163 research outputs found

    La décoloration des rejets liquides de textile (noir de soufre) par voie électrochimique

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    Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons au traitement d’un rejet de coloration de textile par voie électrochimique. Les paramètres qui ont été variés au cours de traitement par cette technique sont le pourcentage de dilution et le courant imposé. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’obtenir un taux de décoloration pouvant atteindre 99,39% également, et une élimination importante de la D.C.O qui dépasse 57,50%, pour une dilution 5 fois à un temps d’électrolyse correspondant à 7 heures et un courant imposé égal à 4 A. Les rejets ainsi obtenus après traitement peuvent être directement déversés dans les cours d’eaux ou mélangés aux eaux urbaines pour être traités par les stations d’épuration sans risquer de perturber le fonctionnement de ces dernières.Mots-clés: décoloration, rejet, textile, voie électrochimique. The discoloration of the liquid rejections of textile (black of sulfur) by electrochemical wayIn this study, we are interested to the treatment of a rejection of coloring of textile by electrochemical way. The parameters which were varied during treatment by this technique are the percentage of dilution and the impressed current. The obtained results allowed to obtain a rate of discoloration which can reach also 99,39%, and an important elimination of the C.O.D which exceeds 57,50%, for a dilution 5 times in a time of electrolysis corresponding at 7 hours and an imposed current equal to 4 A. The rejections obtained after treatment can be directly poured in the courts of waters or mixed in urban waters to be treated by water-treatment plants without the risk of disturbing the operation of the latter.Keywords: rejection, discoloration, textiles, electrochemical way

    Raman active modes in single-walled boron nitride nanotube bundles

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    We use the spectral moments method in the framework of the bond-polarization theory to calculate polarized nonresonant Raman spectra of chiral and achiral bundles of single walled boron nitride nanotubes (BWBNNTs) as a function of their diameter and chirality. The Spectra are computed for infinite size of BWBNNTs. We used a Lennard-Jones potential to describe the van der waals intertube interactions between tubes in a bundle. We show that the Raman active modes in the low wave number region are very sensitive to the nanotube diameter. We found that for infinite nanotube bundles, additional Radial Breathing Like mode appears in the low wave number region. These results are useful to interpret the experimental Raman spectra of BWBNNTs


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    The purpose of this study is the treatment of olive wastewaters by the combination of two physicochemical processes: the coagulation, flocculation as pre-treatment and a treatment by electrochemical way as the process of refining. Olive wastewaters presented a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 32,71 g of O2/l, an acid pH (5,02), and a dissolved oxygen of 0,5 mg/l and a concentration of polyphenols of 1,22 g/L. The tests of coagulation were realized by means of the bench of jar-test, established by a series of six flasks subjected to increasing doses of the coagulant (the sulfate of aluminium). The tests allow to eliminate 42% of the COD, 58% of suspended matter (SM), 22% of polyphenols, 83% of turbidity, and 42% of the coloring. The effluent pre-processed by coagulation, flocculation, which has an optimum dose of sulfate of aluminium, undergoes to filtration then handled by an electrochemical reactor; where the intensity in 5A, the tension 14V, the temperature 30°C, the speed of agitation 200 tr/min, and the salinity in 0,5 g/l. This electrochemical treatment allowed to reduce the color intensity by 86%, the COD by 30%, the polyphenols by 57% and the turbidity by 41%. It emerges from all the results that the treatment by coupling coagulation, flocculation and electrochemical processes allowed reach a COD of 9,11g d’O2/L, a SM of 0mg/L, a solved oxygen of 7,16 mg/L and a concentration of Polyphenols of 0,32 g/L

    Dataset Construction and Analysis of Screenshot Malware

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    Among the various types of spyware, screenloggers are distinguished by their ability to capture screenshots. This gives them considerable nuisance capacity, giving rise to theft of sensitive data or, failing that, to serious invasions of the privacy of users. Several examples of attacks relying on this screen capture feature have been documented in recent years. However, there is not sufficient empirical and experimental evidence on this topic. Indeed, to the best of our knowledge, there is no dataset dedicated to screenshot-taking malware until today. The lack of datasets or common testbed platforms makes it difficult to analyse and study their behaviour in order to develop effective countermeasures. The screenshot feature is often a smart feature that does not activate automatically once the malware has infected the machine; the activation mechanisms of this function are often more complex. Consequently, a dataset which is completely dedicated to them would make it possible to better understand the subtleties of triggering screenshots and even to learn to distinguish them from the legitimate applications widely present on devices. The main purpose of this paper is to build such a dataset and analyse the behaviour of screenloggers

