606 research outputs found

    Shared-per-wavelength asynchronous optical packet switching: A comparative analysis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper compares four different architectures for sharing wavelength converters in asynchronous optical packet switches with variable-length packets. The first two architectures are the well-known shared-per-node (SPN) and shared-per-link (SPL) architectures, while the other two are the shared-per-input-wavelength (SPIW) architecture, recently proposed as an optical switch architecture in synchronous context only, which is extended here to the asynchronous scenario, and an original scheme called shared-per-output-wavelength (SPOW) architecture that we propose in the current article. We introduce novel analytical models to evaluate packet loss probabilities for SPIW and SPOW architectures in asynchronous context based on Markov chains and fixed-point iterations for the particular scenario of Poisson input traffic and exponentially distributed packet lengths. The models also account for unbalanced traffic whose impact is thoroughly studied. These models are validated by comparison with simulations which demonstrate that they are remarkably accurate. In terms of performance, the SPOW scheme provides blocking performance very close to the SPN scheme while maintaining almost the same complexity of the space switch, and employing less expensive wavelength converters. On the other hand, the SPIW scheme allows less complexity in terms of number of optical gates required, while it substantially outperforms the widely accepted SPL scheme. The authors therefore believe that the SPIW and SPOW schemes are promising alternatives to the conventional SPN and SPL schemes for the implementation of next-generation optical packet switching systems. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Rare Association of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy with High-degree Atrioventricular Block

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    Here we present a case of a patient who got trapped in an elevator; on initial evaluation patient was found with bradycardia; on further evaluation electrocardiogram (EKG) showed new onset 2nd-degree Mobitz type 2 AV block. On admission patient developed ischemic changes on EKG and troponin elevation. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed reduced ejection fraction as well as apical inferior, anterior, lateral, and septal hypokinesia. Coronary angiography showed nonobstructive coronary artery disease and ventriculogram demonstrated anterolateral and apical hypokinesia suggesting takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM). Atrioventricular block (AV) is rarely seen as initial presentation of TCM and has a prevalence of about 2.9%. AV block during early presentation of TCM poses a therapeutic dilemma with regard to the timing and the need to place a temporary or permanent pacemaker. The decision to place a permanent pacemaker may be on a case-by-case basis and more research is needed on formulating standardized recommendations in patients with TCM and conduction tissue abnormalities

    An exploratory case study of interactive simulation for teaching Ecology

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    This paper explores the effectiveness of interactive simulation for teaching a selected complex subject, Ecology, in higher education. Specifically, we carry out a lab intervention using interactive agent based simulation, to teach the complex concept of spatially-explicit predator prey interaction to undergraduate students of an advanced module: BIOU9CE (Community Ecology & Conservation Applications) at the University of Stirling. We propose use of Netlogo, an interactive agent-based simulation tool, and evaluate its effectiveness for learning and teaching of interactive simulation developed specifically for the classroom, compared with an existing, less interactive, simulation tool (R)

    Cystic Fibrosis: new trends in ophthalmological evaluation

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    Cystic fibrosis is characterized by hypoxia that affects several organic tissues.. Twenty-two eyes in CF patients were analyzed. The oxygen supply alterations might determine hypoxia of the ganglion cells causing a decrease of receptive activit

    D-shaped Left Ventricle, Anatomic, and Physiologic Implications

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    Right ventricular loading/pressure influences left ventricular function because the two ventricles pump in series and because they are anatomically arranged in parallel, sharing the common ventricular septum. Flattening of the interventricular septum detected during echocardiographic examination is called D-shaped left ventricle. We present a case of an elderly male of African descent, who presented with increased shortness of breath. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed flattening and left sided deviation of interventricular septum causing a decreased size in left ventricle, secondary to volume/pressure overload in the right ventricle. While patient received hemodialysis therapy and intravascular volume was removed, patient blood pressure was noted to increase, paradox. Repeated transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated less left deviation of interventricular septum compared with previous echocardiogram. We consider that it is important for all physicians to be aware of the anatomic and physiologic implication of D-shaped left ventricle and how right ventricle pressure/volume overload affects its function and anatomy

    Oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane penetration depth in underdoped Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta} as revealed by muon-spin rotation

