132 research outputs found

    Personalized Approach as a Basis for the Future Diagnosis of Tuberculosis (Literature Review)

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    The global spread of tuberculosis remains one of actual problems of public health despite of introduction of public health safety programs. Early, rapid and accurate identification of M. tuberculosis and determination of drug susceptibility are essential for treatment and management of this disease. Delay in delivering results prolongs potentially inappropriate antituberculosis therapy, contributing to emergence of drug resistance, reducing treatment options and increasing treatment duration and associated costs, resulting in increased mortality and morbidity. Faster, more comprehensive diagnostics will enable earlier use of the most appropriate drug regimen, thus improving patient outcomes and reducing overall healthcare costs. The treatment of infection based on the using of massive antimicrobial therapy with analysis of bacterial strains resistance to first line drugs (FLD) isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RIF), pyrazinamide (PZA), ethambutol (EMB) and streptomycin (SM). However, the public health practitioners pay no attention to functional activity of human immune system genes. The interaction of bacterial genomes and immune system genes plays the major role in infection progress. There is growing evidence that, together with human and environmental factors, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strain diversity contributes to the variable outcome of infection and disease in human TB. We suppose that the future of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis lies in the field of personal medicine with comprehensive analysis of host and pathogen genes

    Antibiotic resistance of microbial community of the lake Baikal ecosystem in the area of Listvyanka, Slyudyanka and Baikalsk

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    The article presents the results of study of antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from the lake Baikal ecosystem. It was revealed that in the littoral zone of the lake Baikal (area of Listvyanka, Baikalsk, Slyudyanka) under the anthropogenic impact there are strains of microorganisms resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. Strains resistant to all antibiotics are 1 % of the isolated bacterial strains; strains sensitive to all antibiotics are 6 %; strains isolated from the drill samples of bottom sediments are 80 %. This phenomenon can be considered as an indicator of anthropogenic influence

    Bacteria Biofilms in Purulent-Septic Infections

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    The causative agents of many infectious diseases can exist in the form of biofilms. The aim of the work is to study of the frequency of occurrence and the degree of activity of biofilm formation of microorganisms isolated from different locus in purulent-septic infections.Materials and methods. Fifteen strains isolated from patients with purulent-septic infections were examined. Biofilms were determined by the ability to adsorption a crystalviolet to ethanol.Results. 73,3 ± 11,4 % strains had biofilms (including gram-negative bacteria – 69,2 ± 11,9 %; Staphylococcus – 100,0 %; p < 0,05).The degree of activity of formation of biofilm by gram-negative bacteria was higher than Staphylococcus (0,302 ± 0,04 и 0,134 ± 0,01 units of optical density; p < 0,01). The highest activity of formation of biofilm was detected in K. pneumoniae isolated from patients with sepsis. Strains from clinically important locus (blood, sputum, wound discharge, abdominal fluid) had biofilms in 75,0 %; from locus of monitoring – 66,7 %. The pathogens isolated from locus of the monitoring were characterized by an average degree of activity of biofilm formation (0,180–0,360 units of optical density). Strains from clinically important locus (blood and sputum from patients with sepsis) had a highdegree of biofilm formation (more than 0,360 units of optical density). Conclusion. In most cases, strains were characterized by the presence of biofilms and differed in degrees activity of biofilm formation depending on locus


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    The results of the study of opportunistic bacteria of the Lena river are show in the article. The microbial community of the river is represented by bacteria of different families. Opportunistic Enterobacteriaceae is absolutely dominated. Enterobacteria of different type belonged to four classes of dominance. The fluctuations in the frequency of their occurrence did. not extend beyond the class for the period of observation. At the same time the changes in their populations at the level of diversity are identified


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    Studying contamination of vegetables and fruit pathogenic and opportunistic enterobacteria was conducted. It is shown that in washouts from a surface of fruits and greens often enough there are representatives of investigated. group. At the same time, the bacteriological analysis of superficially processed fruits has revealed occurrence Enterobacteriaceae in vegetative fabrics where they exist in quality endophytic microorganisms. The received, results proved possibility of preservation of pathogenic and. is conditional-pathogenic bacteria in vegetative fabrics after sanitary processing that testifies that the products of a phytogenesis used. in food without thermal processing can be a source of an infection of the person

