79 research outputs found

    Molecular imaging of cell death in vivo by a novel small molecule probe

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    Apoptosis has a role in many medical disorders, therefore assessment of apoptosis in vivo can be highly useful for diagnosis, follow-up and evaluation of treatment efficacy. ApoSense is a novel technology, comprising low molecular-weight probes, specifically designed for imaging of cell death in vivo. In the current study we present targeting and imaging of cell death both in vitro and in vivo, utilizing NST-732, a member of the ApoSense family, comprising a fluorophore and a fluorine atom, for both fluorescent and future positron emission tomography (PET) studies using an 18F label, respectively. In vitro, NST-732 manifested selective and rapid accumulation within various cell types undergoing apoptosis. Its uptake was blocked by caspase inhibition, and occurred from the early stages of the apoptotic process, in parallel to binding of Annexin-V, caspase activation and alterations in mitochondrial membrane potential. In vivo, NST-732 manifested selective uptake into cells undergoing cell-death in several clinically-relevant models in rodents: (i) Cell-death induced in lymphoma by irradiation; (ii) Renal ischemia/reperfusion; (iii) Cerebral stroke. Uptake of NST-732 was well-correlated with histopathological assessment of cell-death. NST-732 therefore represents a novel class of small-molecule detectors of apoptosis, with potential useful applications in imaging of the cell death process both in vitro and in vivo

    Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 Transmission in a Cohort of HIV-1 Concordant Heterosexual Couples from Dakar, Senegal

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    BACKGROUND: A large number of HIV-1 infections in Africa occur in married couples. The predominant direction of intracouple transmission and the principal external origins of infection remain important issues of debate. METHODS: We investigated HIV-1 transmission in 46 HIV-1 concordant positive couples from Dakar, Senegal. Intracouple transmission was confirmed by maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis and pairwise distance comparisons of HIV-1 env gp41 sequences from both partners. Standardized interview data were used to deduce the direction as well as the external sources of the intracouple transmissions. RESULTS: Conservative molecular analyses showed linked viruses in 34 (74%) couples, unlinked viruses in 6 (13%) couples, and indeterminate results for 6 (13%) couples. The interview data corresponded completely with the molecular analyses: all linked couples reported internal transmission and all unlinked couples reported external sources of infection. The majority of linked couples (93%) reported the husband as internal source of infection. These husbands most frequently (82%) reported an occasional sexual relationship as external source of infection. Pairwise comparisons of the CD4 count, antiretroviral therapy status, and the proportion of gp41 ambiguous base pairs within transmission pairs correlated with the reported order of infection events. CONCLUSIONS: In this suburban Senegalese population, a majority of HIV-1 concordant couples showed linked HIV-1 transmission with the husband as likely index partner. Our data emphasize the risk of married women for acquiring HIV-1 as a result of the occasional sexual relationships of their husbands

    Identification of tetrahydrocarbazoles as novel multifactorial drug candidates for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative brain disorder and the most frequent cause of dementia. To date, there are only a few approved drugs for AD, which show little or no effect on disease progression. Impaired intracellular calcium homeostasis is believed to occur early in the cascade of events leading to AD. Here, we examined the possibility of normalizing the disrupted calcium homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) store as an innovative approach for AD drug discovery. High-throughput screening of a small-molecule compound library led to the identification of tetrahydrocarbazoles, a novel multifactorial class of compounds that can normalize the impaired ER calcium homeostasis. We found that the tetrahydrocarbazole lead structure, first, dampens the enhanced calcium release from ER in HEK293 cells expressing familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD)-linked presenilin 1 mutations. Second, the lead structure also improves mitochondrial function, measured by increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Third, the same lead structure also attenuates the production of amyloid-beta (A beta) peptides by decreasing the cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta-secretase, without notably affecting alpha- and gamma-secretase cleavage activities. Considering the beneficial effects of tetrahydrocarbazoles addressing three key pathological aspects of AD, these compounds hold promise for the development of potentially effective AD drug candidates

    Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein-2 (UCP2) Mediates Leptin Protection Against MPP+ Toxicity in Neuronal Cells

