258 research outputs found

    Can Constitutions or Laws Change Marriage?: Reflections on the “Goods of Marriage” and Natural Law of John Finnis

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    In this article the author examines recent case of the US Supreme Court, namely Obergefell v. Hodges in which a group of academics acted as amicus curiae in explaining natural law grounds for having traditional approach to marriage as a union between one woman and one man. Author shows the connection between teachings of natural law legal theorist John Finnis and his work entitled ‘Goods of marriage’ and endorses the view that ‘marriage’ should be reserved only for heterosexual couples. Heterosexual marriage, according to Finnis, protects the family, the Judeo-Christian concept of monogamy, and other social values that have been attained in the course of social evolution.U ovom djelu autor prikazuje nedavni slučaj iznesen pred Vrhovnim sudom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Obergefell v. Hodges u kojem je skupina znanstvenika priložila podnesak, kao prijatelji suda, u kojem su zagovarali zadržavanje tradicionalnog koncepta braka kao zajednice jednog muškarca i jedne žene. Autor povezuje učenja teoretičara (prirodnog) prava Johna Finnisa i njegov rad ‘Goods of Marriage’ sa zahtjevom da se bračna zajednica rezervira samo za heteroseksualne parove. Heteroseksualni brak, kao judeo-kršćanski koncept monogamije, prema Finnisu čuva obitelj i ostale društvene vrijednosti koje su postignute kroz društvenu evoluciju


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    This paper presents the results of attempt to perform modeling of SO2concentration in urban area in vicinity of copper smelter in Bor (Serbia), using ANFIS methodological approach. The aim of obtained model was to develop a prediction tool that will be used to calculate potential SO2 concentration, above prescribed limitation, based on input parameters. As predictors, both technogenic and meteorological input parameters were considered. Accordingly, the dependence of SO2concentration was modeled as the function of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity and amount sulfur emitted from the pyrometallurgical process of sulfidic copper concentration treatment

    Cost optimization in agribusiness based on life cycle costing

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    In efforts to achieve and sustain competitiveness and contribute to the goal of sustainable development of society, entity management requires information that will enable the adoption of adequate decisions. The changed business environment and the growing importance of the issues that emerge from the domain of traditional business, both spatial and temporal, have necessitated the monitoring of costs not only during the production phase, but throughout the entire grain cycle of the product. Since conventional cost accounting systems do not have the capacity to generate the above information, in theory and practice, a life cycle costing system (LCC) has been developed. The aim of the paper is to point out the specificity and importance of perceiving and capturing the impacts and consequential costs that arise during the life cycle of the product, with particular reference to agribusiness, precisely because of the complexity of optimizing costs in that sector

    Ključna pitanja prevođenja finansijskih izveštaja multinacionalnih kompanija

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    Circumstances, which include international trade intensification, development of various forms of business cooperation outside national borders-co-production, transfer of technology, joint ventures, strategic alliances, direct foreign investments, and dynamic changes in the business environment, require the management of a company to change their focus, from a local to a global approach. Multinational companies are business leaders in a global framework. The aim of this paper is to highlight the key challenges that multinational companies face when translating foreign currency transactions and the financial statements of foreign business operations for the purpose of compiling consolidated financial statements. In addition, the paper examines whether the chosen functional currency and the exchange rate can be viewed as instruments of their financial reporting policy.Intenziviranje međunarodne trgovine, razvoj različitih oblika poslovne saradnje van nacionalnih granica - koprodukcija, transfer tehnologije, zajednička ulaganja, strategijske alijanse, strane direktne investicije, kao i dinamične promene poslovnog okruženja, zahtevaju da menadžment preduzeća preusmeri poslovno razmišljanje sa lokalnog na globalni pristup. Multinacionalne kompanije predstavljaju nosioce poslovanja u globalnim okvirima. Cilj rada je da ukaže na ključne izazove sa kojima se menadžment multinacionalnih kompanija suočava prilikom prevođenja transakcija u stranoj valuti i finansijskih izveštaja inostranog poslovanja za potrebe sastavljanja konsolidovanih finansijskih izveštaja. Dodatno, u radu se istražuje da li je izbor funkcionalne valute i kursa razmene moguće posmatrati kao instrumente politike finansijskog izveštavanja