    Ability of pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae to the formation of biofilms

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    The most of studied pathogens of intestinal infections are capable of forming biofilms (Salmonella spp. - 84,2 %; Shigella spp. - 90,0 %; pathogenicE. coli - 75,0 %; opportunistic Enterobacteriaceae isolated from people with intestinal infections -100,0 %, isolated from diseased animals - 83,3 %). More active formation of biofilms in studied microorganisms was detected in conditions of cultivation at 37 °C, in comparison with lower temperatures (24 °C)

    Viability of causative pathogen in patients with drug-sensitive and drug-resistant forms of respiratory tuberculosis

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    To predict outcomes of tuberculosis we investigated the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in relation to drug resistance of strains and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis. During the study on solid Löwenstein - Jensen medium, we determined the speed, growth rate and drug resistance of MBT in 5945 cultures, isolated from the sputum of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis - residents of the Irkutsk region (2193 -from newly diagnosed patients, 3752 - from previously treated patients). The criterion of high viability of MBT was the growth rate of >100 colonies over 20 days; and low viability corresponded with the growth rate of 30 days. 2171 cultures (36.5 %) had high viability of MBT strains, 3021 (50.8 %) - low, and 753 (12.7 %) cultures had average degree of viability. A high degree of pathogen viability was more often determined in newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (all patients with HIV-infection without antiretroviral therapy), fibrotic-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis. Among previously treated patients with tuberculosis the high viability of MBT was often determined in patients with fibrous-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis, and caseous pneumonia. Cultures from previously treated patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes had low degree of viability. The number of drug-sensitive strains was 1992, drug-resistant ones - 3953, including 1430 strains with multidrug resistance. We have found that 37.5 % drug-resistant strains associated with a high degree of viability (multidrug resistance - 38.5 %), it's was more often than the drug-sensitive (35.4 %; p < 0.01)


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    From all group of infectious pathology viral hepatitises, from which the most priority are the parenteral hepatitises B and С, are essential for health of mankind, also the Irkutsk region isn’t an exception. The aim of the study: to assess an epidemiological situation in sharp and chronic forms of the viral hepatitises B and С in the territory of the Irkutsk region for the long-term period. Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of an epidemiological situation on viral hepatitises B and C in Russia, Siberian Federal District and in the Irkutsk region for 2008–2016 is carried out. Results. The expressed decrease in incidence of acute viral hepatitis B is noted, at a chronic form of this disease rates of decrease had less expressed character that can be connected with carrying out by mass vaccinal prevention. The carried-out ranged distribution of territories for all forms of viral hepatitis B and viral hepatitis C in the Irkutsk region has allowed to reveal territories of risk. Conclusion. Parenteral viral hepatitises (sharp and chronic forms) are widespread in the territory of the Irkutsk region. From 43 administrative territories of the area, 24 belong to unsuccessful on incidences from which five are to territories of high epidemiological risk: cities of Irkutsk, Angarsk and Ust-Ilimsk and also Katangsky and Shelekhovsky districts


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    Comprehensive epidemiological analysis of tuberculosis in the Republic of Buryatia (RB), including among different ethnicgroups (Russian, Buryat, Evenk) presents in the article. Assessment of the epidemiological situationfor 1994-2012 was examined on various parameters (incidence, prevalence and mortality). It was found that the epidemiological situation in RB in the last twenty years were characterized by high incidence of tuberculosis when compared with similar data for Russia as a whole (mean annual incidence 148,1 ± 6,90/0000 и 77.6 ± 2,10/0000 respectively). Among the various ethnic groups living in the RB, the most unfavorable epidemiological indicators identified for the Buryat population. "Safely" group of the population was Evenki. For each of the studied ethnic groups have been identified areas of tuberculosis risk, which had its own characteristics
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