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) delink ATP production from biofuel oxidation in mitochondria to reduce oxidative stress. UCP2 is expressed in brain, and has neuroprotective effects under various toxic insults. We observed induction of UCP2 expression by leptin in neuronal cultures, and hypothesize that leptin may preserve neuronal survival via UCP2. We showed that leptin preserved cell survival in neuronal SH-SY5Y cells against MPP+ toxicity (widely used in experimental Parkinsonian models) by maintaining ATP levels and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP); these effects were accompanied by increased UCP2 expression. Leptin had no effect in modulating reactive oxygen species levels. Stable knockdown of UCP2 expression reduced ATP levels, and abolished leptin protection against MPP+-induced mitochondrial depolarization, ATP deficiency, and cell death, indicating that UCP2 is critical in mediating these neuroprotective effects of leptin against MPP+ toxicity. Interestingly, UCP2 knockdown increased UCP4 expression, but not of UCP5. Our findings show that leptin preserves cell survival by maintaining MMP and ATP levels mediated through UCP2 in MPP+-induced toxicity

    Newly Developed Mg2+–Selective Fluorescent Probe Enables Visualization of Mg2+ Dynamics in Mitochondria

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    Mg2+ plays important roles in numerous cellular functions. Mitochondria take part in intracellular Mg2+ regulation and the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria affects the synthesis of ATP. However, there are few methods to observe Mg2+ in mitochondria in intact cells. Here, we have developed a novel Mg2+–selective fluorescent probe, KMG-301, that is functional in mitochondria. This probe changes its fluorescence properties solely depending on the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria under physiologically normal conditions. Simultaneous measurements using this probe together with a probe for cytosolic Mg2+, KMG-104, enabled us to compare the dynamics of Mg2+ in the cytosol and in mitochondria. With this method, carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP)–induced Mg2+ mobilization from mitochondria to the cytosol was visualized. Although a FCCP–induced decrease in the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria and an increase in the cytosol were observed both in differentiated PC12 cells and in hippocampal neurons, the time-courses of concentration changes varied with cell type. Moreover, the relationship between mitochondrial Mg2+ and Parkinson's disease was analyzed in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease by using the 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+). A gradual decrease in the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria was observed in response to MPP+ in differentiated PC12 cells. These results indicate that KMG-301 is useful for investigating Mg2+ dynamics in mitochondria. All animal procedures to obtain neurons from Wistar rats were approved by the ethical committee of Keio University (permit number is 09106-(1))

    Cellular Model of Warburg Effect Identifies Tumor Promoting Function of UCP2 in Breast Cancer and Its Suppression by Genipin

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    The Warburg Effect is characterized by an irreversible injury to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and an increased rate of aerobic glycolysis. In this study, we utilized a breast epithelial cell line lacking mitochondrial DNA (rho0) that exhibits the Warburg Effect associated with breast cancer. We developed a MitoExpress array for rapid analysis of all known nuclear genes encoding the mitochondrial proteome. The gene-expression pattern was compared among a normal breast epithelial cell line, its rho0 derivative, breast cancer cell lines and primary breast tumors. Among several genes, our study revealed that over-expression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 in rho0 breast epithelial cells reflects gene expression changes in breast cancer cell lines and in primary breast tumors. Furthermore, over-expression of UCP2 was also found in leukemia, ovarian, bladder, esophagus, testicular, colorectal, kidney, pancreatic, lung and prostate tumors. Ectopic expression of UCP2 in MCF7 breast cancer cells led to a decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased tumorigenic properties as measured by cell migration, in vitro invasion and anchorage independent growth. Consistent with in vitro studies, we demonstrate that UCP2 over-expression leads to development of tumors in vivo in an orthotopic model of breast cancer. Genipin, a plant derived small molecule, suppressed the UCP2 led tumorigenic properties, which were mediated by decreased reactive oxygen species and down-regulation of UCP2. However, UCP1, 3, 4 and 5 gene expression was unaffected. UCP2 transcription was controlled by SMAD4. Together, these studies suggest a tumor-promoting function of UCP2 in breast cancer. In summary, our studies demonstrate that i) the Warburg Effect is mediated by UCP2; ii) UCP2 is over-expressed in breast and many other cancers; iii) UCP2 promotes tumorigenic properties in vitro and in vivo and iv) genipin suppresses the tumor promoting function of UCP2
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