different molecular mechanisms including both mutation, leading likely to translation alterations, and transcriptional deregulation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that SpA- strains are highly susceptible to phagocytic uptake mediated by anti-capsule antibodies. These data suggest that S. aureus may alter its virulence factor expression pattern as an adaptation to the host or environment. Vaccination strategies targeting both SpA and capsule could therefore result in broader coverage against staphylococcal isolates than SpA alone