    Optimization of the technological procedure for isolation of amygdalin and quercetin from plants and their pharmacological activity

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    The plant extracts and compounds isolated from natural sources are commonly used for prevention of chronic diseases. These bioactive compounds have an increased application in modern conventional medicine. Despite a great progress in the treatment of malignant tumors, this disease still takes many lives. Today, a huge number of chemotherapeutics for tumor treatment can be found in the market. Because of their toxicity most drugs and drug products can not be applicated in the doses that completely inhibit the cells growth in organism. Quercetin and amygdalin belong to the most commonly used pharmacological agents for tumor treatment. Therefore, the subject of this dissertation is isolation of amygdalin and quercetin from two plant materials, i.e. green tea leaves and plum seeds. In this study, the effect of extraction time, solvent nature and solid to liquid ratio was investigated for quercetin, i.e. total flavonoids from green tea leaves using experimental design and artificial neural network. In addition to these parameters, the impact of extraction temperature was also studied during amygdalin extraction from plum seeds. The content of amygdalin, as well as quercetin in the extracts was determined using the developed HPLC methods. Total flavonoids content was determined by a spectrophotometric method based on the formation of complex with aluminium chloride. Amygdalin was isolated from the ethanolic extract of plum seeds after addition of diethyl-ether. The obtained amygdalin purity of 90% was defined with regard to the available amygdalin standard using HPLC method. The structural characterization of isolated amygdalin was carried using UV, IR and ESI-MS/MS methods. Adequate methods for determination of antioxidant activity (DPPH assay), antimicrobial activity (disc diffusion method) and antiproliferative activity (MTT assay) were used in order to define the pharmacological activities of green tea and plum seeds extracts, isolated amygdalin, quercetin and amygdalin standards. Based on all these pharmacological studies, it was shown that quercetin and green tea extract have better antioxidant activity compared to amygdalin and plum seeds extract. Amygdalin standard and plum seeds extract have antibacterial activity only on the strain of P. аeruginosa (>23 mm for both samples) and E. coli (17-19 mm and 20-22 mm, respectively). Abstract Quercetin standard and green tea extract have an additional effect on the strain of S. aureus with an inhibition zone of 20-22 mm and 17-19 mm, respectively. IC50 values of isolated amygdalin and its standard (>379.5 μg cm-3 and 304.65-333.27 μg cm-3, respectively) for the investigated cell lines were higher compared to green tea extract and quercetin standard (47.41-114.39 μg cm-3 and 19.24-44.07 μg cm-3, respectively). These values were determined using MTT assay and are in accordance with the literature. The cytotoxicity of amygdalin can be increased by addition of β-D-glucosidase enzyme

    Concept of Autonomous Liability of Legal Person and its Application in Criminal Law

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    Autor u članku obrađuje autonomnu odgovornost pravne osobe koja predstavlja nekonvencionalan način promatranja pravne osobe kao pravnog subjekta kojeg se tretira poput organizma koji ima svoju volju, a djelovanje pojedinih njegovih organa i/ili struktura se tretira kao djelovanje samog organizma. Kroz ovaj pomalo avangardan način proučavanja ove odgovornosti autor daje originalan pogled na njezine elemente i forme i prepoznaje ju u okvirima različitih pravnih konstrukcija. U radu se raščlanjuju sastavni dijelovi autonomne odgovornosti i utvrđuje se pravno teorijski okvir za njezin razvoj koji se prije svega predviđa u znanosti kaznenog prava ali i u općoj pravnoj znanosti uopće.In this paper the author examines a specific model of criminal liability of juristic persons namely corporations: autonomous liability model. This contemporary concept although has complex mechanisms in which one should observe legal entity offers solutions which other theoretical models of liability of juristic persons do not offer. Autonomous liability is not derived from the guilt or action of one particular employee of the organization but it exists on its own just as a result of an action of the legal entity itself. By this liability, mostly criminal one is not based on the concept of identification or vicarious liability (agency), but on the actions of the structure called corporation itself. Author analyzes important concepts of aggregation, organic theory, collective knowledge and corporate guilt and lists important factors which can detect structural omissions of the legal entity as well

    The Right to Privacy in the European Context: Insight into Fundamental Issues

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