101 research outputs found

    Can Effective Field Theory of inflation generate large tensor-to-scalar ratio within Randall Sundrum single braneworld?

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    In this paper my prime objective is to explain the generation of large tensor-to-scalar ratio from the single field sub-Planckian inflationary paradigm within Randall Sundrum (RS) single braneworld scenario in a model independent fashion. By explicit computation I have shown that the effective field theory prescription of brane inflation within RS single brane setup is consistent with sub- Planckian excursion of the inflaton field, which will further generate large value of tensor-to-scalar ratio, provided the energy density for inflaton degrees of freedom is high enough compared to the brane tension in high energy regime. Finally, I have mentioned the stringent theoretical constraint on positive brane tension, cut-off of the quantum gravity scale and bulk cosmological constant to get sub-Planckian field excursion along with large tensor-to-scalar ratio as recently observed by BICEP2 or at least generates the tensor-to-scalar ratio consistent with the upper bound of Planck (2013 and 2015) data and Planck+BICEP2+Keck Array joint constraint.Comment: 20 pages, Revision accepted by Nuclear Physics

    An accurate bound on tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scale of inflation

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    In this paper we provide an accurate bound on primordial gravitational waves, i.e. tensor-to-scalar ratio (r)(r) for a general class of single-field models of inflation where inflation occurs always below the Planck scale, and the field displacement during inflation remains sub-Planckian. If inflation has to make connection with the real particle physics framework then it must be explained within an effective field theory description where it can be trustable below the UV cut-off of the scale of gravity. We provide an analytical estimation and estimate the largest possible rr, i.e. r≤0.12r\leq 0.12, for the field displacement less than the Planck cut-off.Comment: 13 pages, Revised version, Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Galileogenesis: A new cosmophenomenological zip code for reheating through R-parity violating coupling

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    In this paper we introduce an idea of leptogenesis scenario in higher derivative gravity induced DBI Galileon framework {\it aka Galileogenesis} in presence of one-loop R-parity violating couplings in the background of a low energy effective supergravity setup. We have studied extensively the detailed feature of reheating constraints and the cosmophenomenological consequences of thermal gravitino dark matter in light of PLANCK and PDG data. Finally we have also established a direct cosmological connection among dark matter relic abundance, reheating temperature and tensor-to-scalar ratio in the context of DBI Galileon inflation.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Revision accepted by Nuclear Physics

    COSMOS-e′{\it e}'-GTachyon from String Theory

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    In this article, our prime objective is to study the inflationary paradigm from generalized tachyon (GTachyon) living on the world volume of a non-BPS string theory. The tachyon action is considered here is getting modified compared to the original action. One can quantify the amount of the modification via a power qq instead of 1/21/2 in the effective action. Using this set up we study inflation from various types of tachyonic potentials, using which we constrain the index qq within, 1/2<q<21/2<q<2, Regge slope α′\alpha^{'}, string coupling constant gsg_{s} and mass scale of tachyon MsM_s, from the recent Planck 2015 and Planck+BICEP2/Keck Array joint data. We explicitly study the inflationary consequences from single field, assisted field and multi-field tachyon set up. Specifically for single field and assisted field case we derive the results in the quasi-de-Sitter background in which we will utilize the details of cosmological perturbations and quantum fluctuations. Also we derive the expressions for all inflationary observables using any arbitrary vacuum and Bunch-Davies vacuum. For single field and assisted field case we derive-the inflationary flow equations, new sets of consistency relations. Also we derive the field excursion formula for tachyon, which shows that assisted inflation is in more safer side compared to the single field case to validate effective field theory framework. Further we study the features of CMB Angular power spectrum from TT, TE and EE correlations from scalar fluctuations within the allowed range of qq for each potentials from single field set-up. We also put constraints from the temperature anisotropy and polarization spectra, which shows that our analysis is consistent with the Planck 2015 data. Finally, using δN\delta N formalism we derive the expressions for inflationary observables in the context of multi-field tachyons.Comment: 206 pages, 26 figures, 1 table, Final version, Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal
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