7 research outputs found

    Being Fred: Big stories, small stories and the accomplishment of a positive ageing identity

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    This article is informed by recent trends in narrative research that focus on the meaning-making actions of those involved in describing the life course. Drawing upon data generated during a series of interactive interviews with a 70-year-old physically active man named Fred, his story is presented to illustrate a strategic model of narrative activity. In particular, using the concepts of ‘big stories’ and ‘small stories’ as an analytical framework, we trace Fred’s use of two specific identities; being fit and healthy, and being leisurely to analyse the ways that he accomplishes an ontological narrative where the plot line reads; ‘Life is what you make it’. The ways in which this narrative enables Fred to perform a narrative of positive self-ageing in his everyday life is illustrated. Finally, the analytical possibilities of being attentive to both big and small stories in narrative analysis are discussed

    本校學生志工 揮灑色彩 轉變社區新氣象

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    [[abstract]]位於彰化縣花壇鄉的白沙社區,去年十月有一群大學生進入當地,開始為期十三週的社區微整形計畫。當地居民表示,此行動改變了社區長期單調的風貌,為此地注入活力,並增進居民之間的凝聚力。這是一群來自國立彰化師範大學的同學們,彩繪三個月左右的成果,由輔導與諮商學系的系學會主辦,帶領系上同學透過彩繪實踐服務學習的精神,也與當地的居民一同創作社區圍牆,體驗彩繪的樂趣!   彩繪社區的主題十分豐富且貼近當地文化特色,亦與農特產結合,例如龍眼及竹筍,更融合社區特色的當地「迎燈排」的民俗活動,期望新一代的青年能對於社區文化有更深的認識與認同。   活動主辦人之一的楊芷惟同學表示,當初想要舉辦此創新的活動是因為一直以來都有一個走入偏鄉彩繪的夢想,希望可以讓「美」圍繞在居民的生活中。在彩繪過程中,白沙社區發展協會提供了所有的油漆與畫具,讓同學們進行彩繪。此外,當地社區媽媽們的熱情招呼與準備的下午點心讓大學生印象深刻,享受社區的人情味。   彩繪社區服務計畫成果發表會於104年1月16日在本校明德館舉行,白沙社區發展協會及白沙國小代表社區頒發服務證書給參與的同學們,感謝此群大學生為社區穿上新衣,增添生命力。此成果發表會不僅讓服務的大學生回顧這些日子彩繪的點滴,檢視自己投入社區的成果,更讓社區居民們看見社區的轉變。   為期十三週的彩繪社區服務計畫雖然已於日前落幕,但服務的溫度依然延續,也期盼這份熱情能影響更多的大學生,投入社區服務。(輔導與諮商學系