    Extraction of rules from a contingency table in the case of complex Big Data type systems

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    This article describes a modeling approach based on data from a contingency table. We develop a step-by-step procedure based on the definition of a knowledge extractor using entropic concepts. The limit extraction threshold is chosen according to a multi-criteria analysis. Rules in symbolic form endowed with a truth coefficient and an efficiency coefficient are then deduced and constitute the model of the syst

    Volvulus du grêle sur mésentère commun incomplet une redoutable complication rare chez l’adulte: à propos de 1 cas

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    Le mésentère commun résulte d'une anomalie de rotation du tube digestif. Il est caractérisé par la persistance d'une disposition anatomique embryonnaire secondaire à une anomalie de rotation de l'anse ombilicale primitive, constituant ainsi un méso commun à toute l'anse intestinale etune racine du mésentère extrêmement courte. Cette insuffisance de rotation est le plus souvent associée à un défaut d'accolement. Ces  anomalies de rotation intestinale peuvent aboutir à des complications redoutables parfois mortelles, qui surviennent généralement au cours de la période néonatale où à l'âge pédiatrique. On estime que la prévalence de ces malformations congénitales à l'âge adulte est de l'ordre de 0,2% à 0,5% âge auquel elles demeurent très souvent asymptomatiques et donc non diagnostiquées. Le diagnostic de volvulus total du grêle peut se faire dans des circonstances très variées: en urgence devant un tableau  d'occlusion intestinale aiguë, voire un état de choc pouvant conduire au décès, devant un tableau de douleurs abdominales répétées plus ou moins associées à des troubles du transit. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 18 ans admis pour volvulus total du grêle sur mésentère commun incomplet chez qui l'évolution était favorable

    Acute carpal tunnel syndrome of the hand following a cat bite

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    Cat bites at the hand are common situation in emergency departments. Neglected or poorly supported, these lesions sometimes lead to serious injuries that may compromise the function of the hand. Pasteurellamultocida is the most offending germ in these lesions, despite their sensitivity to antibiotics; it can sometimes lead to deep infections involving the skin, bones and joints. Acute carpal tunnel syndrome is exceptional after cat bite. We report a case of a 56 Year old female presenting with an acute carpal tunnel syndrome associated with compartment syndrome of the right hand 6 days after a cat bite of her right thumb. The patient was treated by surgery to relieve the median nerve. Microbiology identified PasteurellaMultocida

    ECC–RT-PCR: a new method to determine the viability and infectivity of Giardia cysts

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    SummaryBackgroundGiardia sp is a major cause of diarrheal illness worldwide, and millions of people are infected each year. Rapid methods to determine the infectivity and virulence of isolates are critical for the development of intervention strategies to control the transmission of Giardia sp cysts, which occurs through contaminated surfaces, food, and water. However, determining the viability, infectivity, and virulence of Giardia sp cysts using molecular methods is a technical challenge because of the lack of a cell culture model.MethodThis study was designed to evaluate mRNA expression in trophozoites and to assess trophozoite attachment to cell monolayer and changes in transcellular resistance as an indicator of Giardia sp viability and infectivity. Heat shock mRNA in Giardia cysts and variant-specific protein (VSP) mRNA in trophozoites were quantified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). C2bb (Caco-2) cells were grown on transwell chambers to study the attachment of trophozoites, changes in transcellular resistance, and expression of VSP in trophozoites.ResultsThe results of these molecular and cell culture studies indicate a direct linear correlation between the viability and infectivity of fresh stocks of Giardia sp cysts. The attachment of trophozoites to cell monolayer, expression of VSP, and change in the transcellular resistance was directly correlated with their infectivity in neonatal mice. PCR was successfully combined with the electrophysiological analysis of cell culture (ECC–RT-PCR) post-trophozoite attachment.ConclusionThis study shows that the ECC–RT-PCR, a new integrated cell culture assay, can be used as a rapid and cost-effective tool for assessing the viability and infectivity of environmental isolates of Giardia sp cysts
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