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    The oxygen-isotope (^16O/^18O) effect (OIE) on the in-plane penetration depth λab(0)\lambda_{ab} (0) in underdoped Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta} was studied by muon-spin rotation. A pronounced OIE on λab2(0)\lambda_{ab}^{-2}(0) was observed with a relative isotope shift of Δλab2/λab2\Delta\lambda^{-2}_{ab}/\lambda^{-2}_{ab}=-5(2)% for x =0.3 and -9(2)% for x=0.4. It arises mainly from the oxygen-mass dependence of the in-plane effective mass mabm_{ab}^{\ast}. The OIE exponents of T_{c} and of λab2(0)\lambda_{ab}^{-2}(0) exhibit a relation that appears to be generic for cuprate superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, RevTex

    Packet loss analysis of synchronous buffer-less optical switch with shared limited range wavelength converters

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    Application of synchronous optical switches in Optical Packet/Burst switched networks is considered. The shared per node architectural concept, where wavelength converters are shared among all input and output channels, is applied for contention resolution in the wavelength domain. A semi-analytical traffic model suitable to represent the different contributions to packet loss is proposed and validated. Full and limited range wavelength conversion capabilities are considered, and loss results obtained to support switch design. An approximated fully analytical approach for the limited range case is also described and comparison with simulation results is presented to assess the capability to capture the main aspects of packet loss behavior. ©2007 IEEE

    Lantana camara (verbenaceae) : a potential threat to the effectiveness of protected areas to conserve flora and fauna in Benin

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    Invasive plant species are today among the biggest threats to integrity of many ecosystems including that of the protected areas. Climate change may exacerbate the negative effects of invasive plant species. Here, we used the Maximum Entropy model to project habitat suitability for Lantana camara L., an invasive plant species under current and future climates in the national protected areas network of Benin. The models were run using bioclimatic data and data on soil type. Nineteen percent of the total land in the protected areas network was highly suitable for L. camara under current climate. Highly suitable areas under current and future climates cover about 65 % of the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, the major wildlife sanctuary in Benin. Other bio-reserves such as W National Park, Lama, Agoua, Dogo-Kétou, Atchérigbé, Mékrou and Kouandé Forest Reserves were also suitable for the species. Presence of L. camara in the protected areas represents a great potential threat to the global food webs being conserved. Based on these results, areas with highly suitable habitats are at high risk of invasion by L. camara, and should be accorded high priority when formulating appropriate management strategies.Keywords: Invasive species ; Climate change ; Habitat suitability ; Protected areas ; West AfricaLantana camara et les aires protegees au BeninLes espèces invasives font de nos jours partie des plus importantes menaces aux quelles font face les écosystèmes y compris les aires protégées. Les changements climatiques peuvent amplifier leurs effets négatifs. Dans la présente étude, nous avons utilisé un algorithme de modélisation de niche écologique, le Maximum Entropy pour analyser la susceptibilité des habitats à être colonisés par Lantana camara L., une plante invasive, sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures dans les aires protégées du Bénin. Les modèles ont été établis en utilisant des données bioclimatiques et des données relatives aux types de sol. Dans les conditions climatiques actuelles, 19 % de la superficie totale du réseau des aires protégées est significativement favorable à L. camara. Sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures, 65 % de la réserve de biosphère de Pendjari, le plus important sanctuaire de faune sauvage du Bénin, est hautement favorable à l’espèce. D’autres bio-réserves telles que le Parc National W et les reserves forestières de Lama, Agoua, Dogo-Kétou, Atchérigbé, Mékrou et Kouandé ont aussi des habitats favorable à l’espèce. En nous fondant sur ces résultats, les zones favorables sont à haut risque d’invasion par L. camara et  devraient être priorisées lors de la formulation de stratégies préventives appropriées.Mots clés: Espèces envahissantes ; Changements Climatiques ; Habitats favorables ; Aires protégées, Afrique de l’Ouest

    Association between migraine and HLA–DRB1 gene polymorphisms

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    We examined the distribution of HLA–DRB1 alleles in a cohort of 255 Italian migraine patients and in a control group of 325 healthy subjects. The frequency of DRB1*12 allele was found to be significantly reduced (p=0.02) in patients with migraine while the DRB1*16 allele was significantly increased (p=0.04) in comparison with controls. When the patients were divided into disease subgroups (migraine with and without aura), HLA–DRB1**16 allele was significantly increased (p<0.05) only in migraine without aura patients. We conclude that, in Italian patients, migraine is associated with different alleles of the HLA–DRB1 locus. Our data suggest the presence of a genetic susceptibility factor for migraine within the HLA region